Alternate day fasting Help!

I am new to this hello everyone. I have come aboard for some encouragement & inspiration. I have been doing alternate fasting for the past few months and have lost about 30 lbs. I am now at 198 lbs and have not seen a shift in my weight...or so the scales says. I am feeling lighter, more energized and happy. But i feel i need to kick it up a notch. My week usually goes Mon: eat breakfast about 300/400cal then fast 24 hours (sometimes 26hours) then eat breakfast and dinner of around 1200c total. And then wed back again to breakfast & 24hour fast....and so on
Mon-24hours fast
Tue-eat day
wed-24hour fast
sat & sun eat.

But like i've said there has been no weight loss over the past 2 weeks. Has anyone experienced this? I am thinking about doing an apple only fast (and plenty of water) for 3days to help break and then continue with above fasting 3 days alternating per week. Also i would love to hear some weight loss stories through ADF...for inspiration! Hope everyone is kicking *kitten* ;-)


  • mermer45
    mermer45 Posts: 77 Member
    It goes in fits and starts and is not linear. I found that when I did fasting/cr for 3 days a week I lost weight more consistently and when I moved to a 5:2 system I've steadied....but I am around my target weight so not too worried
  • kiwit22
    kiwit22 Posts: 14 Member
    Are you eating enough calories overall for the week? Say for example to lose XXX per week you should average out at 1200* calories per day. So if down day is 300 calories then up day should be 2100 (1200 + (1200 - 300)).

    I got obssessed with calories and my weight loss stalled. My theory is that for the VERY FIRST TIME in my life I was actually eating too little calories :noway: A relaxed few days of eating and my weight starting moving again. I'm still not losing huge amounts but with the way I've been eating on Up days no wonder.

    However exams are over so time to CRACK ON :bigsmile:

  • Hi couple of things:

    I have been doing 5:2 since early sep.

    I switched to ADF and now I do 2 days Fasting 1 Day Feed.

    I eat a pretty standard routine on fast day:

    apple for a breakfast 70 cals
    Chicken and vegetable soup from marks (3 for 2) for lunch (180 calories thereabouts)
    Mackerel in Tomato sauce (200 cals thereabouts)

    if I ever feel really really hungry I eat fruits to fill up.

    I realise though that you have to adapt the Fast to suit your needs and what you feel is right; like for instance I've been losing 1kg per week fairly consistently (started at 79.5kg am now 70.9 around 6 weeks later and am hoping to stabilise around 60-65kg in a couple of weeks)..

    it's about what ur body feels right and yes also beware starvation mode and nutritional; it is so important to have good nutrition.. :smile:
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    It goes in fits and starts and is not linear. I found that when I did fasting/cr for 3 days a week I lost weight more consistently and when I moved to a 5:2 system I've steadied....but I am around my target weight so not too worried

    Absolutely, there's nothing linear about how our bodies decide to release the weight. I do a straight rotation, without back to back eating days. It's super simple, with little thought or planning involved, and I've lost consistently (overall, though there are periods of more rapid/slower loss) for nearly a year doing so. I'd suggest you try straight rotations, and not worry about the number of hours fasting. Basically, you'd stick to your fasting calories one day, your normal calories the next day, and alternate. For me, it's 1915 up day calories, and I allow myself up to 700 calories on down days, though I rarely get above 400-500 calories. Then your "fasting" day automatically ends up being about 36 hours (from your last meal on an up day to your first meal on the following up day). HTH!
  • amandajayne11
    amandajayne11 Posts: 9 Member
    I agree with an earlier post that you're not having enough calories. Your body will only release fat if you are eating enough. I do alternate day a lot of the time and have around 2000 on up-days and 500 on down days. My weight loss has sped up since I started eating more. Food quality also counts; fats, proteins, and veg are more conducive to weight loss than carbs as they don't raise insulin as much.
  • AWESOME Thanks for all your tips & advice. Yes i am going to work on increasing calories on my up days.