Friday 11/02/12 Weigh-In



  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Awful week for me!!

    Last Friday I forgot to log my weight on here but it was down and I was so happy! The week before that I was sick and didn't even step on the scale. So I'll update now what I can even though I am up quite a bit this week from waaaay too much eating out and no exercise. Gotta get back on track!!

    10/05 - 171.2 starting weight
    10/12 - 168.8 down 2.4 this week. Thats probably just normal fluctuation though.
    10/19 - very sick, didnt get on scale :-(
    10/26 - 167 Great weigh in!!
    11/02 - 173 Terrible weigh in after a full week of eating bad and not exercising :-(
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    Fair Gray morning to you all :)
    I'm new to this group, but I'm going to take the plunge moving forward from today :)

    SW: 280
    CW: 255
    GW: 160-150 maybe ?
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    Lw: 212
    Cw: 213 :grumble:

    Thanks for adding me to your group
  • @swaggermommy Chances are there is a bit of water weight there, pretty difficult to gain almost a pound a day. Make sure you drink lots of water and it should make next week a happy Friday.

    @amayrial Wecome! Great Job so far, keep it up.

    @rnhoppe Welcome! So you wanted to start off with a gain so that it would get better next week? You know that it is probably just normal weight fluctuation and water, stay on track and the scale will catch up eventually.
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    LW: 271.6
    TW: 271.6

    I'll take it, considering I went on vacation last weekend (and then got stuck b/c of Hurricane Sandy) and didn't eat nearly as well as I should've (though I didn't eat as many times, so maybe it balanced out somewhat).

  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member

    SW 280.0
    LW 267.6
    TW 262.4

    Fantastic friends are here and support 24/7/365

  • Shadesofjade
    Shadesofjade Posts: 15 Member
    Sw 142.8
    Ce 131.7
    LW 134.1
    Lost 2.4 lbs
    Gw 120
  • @cctjevo Hey man glad you made it home safely. You are right, it is tough eating healthy on vacation, especially If you throw a hurricane into the mix to raise stress levels. You did Great just to Maintain.

    @jeleclekat Yea! Way to Go! Keep it up.

    @shadesofjade Woo Hoo Great Loss! You are half way to your Goal, Keep up the great work!
  • Great Job John! Welcome new Friday Weigh-In
    Starting weight 160
    Lowest Weight 114
    Heaviest Weight 165
    CW 155
    GW 125-128

    I had kept the weight for a few weeks and not really getting in excerise. I became sad when my Mom who is 82 came to visit and flew back to Las Vegas. So I became depressed. I noticed my clothes were getting tighter. So now I am ready to get serious again. Current Weight 155. Congratulations on every gain. Don't worry about gains next week is a fresh start. Have a great week!!
  • Great job everyone! You are taking accountability & making the effort you need to to get to your goal. For those of you that lost weight - you are doing something right so keep it up! For those that may have gained - DO NOT get discouraged! We had Halloween & sometimes you have to treat yourselves. Even if that's not the case, water weight can be a real downer. Who knows, just do what you can to get to where you want to be next week!

    I'm so proud of each and every one of your for holding yourselves accountable & for supporting one another! Who needs weekly weight watchers meeting that cost $15 a week when we have MFP for free! We can do this everyone! If you give & receive support & advise then eventually we will get there.

    Just remember... you may not be at your goal yet, but you are closer than yesterday! That applies as long as your head is in the right place!

    Focus on THIS WEEK!!! If you need to, come up with mini weekly goals - eat more veggies & lean proteins, drink more water, take the stairs instead of the elevator, exercise an extra 5 minutes. Do what you can, when you can! Good luck & happy tracking! =]
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone!! I have not posted on here in awhile. I have still been plugging away though.

  • @mocha76 Glad to hear it! And look at you down another 1.8 Great Job!
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I just joined the group yesterday and am glad that my friend alanacareyb shared this with me. I am looking forward to being part of the group and working hard to meet my goals. Here are my stats

    SW: 196.7
    CW: 194.2
    GW: 135

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm at 198...up again from 2 weeks ago...although I knew I wasn't going to have a good weigh in...I will and am moving on...don't you all's ok I know, we all fall off the band wagon. People are good about being supportive and I do appreciate it. I know with the holidays coming I want to cut back now (not starve, just eat clean and healthy) so I can enjoy the goodies at Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. I missed last week because I just have my phone during the week (except today I was able to get on a computer that let me on the website) ...I honestly have a hard time going back to the groups I'm in...even though I'm only in 2. Between work and everything else, I'm good about getting on MFP just not searching the website thouroughly everyday...I'll try harder! (yes, I know it'll be ok)
  • @RocksFlower welcome my West coast friend! Glad you are here. I hope you have a great weekend also.

    @ merapp9 The holidays are part of my motivation too! Don't worry about finding this group, I will make sure you have a quick and easy link to get back. We are all on the same path and it is much more enjoyable with friends to share our success with, and even our not so successful times.
  • Hey Friday peeps been busy but weighed this morning

    SW 223
    LW 206.5
    CW 208
    GW 140

    I know my weight went up 1.5 but I also know I took in too many carbs and calories and many days so here is o a better next week I'm starting 30 day shred Monday.
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Friday :)
    I am down the 2 lbs that I gained at my last weigh in, which was yesterday. Leads me to believe it was water retention or because I wasn't eating enough.
    I was just at the grocery store and struck up a conversation with the check-out gal because she noticed all my healthy food and a few frozen LC's that I bought. She told me she lost 45lbs being a MFP :)
    John, I bought a huge bag of grapes today and I am going to freeze a bunch of small bags, per your suggestion. Thanks!
    I have decided not to weight every day anymore. I found that I am extremely frustrated with fluctuation. Once a week from now on!
    I hope you all have a great, successful week.

  • @no1belongs You'll have to keep us updated on that 30 day shred, I wanna know how difficult it is.

    @healthylady88 You know I love them grapes, tell me if you have any issues or like/don't like the idea for any reason, I really like to hear different opinions so I can continue to learn. As for the clerk, MFPers are everywhere, lol. Keep up the great work!
  • SW [31Oct] 51.3 kg
    CW [02Nov] 49.5 kg

    In 3 days, lost 1.8 kg!! :D:D:D

    ~I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! :)
  • :wink: So nice to see many people weighed in. Congratulations as everybody get closer to their goal weights. THanks John for all of your hard work. It is appreciated. :blushing:
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