Introduce Yourself!!



  • :happy:
    Hello Crystal, my name's Lannette.
    I'm a recent college graduate.
    I'm totally blind, not that I let that stop me one bit! I'm 32 years old, and I have a new little niece that lives down South, and I have the opportunity to meet her around the last day of the 50 day challenge! :-)
    I once weighed 135 pounds, but somehow I gained an extra 109 pounds on top of that. It's the extra weight I want to send packing,
    I'm not happy being the "Happy Fat Kid anymore"! Do you know of any recipes that I can create with my mom that are healthy? I'm having trouble with increasing my calorie count, for someone who loves to eat that should be easy, but it's not.
  • Hey guys, my name is Jay and I'd LOVE to lose 18-20lbs in 50 (or in my case 49) days. I'm very motivated right now and want to take advantage of that feeling.

    Kudo's to everyone in this group. Usually folks do fitness challenges in January, but not us -- we're ready a couple of months early!

    10/30/12 - Current weight 226, Goal Weight in 50 days 206.
  • Hello Everyone.

    My name is Ursula and im up for the challenge.I told myself I wanted to lose some weight before my 25th on the 22nd of October and I lost 2 lbs. I know that I can lose more and this is the just the motivation I need. Let's motivate each other and lose some weight in the process.
  • Hi Everyone!
    My name is Victoria.
    I am a 49 newlywed and want to be at my all time best by the time I hit 50. I have until March so this is a perfect way to start. Recently married my Prince Charming, have two boys, Gabe 19 and Sam 24, and am the proud new mom to three additional grown children. I want to loose 20 lbs. by Christmas.
    Lost 60 lbs in 2008 but have gained 30 back over the last couple of years. Can't wait to loose it again and for good, with all of you!
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    Hello! I'm in my late 20s, 5'2" , I was obese last year but got my act together and started losing weight September 2011. I've lost 24.4 kg so far and reached my goal of 60kg recently. I'm now at 59.6kg and I'm looking to losing more weight before Christmas, somewhere between 4-6 kg. Good luck everyone!
  • icu544
    icu544 Posts: 1
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone, I am Nicole. I am a full-time graduate student majoring in Special Education. In addition to attending graduate school, I have two part time jobs. I babysit and work at a local grocery store (gotta pay off those student loans somehow!). The reason why I have decided to join MFP is because ever since August, I have gained weight due to lack of time going to the gym. I was very consistent in going over the summer and felt great. Now that I am on a very busy schedule 6 days out of the week, I find myself not going to the gym, and eating unhealthy because I like to grab unhealthy things to eat while I am on the go.

    I just got engaged over the summer and am planning to get married in June 2014. My total weight loss goal is to lose 30 pounds. I currently weigh 165 pounds and would love to get down to 135 by my wedding. My short term weight loss goal is to lose a minimum of 5 pounds by Christmas.

    I look forward to getting to know you all and motivate each other through this challenge and making good eating decisions. :)

    Good luck!

  • Hello! My name is Natesha. I'm 38 yrs. old and a mother of two: a 15 yr old daughter and my new 3 month old son!! Yes, I'm starting all over and couldn't be happier!! I've really enjoyed getting to know my new addition, but my body has been paying the price. I work in law enforcement and will be returning to work in one week (reluctantly) and can't seem to fit into my uniforms anymore. I've had to go from a size 12 to a 16!! I really would like to get back into shape so I can really enjoy the years of motherhood with my little man. I just joined MFP today and I'm looking forward to reaching my goal. My pre-pregnancy weight was 170, and now I'm 198. I want to be even better than I was before and look forward to meeting this goal with everyone!! Good luck to you all!!
  • petitegreek
    petitegreek Posts: 144 Member

    Thank you so much for starting this challenge. I really need the motivation! I'm glad I discovered the message boards on here.

    Your kids are SO adorable! I have such a soft spot for kids, especially since I am going into teaching :)

    Good luck!

    Hey everyone,

    I'll start by telling you about me! My name is Crystal. I am married to the man of my dreams (most of the time HA!) and we have three amazing kiddos. I have a 6 year old boy, 4 year old boy and 1 year old girl! They are absolute gifts to me and have made my life so fun!

    After my 2nd kiddo was born I lost all of the weight I had gained through pregnancy and my pre-pregnancy "happy marriage" weight. I got down to 136 and felt SO GOOD in my own skin (who wouldn't in a size 4?!?!)! I did it by going to spin classes 2-3 days/week and taking liftting classes 2 days/week. I was also VERY strict with my food during the week and generally let it slip a little on the weekends. But I literally ate the same things everyday.

    I work full time 7am - 4pm and am trying to do all my working out in the mornings. I have found (for me) that if I start the day off at the gym, then I'm MUCH more successful throughout the day. My motivation has had a lot of ups and downs over the past 50 days which is why I'm looking for some serious accountability for the next 50.

    I can't thank you enough for joining me here. I'd like to be "friends" with everyone here. I update my status at least twice a day and there you can see what I'm eating. So if we haven't connected, please send me a friend request! Let's use this group to stay accountable and encourage each other!!

