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  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    Hello new friends! This looks like a fun group!
    I'm Traci and i turned 40 this year. I live in North Carolina and am a true 'Southern Gal". I have an almost 7 year old little girl to keep up with.
    I've been on MFP since January. My loss hasn't been as high as I'd hoped it would be by now, but i'll take it. Always looking for supportive friends!!

  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi ladies, thank you for the invitation to the group! It's been fun reading through everyone's posts here!!

    I'm a married, 43-year old SAHM to two sets of twins. My big twins just turned 8 and my little twins are 5. Life is chaotic...but fun!

    I never really enjoyed working out until last year when I joined a gym and began working out with a personal trainer. She taught me that lifting weights does NOT bulk you up and I fell in love with it. I lost 32 pounds during the 6 months I worked out with her. But then I had to quit the gym and the holidays fell upon us and I got lazy. Ended up gaining back 20 of those pounds!

    In March of this year, I finally got back on the wagon again and started Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. Completed that...loved it!!! Then I began ChaLEAN Extreme and loved that even more!!! Now I'm on my 2nd round of JMBR and also doing Shaun T's Rockin Body for cardio. He's a blast and I actually look forward to my work outs!

    I would love to try Zumba, so that's my next goal!!

    I'm focused on building muscle and losing fat. I don't starve myself and I eat clean 90% of the time.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all better!!
  • Thank you for the invite!

    I am 52, and RN. Almost to goal weight. Currently 134-135 trying to get to 130-133. I am looking to lose body fat now vs actual weight. So the weight on the scale isn't that big of a deal. If I hit it great, if not as long as I don't gain I will be happy with it.
    I am starting to lift weights, still pretty much a weenie yet. Lol.
    I am married. Have one cat named Tiki.
    I live in central Arkansas. Have been here about 5 years. Spent 23 years in MO. North of KC.
    Born and raised in California.

    Looks like a great group!
  • Hello, Everyone. And thanks to Alice for inviting me to join this group. My name is Donna. I am 60 years old and an RN living in Tennessee. I am married with two adult daughters, one grand daughter and triplet 8 year old grandsons (a great source of exercise!) I joined MFP several months ago with the goal of losing about 30 pounds. I got off to a bad start in that I was stuck in a really bad plateau and couldn't get out. Finally (and slowly) I started to see a little progress. I lost 4 pounds over a three month period, then went on a week long trip and failed to follow the program. In one short week, I not only gained back the previous 4 lbs. but added 2 more extra pounds. we go again. Although I lack self-control, I have plenty of determination (if that counts for anything). I look forward to getting to know you better and welcome anyone who would like to friend me. This looks like a fun group!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Hello! I'm Kate. I live in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota. I'm married to a retired Army guy (now working at another career), have 3 grown children, three absolutely adorable granddaughters, and one very spoiled English Springer Spaniel. I am the director of a nonprofit organization that works with abused and neglected children.

    Like everyone else here, I've been on the diet yo-yo since high school. I've found my metabolism seems to halve at every birthday ending in 0. It has been increasingly difficult to take or keep off the weight. I've been on MFP since about April and have lost 23 pounds. Recently I decided to go full-vegan, which is a challenge since I live in "beef country" and my husband is an avid hunter. But I feel better since I've cut out meat and dairy, so I'm going to try to stay with it. (Except for Walleye - I can't give up Walleye!)

    After years of hating to cook, I'm kind of enjoying trying out new recipes, so please share any you've discovered. I am pretty good at modifying things to omit the foods I don't want to eat.
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    I enjoy gardening, swimming, & breeding tropical fish. My hubby & I also enjoy vacationing on cruise ships & snorkeling together.
  • Greetings all, I'm mama and thank you for the invite :smile:

    I'm hail from West Virginia, I am now 48 and have been fighting baby fat for over 30 years. I'll lose and then gain it all back. :cry:
    I am doing my best to lose my weight and get fit. It's been hard but I'll bounce back as I have done before.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    My name is Malvary and you can probably guess from my on-line name that I do genealogy and I'm also a lace=maker and lace teacher.

    I live in Otawa, Canada (the Nations Capital). I am formerly from England, but have lived here for half of my life.

    I have severe food allergies and find cooking a chore as I can not often follow a recipe without having to find something to substitute or leave out, probably changing the taste and texture of the item completely.

    I lost quite a bit of weight with WW, but I put quite a lot of it back on. I lost more than my ticker shows when I first joined MFP, so I corrected it to reflect actuality.

