Introduce Yourself!!



  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi! My name is Noelle... I just turned 25 and live in Upstate NY, feel free to add me! My goal is 15 lbs for the 50 days.

    I'm married to a wonderful chef (a blessing and a curse). After being married (and eating pretty much anything I wanted) for a few months, I gained 15 lbs. After seeing a picture of myself, I joined MFP but wasn't super commited until months later.

    Now, after being married a year and a couple of months, I've lost a total of 27 lbs, 20 since joining MFP and went from a size 14 to a size 10 (sometimes an 8!). It's been a very long SLOW process, but I haven't felt this good in a long time.

    I've also regained my passion for running... I just completed the Army Ten Miler in DC. I also ran the Adirondack Ragnar Relay (I did a total of 19.8 miles over the course of 36 hours). I think that has been the biggest thing, is getting back to an active lifestyle. Working a desk job is really hard on the old waistline...and it shows.

    One of my biggest challenges has been making sure I am giving my body enough fuel to run, without completely overdoing it... it's an everyday process.

    I try to eat healthfully (and it works most of the time) but I go through phases...I'm in one right now... I don't believe in depriving myself, moderation is key--But sometimes moderation is really hard! MFP has helped me to take a hard look at what I am eating and what small changes need to be made. It's been a combination of MFP and listening to my body that has really worked... and this week my body has been very unhappy with me.

    I think this group came along at the perfect time... let's do this!!!

    Again, feel free to add me... I also write a blog: Check it out! :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • I am Adriane. I'm a single mom trying to find time to exercise! I have the good eating habits down but it's time to step it up a notch and exercise to loose even more. My Christmas present to myself is loosing weight so bring on the 50 day challenge!
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    My name is Heather! I just joined MFP last week after hearing the success stories from several friends who use this program. I lost 20 pounds earlier this year by doing Weight Watchers; however, I also worked out between 5-10 hours a week, so I'm convinced I actually lost more weight but didn't know it because I was gaining muscle weight in the process. Having eaten whatever I ever wanted throughout my life, I made the choice to becom a vegan.. that lasted for about a month. I then switched over to a vegetarian lifestyle and don't regret it one bit.

    After life took over, I went on about a 3-4 month hiatus from dieting (while still maintaining a 98% vegetarian lifestyle). I gained back roughly 3-7 pounds (which is what my profile is currently reflecting).

    I was always a fairly "small" person growing up -- and then I began to have some major health problems. After being on countless medications, 6 months of treatments, many different kinds of steroids, multiple hospital stays, and 2 surgeries, I found myself about 40 pounds heavier than I had ever been in my life. That's what made me begin to travel the road of "dieting."

    I'm currently enrolled in two college programs (Masters Degree through NU and a 3-year program through ABI), I work full-time, have two dogs (IG and Pitbull - see my pictures), and am at my church anywhere from 3-6 times a week -- not to mention all the little extras that come and go.

    It's time to take control and get healthy, get fit, get skinnier.

    I have BAGS of amazingly adorable clothes (which I so affectionately call my "skinny clothes" --- sizes 6-8) that I want to be able to wear again.

    Also, I've planned a trip to SC in April 2013 to visit a friend. I'm going to be running my first marathon during that time as well --- and I want to be in shape to do it!

    If anyone can offer any helpful tips or "quick and easy" (but effective) workouts that can be squeezed into an overly-busy and jam-packed schedule, PLEASE share them with me! Anything at all would be awesome. Also, please feel free to add me as a friend on here -- I'd love to have you join me on this journey and hopefully be an inspiration to you as well!
  • tiffanepiphany
    tiffanepiphany Posts: 58 Member
    Hey I'm Tiffany...32 yr old working mom, 10 yr old twin girls, happily married for 10 years. Lately I'm struggling with consistent exercise: lack of motivation to do at home workouts in the morning and too tired or busy to go to the gym in the evenings.

    Excited to take on the challenge and see how much progress I make over the next 50 days! My goal is 10 pounds, but I'd like to lose 15 by then.

    Good luck folks...feel free to add me as a friend so we can keep up with each other!!
  • Kelin
    Kelin Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a 31 year old working mother of almost 8 month old twin baby girls. I am married and my husband and I are having a little weight loss competition. I am going to beat him... oh yes, yes I am. :) I have been logging on MFP for a little over a week and so far lost a few pounds. My goal is to loose at least 15 pounds in 50 days - 18 would be nice too. Overall I have a lot more than that to loose but this will be a good jump start to keep me focused. Look forward to loosing with all of you! Feel free to add me and smack me around a little if you see that I'm not meeting my goals.
  • msfoto
    msfoto Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everybody!

