Motivated for Body Revolution has been found!!

JDPerryvas Posts: 12 Member
Little bit about me:
I'm 27, 5'5, the scales fluncuates from 150-152, I try not to weigh myself too often because I get distracted but I have noticed I am floating at this weight, I'd like to lose about 10 more. I do about 1200 calories a day, I have a BAD Sweet tooth but most days its controlled. (Now I see why my weight is floating haha)
I run, lift weights, and do kickboxing when I can. I enjoy working out but I'd like to tone up a little more.

I started my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Friday with Phase One,Work Out 1, random day for me to start but I was motivated and Pinterest is to thank for that with all the health and fitness pictures and quotes of/from Jillian. ;)
Sunday I took the rest day and started over Monday.
I am pretty pleased with how my body is taking the work outs, I am sore but it's not like the first time I did 30 Day Shred ( I couldnt walk right for a week)
Tomorrow is Cardio 1 and I'm pretty excited!

86 more days to go!!


  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    You can do it! I'm on workouts 7 and 8, so be prepared; the workouts get progressively harder. Just remember to go at your own pace, pay attention to your form and keep going! Take progress pics along the way, as the pictures will show your real progress much more than the scale will. Good luck!
  • JDPerryvas
    JDPerryvas Posts: 12 Member
    thank you!

    I just realized that the title should be Motivation* lol

    Anyways this morning I did cardio 1 this morning and man was it tough!

    Feeling good though :)

    Day 5 done!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Check out my blog...A Healthier Version of Me and You for extra motivation while doing Jillian's Body Revolution. I did the program back when it first came out and I am now on my second round of it. I am also on Workouts 7 & 8, almost to Phase 3 again, it goes by so quickly.

    The first time I did it I followed her meal plan pretty darn close and had great results. This time I am eating some of the same foods but not all. I got hit with a nasty cold that I am finally over it after about 4 weeks, so this time around I don't feel like I will have the same results. I am still staying strong and keeping up with my workouts. It's just my energy levels were low the past weeks.

    Here is the link to my blog This was my very first post. Check it out if you need any more motivation.

    Stay Strong!
  • JDPerryvas
    JDPerryvas Posts: 12 Member
    thank you!
    those before and after pictures are Super motivating!!
    I am not following the meal plan like I should but I am keeping to the calorie count she suggests, I will have to pull the book out this weekend and get some recipes so I am not totally skipping the entire meal part...I know that's important

    Today was day 6 work out one on phase one...I added weights on the "optional" parts to make it a little bit more challenging
    My thighs are pretty sore cause I thought I was a bad *kitten* and did a crossfit circuit last I am paying for it but I'm hoping with continuous movement that I'll get some of this soreness out.

    Anyways...just thought I'd share...pretty proud of myself :)
  • JDPerryvas
    JDPerryvas Posts: 12 Member
    Phase One, Week two, Day ten

    I'm proud of myself for completing one full week of this body revolution. Im not going to lie, it was a little harder waking up today but I did!! Still at it but I've added One meal replacement per day (since yesterday) I am taking Jillian Michaels Whey Protein Powder (Vanilla) usually made into a smoothie with fruit

    Going to Arizona next week and will need big time motivation to continue while I am there.
    like she says "its only 30 minutes a day"

  • JDPerryvas
    JDPerryvas Posts: 12 Member
    Today marks the last day of phase one work outs one and two
    So far, I'm feeling like my legs and arms are toning a little more although it may be all in my head lol
    I am thinking of alternating her kickboxing, metabolism blast and maybe her extreme dvd for the cardio one
    It is hard and no joke I am breathing like I ran a marathon but I like the variety of the others.

    Work out three starts Monday and I couldnt be more excited!!!
    I am starting a cleanse to hopefully kick some excess water weight out
    I'm in love with Jillians Vanilla Whey Protein Powder right now :)