    Not sure how much I'll be able to offer on the menu side of things but perhaps I can offer encouragement to others (and to myself). I do not enjoy exercise, although I try to get my DBF to the mall at least 3-4 times a week to get him walking following a knee replacement surger, heart attack and heart surgery all within 4 days. We went today to one of the follow-up sessions offered by the Heart Institute on the ABC's ofr reading the NI information on food labels. Most important thing was to make sure that you realise that the info is for a specific serving size not the the whole package.
  • vickybr
    vickybr Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, my name is Vicky I'm from Michigan I have lost 50 lb and want to lose another 20 and they seem to be the most stubborn!!
    I have been on MFP for about 1.5 years the last 6 months faithfully and it seem to help me.
  • karenb44
    karenb44 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! So glad to be invited to the group! My name is Karen and I am 45. I live near Pittsburgh, PA with my husband, our 11 yr old son, and our 8 yr old daughter. I am 5'1.5" and my weight has fluctuated in a 40lb range since my kids were born. I have noticed in the past few years that my attempts to lose weight both on my own and with weight watchers have been successful for a few months but then I gain back the weight plus more. I recently had to start taking cholesterol medication. I'm not sure exactly how much weight I would like to lose; I am most concerned with improving my health and being a good example for my family.

    I am looking forward to exchanging support and ideas with everyone. I enjoy cooking and baking especially trying to make healthier versions of family favorites. I work part-time as a physical therapist and try to be as active as I can in the schools/activities of my kids.
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hi my name is Kathy,

    Thanks for the invite - I love lunch, heck I love food!!! Guess that's why I'm here :bigsmile:

    I've been a MFP member since Nov 2010, last Nov 2011 I started using MFP to it's full potential. I've lost 5 pounds and kept it off. Recently I had a physical and was surprised that my cholesterol was in check but creeping up!'s an eye opener and I really need to focus on eating the right kinds of foods, in the right portions.

    I look forward to chit-chatting with you all and getting great ideas and support!
  • Bonella
    Bonella Posts: 77 Member
    Hello to everyone and thanks for the invite! This sounds like the group for me! My name is Bonnie, I'm 57, and I've lost about 18 pounds so far. I have about 35-40 more to go, but I'm already feeling SO much better.

    I'm an RN in a NICU/Intermediate Care Nursery, married, with 4 grown kids. No grandkids yet, but I can wait. My husband and I love to travel and I'm an avid golfer. However, living in Ohio doesn't bode well for year round golf, so I have to find other ways to stay busy in the winter. I'm also pretty active, and my claim to fame is that on April 13, 2012 I made it to the top of Koko Head Crater on Oahu. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it!

    Weight is coming off slowly now because I love to eat, cook, and we have a wide circle of friends which we go out with often. So happy to meet all of you!
  • tatianna68
    tatianna68 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello and thank you for the invite to the group, it looks like fun. I am Tatianna and I live on Vancouver Island. I moved to the island from Arizona to be with my Boyfriend one year ago. I just turned 50 in August and am lucky enough to be retired. I have lost 15 pounds since May of this year and have 18 to first goal. I am setting mini goals and seeing how I look and feel at that weight before going further since I desire to be healthy and happy not a super model:wink:

    I joined MFP to get into shape so I can keep up with my Boyfriend and to live to be 100 (at least) and being healthy so I enjoy my maturity not dread it. I quit smoking 2 years ago and feel so much better now. When I first got to the island I got winded just walking the beach at a slow pace, but now I have no trouble and have taken up hiking.

    My hbbies are long walks on the beach, making decorative hangings from beach glass and other beach related items, cooking, gardening and internet games.

    Currently I'm trying to convert all my unhealthy recipes into healthy ones.

    Look forward to new friends and new ideas and fun.

    Bleesed be:flowerforyou:
  • Midwest_Yankee
    Midwest_Yankee Posts: 19 Member
    I am new to the group. I am 47 years old and currently in full time graduate school. I am single, no kids, except the furry kind. I have a Westie and an Aussie who help bring comedy and companionship to my life.

    I have gained and lost many times. Being single, eating out is a big part of my social life, yet the hardest part to manage calorie wise. I've been inviting people over for dinner so I know what goes into my dinners and can plan healthy meals. We still have as much fun and don't have to get worried about being kicked out because we talked too long.