    December 18th is quickly approaching!!!! Have a great day 2!
  • NDavila75
    NDavila75 Posts: 14 Member
    This is my first group here but I really really need to lose some weight so I'll give it a try. I'm 37, mom of 3 boys - only the 14 yr old is home - the 18 & 20 year old are on their own), and I just became a GRANDMA a month ago. I'm currently 5'3" and 186 (I've lost 10 lbs already). Most of my weight is in my middle, which makes my belly my BIGGEST problem. I was 160 in '03, lost a bunch of weight in 04, down to 103! Then I got sick and gained it all back by 09. Since moving back ti IL in 09, I gained another 30 lbs. I have fibromyalgia, bursitis in both hips, migraines, etc..... on lots of meds and have chronic back & hip pain. Because of this, I have become quite sedentary, and was using a cane a month ago.To say I have been feeling pretty horrible about myself for a while :( My youngest son joined the local gym with me and at the advice of my dr, I am doing a program meant for those with chronic pain (plus I just had cortisone shots in my hip). I'm doing a lot of swimming and exercise in the warm therapy pools & spa. I started actually working out last week, just 30 mins on the treadmill. I could only do 12 mins the first day, then 20, and now 30 mins today :) So, I'm down 10 lbs in like 3 weeks. I MUST lose this weight, my body hurts because of the weight. My son is not going with me regularly so I'm trying to gain the confidence to work out in front of people when I just feel SO fat.... I'm losing my insurance JANUARY 1 so I have to get off off most of these medications so I can feel myself again. Cymbalta & Lyrica are the reason for the last 30 lbs and I'm so done with them.

    Anyway, FRIEND me and I can help be your support system, I need all the help I can get too!
  • NDavila75
    NDavila75 Posts: 14 Member
    Oh - my name's Nicole!
  • I'm in! I have a long-term goal of about 40lbs to lose, but 18lbs in 50 days sounds like a good jumpstart for me :)
  • dkmsindependent
    dkmsindependent Posts: 162 Member
    Hi my name is Danae.
  • dkmsindependent
    dkmsindependent Posts: 162 Member
    Hi my name is Danae. I am so glad to have found this group.
    I can have 50 good days in a row!
    I have been having a week of binge eating and need to find a way out.
    I know I cannot do it alone.

    Today is my first day 'back on track,'

    Today my goals are:
    Ask for help
    Track what I eat
    Eat within my 1350 calories
    Drink 8 cups of water
    Exercise - even if just for a little while and enter it

    Tonight I will earn a big sparkly sticker for doing all of this.
    Quite simple really.

    Please pray for me!!!
  • Hi guys! I'm Anna, 33 years old and single, living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I'm a fulltime lawyer and work about 80 hours a week.. too much I know but I just really love my job. Have a great family and a great group of friends.

    Two years ago I lost about 33 lbs. Working out 3 days per week and eating 6 meals per day. Lots of fruit and veggies and NO wheat. That means no bread and that was hard, cause we Dutch people love our bread for breakfast and lunch.

    I felt great and took up surfing!! Loved it!!

    Unfortunately I slipped and have gained weight since. And lost a lot of muscle.. Yuck.

    My goal is to lose 20 lbs by new years so this 50 day challenge is perfect!

    Hope to get there with you!
  • Siren_Teffy
    Siren_Teffy Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Stefanie and I am 38 year old mother of two a 9 year old and a four year old. I need to lose 20lb. My husband is deployed and I want look good for when he comes home. I also want to have the energy and strength to the out door activites I love. I admitt it I dig for complaments and encouragement. They really feul my efforts and keep me on track when temptation calls. Cause I do love to eat!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Ashley. I'm going to be 19 in a few weeks, and by Christmas I want to be 20 lbs less than I am now. :)
  • Hi! I'm Andi and my goal is to lose 7-10 lbs by the end of the 50 days! It doesn't seem like much but I just had my second child a few weeks ago and have just gotten the OK from my OB to start exercising and losing weight so I'm going to take it slow for a little bit! I'd be happy to lose 10 lbs by Christmas as that would put me under my pre baby weight (which I was unhappy with!) After 2 kids it's time to get serious about my weight and health! After I had my first I said I was going to lose weight and I didn't and then what do you know 10 months later I'm at my heaviest and finding out I was pregnant again!! Excited for this challenge and happy to have others to be motivated by and hopefully help motivate them as well! :)
  • IamNhappy
    IamNhappy Posts: 88 Member
    Howdy all,

    My name is Taylor, am looking forward to make these positive strides in the right direction for a lower and healthier number on the scale. There is no doubt in my mind that we all can do it. I like the number 18 btw =p. Can't wait to see your results from this challenge!
  • mcfadyenxxx
    mcfadyenxxx Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Leanne and I'm 17 years old. I'm not officially 'overweight' but my bmi is pretty close and I'm trying to keep away from that. I'm also a gymnast which means jumping around in a tight leotard and short shorts. I'd love to lose 12 lbs. It was the weight my mum was when she married, and though I'm so much younger I can't remember ever being that weight! It's time to change.

    I'm in my last year of high school. As well as a gymnast, I do dance and cheer dance. I love to eat so much! In all honesty, I probably should weigh more than I do, and if it wasn't for gymnastics I think I would be. I can't really control myself at times.