
Hi Everyone,

The group is up and running for all the Pals who weigh in on Fridays! :) Post every Friday & support one another! This will help make your journey that much more pleasant and motivating!

See you in two days! =]

What? You forgot to check in with your accomplishments on Friday. No worries, we will send you a reminder email to stop by and let us know how you did over the past week. Remember, it is not just about gaining or losing it is about living healthier. So encourage your friends and group members and lets all get to where we want to be and then stay there!

Oh yeah, one last thing, Spread the word and get some more people in the group who are willing to log in and participate, the more the merrier! Here is the link to get others in to the right place to join the group http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8463-friday-weigh-in-s.


  • JohnMessmer
    Woo hoo I made it.
  • hayleyteresa91
    sooo sad! friday for me (i'm in australia) is in 2 hours so i am just going to weigh in now..
    SW: 178
    GW: 143
    CW: 175

    i still have a long way to go!!!

    good luck everyone! :)
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for starting this up
    SW 164
    GW 135
    CW 162
    Down 2 from last week woo hoo!!
  • fattypattybinger
    Good by 160's Hello 158 So cool. Now only if I can find a couple pairs of shorts at a thrift store that fit.
  • Bca_Ncol
    Wow everyone! You are doing great! Keep up the good work! =]
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    Hi! :) I'm Steph!

    SW 222
    CW 208.5 (hasn't budged for 2 weeks)
    GW 185-190
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'm Becky. I just got an invite to join this group from my pal MunkiMarie and thought I'd give it a try. Lord knows I can use some help! I lost over 30 lbs in my first 4 months on MFP and for the last 8 months or so I've just been gaining and losing the same 5 lbs or so. I need to get my but back in gear to lose another 30 lbs this year.

    SW 203
    CW 172
    GW 140

    I'm looking forward to weighing in on Friday and I hope to have some loss, no matter how small, each week of this month!

    Good luck everyone!
  • DimplesInProgress
    DimplesInProgress Posts: 149 Member
    Yay Becky I am so glad you joined!

    FYI guys! A little info on me... I have been overweight since Middle school. Last year I joined MFP and lost about 35 lbs between Sept and Jan. I gained between 10-15 lbs back and am not interested in gaining any more. I am ready to jump start my losing streak again! :)

    HW 246
    LW 209
    CW 222
    GW 140

    I weigh myself daily but am trying to break the habit.. Its been known to cause some psychological issues with me. I am hopeful that only logging on Fridays will help...

    My biggest goal is to stay positive. No matter what happens every friday when we hit that scale, I want to stay positive.


    Happy Losing!

  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Hello All --

    I was on Vacation, so I forgot to say "hello"! I just came back from a cruise, so... yeah. Copious amounts of food and alcohol. I knew I'd probably gain, so I'm prepared when I officially weigh in again. So, this weigh in might be a slight gain or "even-steven" for me, and that's OK :)

    SW 133
    CW 120.6
    GW 118
  • alanacareyb
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the invite!

    My name is Alana, I'm 21 (22 on the 15thNov) and graduate from Uni on the 8thNov - so excited, especially for the graduation ball the day after! [Please excuse me if I get confused with dates on here, I'm from England and we do dates differently to those in the US! lol].

    I've been a member of MFP for about 2 years-ish; first attempt wasn't really successfull for me, didn't lose any weight and nothing happened. I went to the doctors a couple of months back as I'd been having some problems and they think I have the beginnings of either PCOS (poly-cystic ovaries) or endometreosis which would both, unfortunately, account for my weight gain over the years. I'm 5ft1 and so my weight automatically makes me look bigger than I probably think I look and feel. My doctor, after telling her what I'd done to try and lose weight, recommended I go on orlistat/xenical - I too feel like I'm cheating but if it's the only way I can get this weight off then I'll take it. I do eat healtily, always have done [obviously with the odd treat] and exercise occassionally during the week.

    I started orlistat on the 24thOct and in this week I have lost 5lb which is a hell of a lot more than what I would have done without it and just exercising alone.

    I use MFP to keep an eye on my calorific intake, as most of you do - although today, I have gone over as I was treated to pizza by my brother. But I will be making up for the naughty pizza eating with my exercise tonight!

    Thanks for reading!


    SW - 218.4
    CW - 211.4
    GW - 168
  • no1belongs
    so i have decided to start being accountable again for my habits good and bad. i want to be out of the fat girls club lol. anyway here it goes.

    SW: 223
    CW: 206.5 (per last week sometime)
  • JohnMessmer
    Welcome, Glad you found us! We weigh in every Friday and will have a topic posted for that week, all prior weeks will be locked so no one accidentally posts in the wrong week and misses out on the Groups support :-) Any other topics are welcome, so If you have something to say, add, or question, feel free to start a new topic and let it fly.

    Have A Great Day!
  • Shadesofjade
    Shadesofjade Posts: 15 Member
    Hi friends! I just joined, I'm going to need the support for this final 12.7 lbs!
    Sw 142.8
    Cw 132.7
    Gw 120
  • Bca_Ncol
    Welcome Everyone!!! So glad you have joined us! Everyone's weight loss journey is different, but we are working towards the same goal. I know that I could NOT do this without the support from my pals. I have been on MFP for about a year now and have not lost ANY weight!!!! (In fact - I gained!) It was only recently that I changed my attitude, started this group & have been holding myself accountable. Since then I've lost about 4 lbs (which my ticker does not show because I was above my start weight). I've committed to this & will most definitely need ALL YOUR HELP!!! I have 50 lbs to lose & 8 months until my WEDDING!

    I'm here to support & welcome your support! If ever you are feeling down on yourselves, please message me & I will do what I can to give you a positive push!

    We can do this people!!!! =]
  • no1belongs
    yes i definitely need the support and i love the accountablity im going to the store tomorrow after i get done with work to get a few poster boards to help as well and set some NSVs to help with it as well. i hav a few things coming up and i want to look better in the inevitable pictures in my future lol
  • Bca_Ncol
    yes i definitely need the support and i love the accountablity im going to the store tomorrow after i get done with work to get a few poster boards to help as well and set some NSVs to help with it as well. i hav a few things coming up and i want to look better in the inevitable pictures in my future lol

    Accountability is the idea here! Glad to have you on board! =]