    I really enjoy getting outdoors. There are so many wonderful places to walk and hike that is makes exercise more fun. Glad to meet all of you. Please friend me if you wish. I am determined to make my goal and know with great support, it's right around the corner.
  • stephaniep12345mfp
    stephaniep12345mfp Posts: 116 Member
    Hi everyone! I love the idea of this group and am so happy to have been invited to join! I'm Stephanie and I live on the North Shore of Massachusetts. I'm 43, divorced but now living with my boyfriend, and I have one daughter who is 8. When I went through my divorce, I lost about 15-20 pounds from stress. Not the healthiest way to do it, but I loved how my clothes fit and I felt great! Once I was comfortable and happy in a new and healthy relationship, the weight came back on again and refuses to budge. Part of me misses my old thinner self, but part of me thinks I'd rather be at a higher weight if it means I'm in a good place in life overall.

    I'm a Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic and a 5-year breast cancer survivor (YEAH!!!). I tested positive for a BRCA gene mutation, which also put me at higher risk for ovarian cancer, so I had my ovaries removed and have been in surgical menopause for 5 years. That has also made it difficult for me to get rid of these #@(^! pounds.

    My motivation ebbs and flows because I love food and wine and refuse to deny myself of things in life I enjoy - life is too short! But I need to work on portion control and staying in a workout routine more consistently. I work full time, have primary custody of my daughter and my boyfriend travels quite a bit for work so my workout time is limited. I was getting up early to do the TurboFire workouts but now that it's staying dark longer I can't haul my sorry self out of bed, so I just got the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD and plan to start the program on my lunch breaks.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • itsDorian7
    itsDorian7 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi, and thanks for the invite to this group !
    I'm 52, live in Florida after escaping the cold weather of NY. No kids, only furry ones. 4 cats, 4 dogs, 3 horses. I workout 5 days
    a week, and horseback ride most days as well. Sometimes I show them locally.
    I own a gym with my BF , and am also a personal trainer and spin instructor. I love reading about fitness and nutrition, and am always trying to find healthy ways of cooking.
    I'm on MFP to maintain my weight, and monitor my workouts, several of my clients are on here as well.
    Have a happy and healthy Halloween !
  • connieannw
    connieannw Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the invite to the group.
    My name is Connie. I'm 46 years old and having trouble loosing weight now that I've hit this "age".
    I joined MFP quite a while ago and have every so slowly begun modifying my eating and exercise habits.
    It's a long road. I've come to terms with the fact that I may never be "skinny".
    My greatest NSV is that my cholesterol went from being threatened with medication to back to normal ranges in the past few months.
    I find the greatest part of this journey is the therapy to change my thinking toward food from one of comfort to one of sustenance.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Hello, my name is Cindy and I will be 44 in 4 more days. I am 5ft tall and have lost 54lbs since joining MFP. I joined MFP after I was diagnosed diabetic. Since being diagnosed diabetic I have made a major lifestyle change. My blood sugar went from 8.6 to 5.4 since beginning my weight loss journey. I am no longer on medication and am controlling it with diet only. I still have another 25lbs to lose. I am a single mother of 2 wonderful children. My son is 22 and goes to college and my daugther will be 18 in January and is a senior in high school. Most of my life has been focused around them. I work full time and enjoy camping, hiking and I can say this now, exercising and staying healthy.
  • suenix24
    suenix24 Posts: 121 Member
    Thanks for the invite!! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Sue, just turned 45 and I live in Illinois. I have two kids (17 yr old son, 14 yr old daughter). I have lost 45 pounds and want to lost 60-70 more pounds. I have become addicted to excercising and I love it. I use DVD's at home. I still do not like exercising in public places...might sound crazy. I wish I ate more veggies!! I have a sweet tooth that I keep in control most of the time.

    I have been a soccer mom for about 10 years and when my kids are done, I will need to borrow someone else's because I will miss it terribly.

    I spent more time outside this summer than I ever have.

    My motivation is simple, once I seen how good I can feel, it only makes me want to continue.
    - no more belt extenders, no medications, to climb stairs without holding on to the railing for support and dear life, starting to see my lap and clavicle bones, so much more!!!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the group invite! This place sounds great!
    I will be 41 in December. I enjoy cooking/entertaining. Been thinking recently how hard this journey might be with my Pizza Gaming Nights. I make homemade pizza crusts and snacks and friend come over and play board games. It's not something I will give up, so I will have to burn more calories throughout the week, I guess.

    I am married (21 years). We have 3 young men. (ages 16,17,19). We just moved from California to Ohio. I just had a hysterectomy and am now anemic-er. BLAH to taking iron and fiber!