    My name is Stacey and I'm ready to finally get rid of all this extra weight. I'm a stay at home mom/part time photographer. I have 3 kids, one in high school, one in jr. high, and one in grade school. I'm hoping to get movtivation and helpful eating tips from others on this site. My family is involved in a lot of sports so we eat a lot of quick meals and I would like those quick meals to be healthier for us all.
    I'm looking forward to this challenge and would like to lose at least 15 pounds by Christmas. Realistically I would be happy with 10.
  • Hey i am in to reduce 18 lb in 50 days !!
  • chaNyn613
    chaNyn613 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi All,

    I have been on MFP for a while- a friend told me about it. I am just now ready to realise its potential. I just started a brand new job which I love and its much more flexible than my old job so I feel that I am finally in control of my life. I am pretty steady with my workouts- 4-5 week but my eating is less consistent. I know what I should do but... I am starting with South Beach tomorrow. I've used it in the past and it works for me. I also want to to C5k starting next week. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • chumriupsua
    chumriupsua Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Tina and I'm currently 210 lbs and ready to lose the 45 lbs I've gained since having my daughter.

    I was in graduate school and just recently got a job and all the stress has really shown up on my body. Ready to get back to being fit and having a happy healthy life with my daughter!

    Let's motivate each other :)
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Glad I found this at the beginning!! I'm Christina -- 36. I'be been on MFP just over a year now. I lost 16 lbs at one point and then gained some back. Lost my motivation along the way. Hoping this will help get me moving in the right direction! The last time I weighed in on here I was at 202. Since then each time I've weighed on 2 different scales it ranged between 203 and 207. A group was here at work doing free blood pressure screenings and mine was borderline. I need to get my act together and lose weight. Diabetes runs in my family as well as blood pressure/cholesterol issues.

    My goal for the next 50 days: to really commit to being healthier and eating better, exercise a minimum of 3 hours per week, be under on cals at least 5 days per week and hoping I can lose at least 15 lbs by 12/18.
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I am 37, mother of 11 yo and 15mo, still breastfeeding. Would absolutelly love to lose 18lbs.
    My plan is under on cals, elliptical trainer 30/45 mins - 3 times a week. I really need the support, I can't stay on track...
  • kbs1225
    kbs1225 Posts: 8 Member
    HI everyone! I have a two year old son and looking to drop some weight! I am trying to lose 20 pounds in 50 days! Best of luck to everyone!
  • wannabea10again
    wannabea10again Posts: 8 Member
    My goal over the next 50 days is to lose 10 lbs, to walk every day at least 2 miles and to complete the 30 Day Shred!
  • Honeytriggs
    Honeytriggs Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Shannon, but I go by Honey. I would like to shed 15lb by Christmas myself. I love the elliptical machine and can do it 60 minutes 6 days a week, but I need other things to help mainly diet curbers to get around that 2-3pm feeling at work. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    Hello, I'm aiming for 18 by Dec. 18. I've been on MFP for a few months now and have lost and gained (and lost and gained) the same few pounds over and over. I get really disciplined for awhile and then things start to slide...I started a new and very demanding job in August, and I'm letting it dictate the level of care I give myself (which is no way to live!). So I will stay dedicated for 50 days and see what I can accomplish. Thus far I've been working on diet, but I'm adding in exercise again starting tomorrow!
  • spe8421
    spe8421 Posts: 11
    I am in. I need some motivation. Kinda stuck in a rut and I think this challenge will help me out. I excercise in the mornings (4-5 days/wk) on my elliptical, pilates and walk outside when the weather cooperates. I am married with 4 children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, 1 granddaughter and before Chirstmas will have 2 more grandbabies to spoil. Loosing 15 lbs by Christmas will about get me to my goal so bring it on!!!
  • Good afternoon fellow MFP challengers. I'm Stasia, 28, 5'3 and 152 lbs. I have trying to stick to Insanity since last December. My problem is that everytime I complete it I lay off it for a while and it is hard to get back into it. The other problem is I don't have a schedule that allows to me get into a routine. As a Flight Attendant I am always on the go and eating healthy on the road is very EXPENSIVE. I don't care if I have to get up at 3 a.m. like I used to get my insanely fit, I will do it. I just need a motivator. I am all for the 18 lbs. I will push for 20 if I must... I just need someone to be on me everyday!!!!
  • Hello Teammates - my name is Peter and I'm in Seattle, WA. I love sport, fitness and great health. Somehow I lost my path and am excited to be back on track with a goal weight target of 170 lbs by year end. Food logging, early AM exercise all paired with water, water, water and 7 hours of sleep a night will get me to my goal. Thrilled to join this team and look forward to hitting my goal and cheering for fellow teammates as they pursue their goal!
  • Hello Teammates - my name is Peter and I'm in Seattle, WA. I love sport, fitness and great health. Somehow I lost my path and am excited to be back on track with a goal weight target of 170 lbs by year end. Food logging, early AM exercise all paired with water, water, water and 7 hours of sleep a night will get me to my goal. Thrilled to join this team and look forward to hitting my goal and cheering for fellow teammates as they pursue their goal!

    7 hours of sleep...SO IMPORTANT. My lack of sleep is one of the things, I think, that has hindered my success. Thanks for the reminder that it should be a goal of equal importance as exercise and nutrition!
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Hi my name is Diana and I have like 50 lbs to lose. I would like to be a part of this group. Do we just check in on this thread daily or what. If not just add me to your friends. Loving this app.