Where Are My Tall Ladies??? (Pics Would Be Great!!!)



  • Congrats on your weight loss. That is so great. I agree I think being in the 130's at 6 ft is pretty skinny. I'm 5'9 1/2". When I was in High SChool I weight around 135 and was really skinny. So I can only imagine what 130 would look like on a six foot frame.
  • I am 5"11 and have 115 pounds to shed. I will post a full body pic on my profile page, but we have to be friends in order for anyone to view it.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    I'm 5'10. Starting weight 171, Now 168, Goal 145.

    I have a hard time figuring out weight at my height. I'm small boned, but wide framed, and I can't find anything about "frame size" on the internet to help me. I have broad shoulders, ribs, and hips, but my wrists and ankles are small and bony. So, I know I can be smaller than I am (cause I have been), but I get caught up in model weight/sizes. I don't want to be that thin, but it is just confusing to me. As an adult, my lowest has been 140-145 and I was a size 6/8 there. I think I looked good and that was maintainable. I just always wonder if I should be striving for 125. I'd never strive for anything below that (I don't like the looks of it). It's just tough being tall...even when you're thin, you weight more than everyone.

    Anyway, nice to meet everyone! I'd love to see some more activity on this board. :-)
  • Hello all,

    I am back on MFP after a long break. I am 5,11. Started at 175 pounds with a goal of shedding 30 pounds and get to 145, have lost 12.5 so far.

    I am addicted to cake, chocolate, cheese, gin, wine and being lazy. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • msfoto
    msfoto Posts: 5 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm 5' 10" and my current weight is 223 which is also my heaviest. My first goal is to get to 175 and then I'm hoping to get to a final weight of 155. It's nice to meet other women who have similar issues and questions. Please feel free to friend me!
  • joeyrae78
    joeyrae78 Posts: 4 Member
    Tall ladies - I know we are all shaped very differently and someone at 6'0 can look great at 155 where my goal is 165 to 170 due to my muscular shape and I am 5'10. I have about 12 to 15 lbs to go - I started out at 258 last May when I gave birth to my 2nd son, I was wearing a 16 to 18 or XL maternity. Now I am in a size 10 pants and a medium top. It seems that many of you lovely ladies have pretty low numbers on the scale for goal weight. I am curious if this a number that you use to see when you were younger, or your physicians have suggested it?

    My plan is to be in a size 6 to 8 when I hit goal weight, but I also work out a lot. I love being able to weigh more than many of my friends of a similar height due to my level of activity and muscle tone. So for those of you ladies who want to remain curvy with your height, hit the gym, start building muscle and your goal weight can go up.

    I know you tall waify ones out there are of a different breed than us tall muscular girls! We love you too though :) Embrace your body and love it!
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to MFP but excited. I'm one of those that needs support to stay strong during weight loss, so here I am!
    I'm 5'11". At my heaviest I was 274. I'm currently at 258. My first mini goal is to get under 250 so I don't have to pay extra to go zip lining with my family. That should be an easy goal with a fun reward. My middle distance goal is to complete C25K and see that 199 mark. My ultimate goal is 175. I don't want to be "high school skinny". I'm proud to be a woman now. I like some curves and I don't mind looking like a mom. I'm proud of my kids. Good luck to you all!
  • OllysWife
    OllysWife Posts: 6 Member
    Height: 5'8 1/2"
    January 2012 weight: 167 lbs/ Body Fat= 17%

    ...We're had a baby!

    September Weight: 207 lbs :grumble:

    October Weight: 185lbs

    November Weight: 180 lbs

    GOAL: 165 lbs !

    Stared using MFP to keep track of my food/weight during pregnancy. I quit smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant and packed on an extra 10 pounds (IN A MONTH! Yikes!). I had gestational diabetes which caused a host of dietary issues. The weight and stress on my joints made it tough to exercise so I did my best.
    Now my little guy is here... He's pretty awesome. I love him dearly. What I don't love? The aftermath of creating such an awesome little person.
    I LOVE working out! I always have. My diet never really much mattered because I was (and still am) a total gym rat (or mouse, it's more ladylike) After having my little guy I am back at it. I have never realized how hard it is to not be daunted by the scale! I am at the plateau and it looks like my diet is the first thing on the chopping block!
  • cbcmonkey
    cbcmonkey Posts: 4 Member
    Another Tall Lady right here! No pictures yet, however.
    I'm 5'11''
    SW 213
    CW 173
    GW - not sure, but maybe 165

    It has been an amazing 5 months. One of the highlights was buying a pair of size 7 pants this week. MFP has been a great part of the journey.
  • Hi everyone :) I'm almost 5'11 and 165.6 I want to get down to 135ish.... Add me..... :)))))))) really enjoy everyone's posts in my news each day.
  • xleesha
    xleesha Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'10 1/2
    SW 199 (90kg)
    CW 160 (73kg)
    GW 145 (65kg)

    I'm about to start a PT course next year and I want to be able to feel confident in teaching others without feeling horrible about myself. I've come to far with clean eating/ walking but I want to work really hard (running and weights) to keep going till maintenance.

  • Hi everyone.... Am 30 y.o., 6'1 and currently 162lbs, looking to get down to 140.

    Grew up feeling really out of place and never really treasured my body, often hid behind baggy clothes. would say I was even ashamed of my height ... how i dressed felt inconsequential because I was just so out of place...

    Now my main reason for wanting to push the remaining 20+ lbs is to see if it makes a difference to my confidence. Know it sounds strange, has anyone experienced this before? it sounds almost like a mid-life crisis as I'm typing it....
  • JordanandJacque
    JordanandJacque Posts: 23 Member
    I am 5'11", currently 166. Looking to get into the mid 150's
  • 5'11" sw 215lb gw mid 160s. Have massive boobs and the shoulders of a linebacker so never going to be a small dress size!
  • I am 5 '11" CW 286 (7 1/2 Month postpartum) GW is 215 and HW was 306 when I started MFP i started at 300. I am truly just trying to lose my baby weight. I gained 70 pounds with my baby girl. Yes she was truly worth it but it is time now. Good Luck Everyone!
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    If y'all are tall, then I must be extra-tall (-;

    I'm 6'0" and 205, trying to get to 165 but I've never been there, so let's see how far I can go and be healthy!

    Here are a couple of pics:

    in the white gown, taken August 18, 2012

    in the purple gown, taken December 17, 2012

    See, I need to be much fitter... just picked up a strength training book! (-:
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    Hey All!!!
    SW 290
    CW 254
    GW 175

    I have currently lost 36 lbs and am working on my next goal of losing 50 lbs (14 lbs away from next goal).
  • Hi Everyone! I'm just staring out
    I'm 6'0
    CW: 273
    GW: 160
    glad to see others looking to get the same range I am trying to get to! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi Everyone!

    CW: 231
    Mini GW: 220
    UGW: 200

    I'm not trying to be too skinny. I love being thick and I love my curves!

    Feel Free to ADD me!!
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    i'm 5'10" and 24 years old - feel free to add me :)

    starting weight: 224 lbs
    current weight: 210.4 lbs
    goal weight: 175 lbs