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  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    HI all,

    Thanks for the invite :)

    I am Carol, 45 and live near Edinburgh in Scotland. I have been married 23 years and have 3 lads aged 19, 20 & 21. I also have 2 cats and a border collie who of course loves walking for miles :) I am working on my masters research degree which is an extension of my psychology degree dissertation.

    I love food and I love exercise and try to squeeze it in where I can as I work part time and family life is very demanding due to additional care needs. - my eating & exercise has been a bit erratic the last few weeks as I am prioritising uni deadlines.

    At the moment I am doing the 30 day shred, trying to get back to c25k, I go to kettlebell classes and do loads of walking with the dog and planning to start p90x as soon as the shred is finished. I also love weights so am trying to bump up to a proper weights routine too - my plan for the winter is to cram in the veg with loads of soups and am always trying to get my protein up :)
    I am at 220lbs at the moment and I would love to start the new year in onederland - so that's my focus right now :)
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    Hi Everyone..I'm Denise from Rhode Island. Thanks for the invite. I am almost 47 (wow)! I feel much younger though, which helps. Seems like a great group here!
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    ... go geocaching when we can find a cache on a more difficult trail in the mountains. I am hoping to learn how to snowshoe this winter....I think.
    Geocaching is good, active family fun. We did it a lot once upon a time. We thought we'd start again, but it seems that our handheld GPS has gone missing in our last move and we still cannot find it or the other things that had been in the backpack with it. Snowshoeing sounds fun too!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks Alice for the invite!

    I am Liz a 52 who is extremely overweight. I have lost 41lbs so far. I see this as a journey towards good health, a time to take care of myself. I like the idea of this group as a place to exchange ideas recipes, learning how to dine out but be healthy, entertaining etc the normal life stuff. I have notice that many of the woman are older nice to see that common thread too.

    I am a wife of 1 DH of 22 years,
    1 daughter 19 who has autism
    1 fur baby Bella Jo (DD named her)
    I work 40+ hours as a teachers assistant. working with young adults who have special needs

    Learning to love exercise so far because of my size (bad ankles) is walking lots of it and water exercises.

    Grew up in Illinois but for the past 19 years lived in Caldwell, Idaho.

    I am part of another really encouraging thread that I just love and see this as a nice companion to it.
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    My ame is Krista annd I am 42. Happily married with 4 kids and 1 grandkiddo. My kids at home are 18 and 15. Both have Autism with the older one being Aspergers and the younger one being low functioning autistic. My husband is disabled and unable to work outside the home. I work with developementally disabled adults in a sheltered workshop setting.

    I have been working on losing weight for over two years now and found MFP last April. I set my ticker to state how much more I have to go since i had lost about fifty pounds prior to joining and twenty pounds since.
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Thank you for the invitation to join this group. I love, love, love the pic of ladies dining! I would love to meet others who plan to avoid bread and white starches, the cause of my downfall. I might hold the record for age here - 71. Do I also hold the record for height - 6'?
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Morning ladies, thank you for the invite.

    My name is Tricia I am 52. A friend introduced me to MFP and really I haven't looked back. The articles and threads on here have quite inspired me to not only lose that Christmas weight gain that did not want to come off, those muffin tops that changed my shape completely and that frightening middle age spread, but to take a look at TDee, BMR, BMI, exercise, protein and so much more. I am aiming to go down to my 'ideal weight' or there abouts but to do it with exercise and healthy eating and the occasionally indulgence.

    Looking forward to catching up with everyone, have a great day x
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Ladies, thanks for inviting me to be part of your group! It's nice to be able to identify with people of my own age; I am 44 and live in West Wales, UK.

    So, I have been fat all my life; I have pics of myself as a tubby four year old!! I did lose weight a few years back with Slimming World, but my eating habits didn't change, so the weight crept back on as soon as I stopped classes.

    We had a massive life change three years ago, when we upped sticks and moved 300 miles away from family and friends to run our own business. We don't have a lot of spare cash, but our lifestyle has changed beyond all measure, as we do actually have 'spare' time now. As a result, DH and I joined a gym two years ago, and I finally found myself in the right frame of mind to lose the blubber properly . Initially I lost 4 stone (56lbs) using Fitbug, which is a pedometer and links to a site a bit like MFP, but not as complete.

    Have been at a plateau (but the weight has stayed off, so that's fine) for a year or so, but now ready to lose the rest, and MFP seems like a good way to do it. I need to know how to balance the food intake with all the exercise I do.

    I have gone from being someone who hated PE at school, to someone who exercises regularly, and has just taken up running! Goodness knows how THAT happened, but it did, and I'm glad. Planning on signing up for a half marathon in spring 2013.
    Mum of two girls aged 13 and 14, juggling work/life/home/hobbies. My lovely husband is incredibly supportive of this journey, and we do some of our exercise classes together.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello... I am Debra..46 yrs,. from Indiana. I am married for almost 22 years now (Dec1). We have 3 children. Oldest is married with 2 sons. SO I am a grandma too! Middle daughter is still at home.. in college... ( well, working right now... heading back in January) She has completed 1 year. Youngest is a son, whom is very fit and active playing all the sports and keeping me very busy running the taxi!
    I love to cook.... love to entertain.. love to take my favorite recipes and make a healthier version of them... really get a kick out of fooling the family!
    Hormonal issues has had me fighting for every ounce the last 3 years now. I am not sure why I haven't given up yet... guess I am just too much of a fighter! I am fit and pretty strong.. so I try to remember that when I get upset that the scale just isn't moving! I lost and have kept off 42 pounds for those 3 years... but really would like to lose another 40+... need to find the right combo for my aging body!
    Looks like I have lots of reading to do to get to know everyone. I look forward to it!
    Best of luck with your goals!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    My what a lovely group of ladies. I'm happy to be invited. I am a lady in her early 60's, divorced, retired, no pets right now, lot of food intolerances, celiac, and some health issues. My main activity right now is walking (which I do love).

    Let's see, I love to read cozy mysteries and love to watch old movies. Neither activity is going to help me get healthy right? Ha. When life calms down (too complicated to explain) I hope to get back to some of my other sedentary activities such as crochet, quilting and drawing.

    A very surprising thing was that this week I got a copy of a picture of me taken 8 years ago when I was working, working out every day at lunchtime and walking. I remember my doctor was still prompting me to lose more weight but the thing is---I really looked fairly normal/thin in that picture. I'm 5'11" and at the time was wearing size 10 or 12 depending on the brand. I sort of wonder now if I ever get back to that point---will my doctor still be telling me he's not happy with my weight? Hummm. Interesting thought.

    Anyway, I now prefer to eat simple foods with as few processed ingredients as possible, low sodium, very little sugar. I'm trying to eat closer to Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live" methods than a normal American diet.

    I'm from Iowa, still live in Iowa and do a lot of travelling from the Des Moines area to Northeast Iowa.

    I'm excited to read ALL ABOUT YOU!!


  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Thank you for the invite!
    My name is Jacqueline and I'm 47 or as my friend and I like to put it Thirty seventeen! I've been married almost 25 years and have 4 children, 3 boys and one of those other things, what do you call them? Oh yes a girl!
    I live in Reigate, Surrey, but was born in Liverpool. I've travelled a fair bit and moved around because hubby was in the army.
    For the last 6 and a half years I've been running a gaming shop with my best friend and business partner, which is hard work in this economic climate but we are still running so we must be doing something right.. (Either that or I've forgotten to pay something important!)
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and thanks again.
  • jthurnall
    jthurnall Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 61 years old and have a constant battle going on with my weight. I did lose 100 lbs over 1 1/2 years but I have stayed at that weight for approximately 1 year. I still need to lose a substantial amount of weight and I seem to be "very stuck" at this weight within 5 pounds up or down!!!!! I do exercise regularly but I think I know what a part of the problem is in regard to the weight. My husband and I like to eat out as our entertainment. We travel a bit and that does not help with a weight loss diet. We have a cruise scheduled in December and I have been told that "everybody" gains at least 10 lbs. on a cruise. Not something I wanted to hear. I would appreciate any helpful pointers anyone can give me.

    Just want to point out that although I am 60+, I have never given up thought that I can get to a healthy weight. I so much a kid at heart and I need a healthy body to go along with that thought.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Linia and i live in Fort Lauderdale. I have been a member of MFP since July (i think) but didn't even know message boards, email, blogs etc were here until one day when i logged on from my Laptop instead of using the Blackberry--shocking to see so much!!!!

    so now, do try to use laptop more often or ipad.

    The main problem is have is never staying at Goal weight longer than a month or two, so i lose, regain, lose, regain the same 15 lbs over and over again.....and even worse , i have 4 sizes of clothing, it is a nightmare.

    those issues along with having osteoporosis and arthritis make everything a little harder....esp losing motivation is a huge problem.

    do i lunch, oh yea.........trying now to make healthier choices. :blushing: :noway: :noway: :blushing:
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Hi I am Sharold, 49 live in MN. I have lost 40 lbs since last jan and need to lose 10 more.
    I am married with 3 kids ( 26, 21, 18) and my nest will be truly empty on mon since my middle child got his 1 st real job since graduating from college. I work at home running a home childcare.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    We had a massive life change three years ago, when we upped sticks and moved 300 miles away from family and friends to run our own business. We don't have a lot of spare cash, but our lifestyle has changed beyond all measure, as we do actually have 'spare' time now. As a result, DH and I joined a gym two years ago, and I finally found myself in the right frame of mind to lose the blubber properly

    incredible!!! good luck reaching your goals :laugh: :happy: :laugh:
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Colleen :happy:

    I'm 42 (did I really admit that?!), I live in Louisville, KY. I'm married with 3 kids - ages 12, 8 and a few weeks away from 7. I work full-time, plus some :frown: as a senior litigation paralegal. I've lost 40lbs in 2012, but my busy schedule tends to set back my goals because I don't always have time to plan healthy menus. I'm looking to lose 20-25 more lbs and I'm doing it through strength training and cardio. I'm pretty good at losing weight, but I'm not really good at maintaining a long-term weight loss. it always seems to come back. I'm a carb addict. If it has chocolate, I'm on it.

    I'm worried about sliding down a slippery slope over the holidays, and I wish it were January 2 already! :ohwell: I'm so excited because this group just might help us all find healthy recipes to get through the holidays without packing on the pounds.
  • My son just returned from a cruise and he said you can get anything you want to eat, and all of it you want. This could be bad, but it also means you can get fresh fruit, crisp salads, lean meats, all the really good stuff. As for the treats you savor, you can walk and walk and walk both on ship and at ports, and swim, and dance and all sorts of fun things to work off the calories. Enjoy!

    (this is a response to Jthurnall!)
  • jthurnall
    jthurnall Posts: 3 Member
    I sincerely hope I can stay motivated and make healthy choices.:ohwell:
  • Since I've already commented, I suppose I should introduce myself! My name is Tracie (also go by Rosezilla!), and I'm 51 - well, I'll be 52 the end of this month. I have been married almost 34 years to the most amazing man on the planet. We have three sons and two grandbabies. In 2004 my blood pressure was 250/130, and I was also diagnosed as diabetic. I worked hard and got things under control, but then an elderly relative moved in and in caring for her, I forgot to take care of myself. In Feb. 2011 I was found to have a 99% blockage in the main artery of my heart, and I spent the next year in and out of the hospital with heart procedures and stents and things. I lost 30 pounds pretty quickly, but then couldn't seem to get any traction, until Aug. of this year I began working with a dietician. She was the key to unlock everything! I have gradually refined my eating, substituting fruit for sweets, veggies for meat, physical activity for boredom eating, and calorie and portion control for out of control! The end of Sept. I began going to a hospital-based gym and doing cardio 45 minutes and strength training an hour, three days a week. I also do cardio at home two or three of the other days each week. Through a lot of prayer and discipline, I have battled off 46 pounds, and I still have a good bit to lose. My happiest discovery has been that food is my friend and ally, not my enemy. I've discovered so many healthy, delicious, fresh, satisfying foods to eat and I love the way they make me feel! So much better than all that poison I was eating before. My latest A1C was 5.8, my blood pressure is in the ballpark of 108/61 and my last cholesterol reading was 150 total!
  • gaj87
    gaj87 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 47 and live in Indiana. I've been married for 25 years and have two sons (ages 22 and 19).

    I started my journey April 2011 and have lost 71.7 pounds. I've met my goal weight and am scared about not being able to maintain it. I do not have the body that I thought I would have after losing the weight but I am working on it. I did not do strength training and am doing it now.

    You all might kick me out of the group because I do not cook that often. I do collect cookbooks but am not the best cook. I look forward to trying some of the receipes you all list.