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  • NCarolinaMom
    Hello. I received the invitation to join this wonderful group. I am 51 and have been on MFP for six months. I have lost 36 pounds and want to lose another 6--7. I am a busy full time working mom and blogger. I also have type 2 diabetes and hope to be completely off medicine when I have achieved my final weight loss goal! :smile:
  • TracLC
    TracLC Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Tracy and I live in Edmonton, Alberta Canada . . . it's cold and snowing today and that feeling of hibernation (eat and sleep) have crept into my brain.

    I've been playing around with myfitness pal and so far I love how easy it is. Since starting I've come back to it off and on and have lost 6 lbs. My goal is to lose 50 lbs before my 50th birthday in exactly 1 year! I think this is doable but not without support. I am looking forward to reading all your posts!

    I am a bellydancer and love this type of activity! . . . ran for 3 years until I hurt my ankle so now I just stick to dancing :-) I've always been a "hippy" girl, as in generous hips and chest . . .LOL Bellydancing let's me be me in all my glories curves but I would still love to have a flatter belly.

    My biggest issue with food is I am an emotional eater, someone told me I should knit instead of eat when I am moody. Haven't tried this yet but considering it. Would love to hear your thoughts on how you manage emotional eating.

    Thanks for the invite!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Introduction-Thanks for inviting me to the group!
    My name is Janet and I am from BelAir, Maryland, I am originally from Baltimore and my user name, HairsprayHon is my nod to my hometown, the original (non-musical) movie Hairspray is a good depiction of life when I was growing up. And the music from the musical is my go to motivation music-I’m Big, Blond and Beautiful. I believed that in January 2012 when I weighed 275 and I still believe it today at 211. At 5’10”, I am looking forward to the scale getting to 209 when I will officially be overweight and no longer obese.
    It was a major breakthrough for me to be able to acknowledge my weight, even to people I don’t know. I have finally recognized that I am not the number on the scale and that my fitness and health is more important than any one number. I currently am a size 16 and for the first time in years, I enjoy the process of getting dressed for work, because I am not afraid that the outfit I want to wear will not zip up. I have even convinced myself that some of my favorite tops mysteriously shrunk while hanging in the closet!
    So many people have the dream where they are late for an exam, my recurring nightmare is that I have an important appointment and I get up in plenty of time, but literally no clothes in my closet fit me and the dream ends wtih me hysterical.
    One of the things that I am looking forward to as a member of this group is hearing about the food choices that the group is making. I have a tendency to eat the same food over and over again until one day I am sick of it. My ultimate goal is to eat little processed food and a total of 9 fruits and vegetables per day. I don’t think the secret to weight loss and maintenance is focusing on what I am not eating, but to focus on making healthy food choices that taste good!
    To health and joy! Janet
  • joann1948
    joann1948 Posts: 161 Member
    Hello I am Joann. I live in a surrounding city outside of New Orleans, Louisiana. I am 64 yrs old, going thru a divorce after 25 yrs of marriage, In April of 2011 I joined this website, and as of today I have lost 88lbs, but not yet to my goal. I have battled weight my entire life, and this is the first time I have kept it off. I changed in my mind, and eat healthy and exercise alot.

    I love to have fun, entertain, and also have a glass of wine......

    I am happy to be here, and thank you for inviting me.

  • Yinkin
    Yinkin Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, Thanks for the invite. I'm Marie and I live in Aberdeen, Scotland. I'm 42 years old and have been married for 20 years. I don't have children but have 2 cats and 1 dog.

    I am absolutely hopeless at losing weight. I have been trying for 5 years and have lost 0lbs overall. I need to lose around 70lbs. I do well for a couple of weeks and then get bored with it. Come back again a bit later, do well, get bored, put it on again. I'm allergic to chocolate and cheese which really restricts my food choices since they both are favourite foods. I need a good kick and some help.
  • WarriorKittyMommy
    Hi thanks for the invitation. I'm not really Mr. Obama. I'm Jane and live in Wyoming. I love baking and cooking and eating healthy foods. I've thought, talked and read about losing weight for a long time. Am now losing about .5 pounds every week or two with MFP. Have been an emotional food binger forever and finally am getting a handle on it by practicing eating consciously. And when I get the urge to stuff something in my mouth I stop and think about what my feelings really are about. I've lost 10 pounds in the last year doing this and now I want to get a little more serious about losing.
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    Well, this blog is right up my alley. I love to eat, to eat out and to cook. But I really love the challenge of doing all of that in a way that will support my efforts to become healthier. I was recently laid up for 6 weeks following foot surgery. I used that opportunity to find all kinds of recipes under 400 calories. I found a great app for my I Pad (RecipeBook) where I recorded them all. Now that I'm back on my feet (literally and figuratively), I'm loving fixing lots of these. I'm excited to participate in this blog!
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    I neglected to introduce myself with my previous post. My name is Sonni and I live in Portland, Oregon, a huge foodie heaven! My weight loss philosophy is "slow and steady". I finally got my head in a good place when I was about 62. Seven years later, I've lost over 75#. I'm hoping to get to get off another 35 by the time I turn 70 in June. So nice to share this journey with you ladies!! We can do this!!!
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    Since I've already commented, I suppose I should introduce myself! My name is Tracie (also go by Rosezilla!), and I'm 51 - well, I'll be 52 the end of this month. I have been married almost 34 years to the most amazing man on the planet. We have three sons and two grandbabies. In 2004 my blood pressure was 250/130, and I was also diagnosed as diabetic. I worked hard and got things under control, but then an elderly relative moved in and in caring for her, I forgot to take care of myself. In Feb. 2011 I was found to have a 99% blockage in the main artery of my heart, and I spent the next year in and out of the hospital with heart procedures and stents and things. I lost 30 pounds pretty quickly, but then couldn't seem to get any traction, until Aug. of this year I began working with a dietician. She was the key to unlock everything! I have gradually refined my eating, substituting fruit for sweets, veggies for meat, physical activity for boredom eating, and calorie and portion control for out of control! The end of Sept. I began going to a hospital-based gym and doing cardio 45 minutes and strength training an hour, three days a week. I also do cardio at home two or three of the other days each week. Through a lot of prayer and discipline, I have battled off 46 pounds, and I still have a good bit to lose. My happiest discovery has been that food is my friend and ally, not my enemy. I've discovered so many healthy, delicious, fresh, satisfying foods to eat and I love the way they make me feel! So much better than all that poison I was eating before. My latest A1C was 5.8, my blood pressure is in the ballpark of 108/61 and my last cholesterol reading was 150 total!

    I'm an RN and I'm so impressed with your A1c!!! I see the effects of obesity in my work every day. I'm so proud when someone takes responsibility for their health! It certainly is my personal motivation. Good luck to you.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Hi my name is Sandra. I live in Tomball, Texas, just north west of Houston. I am 54 yrs old. I have been using MFP for 59 weeks starting this Monday and I am down 90 lbs, with 20 to go. I had a gastric by pass in 2005' my top weight was 380' and I managed to get down to and maintain 225 ish up until 2011. Last year I had the job from hell, with long hours poor eating, rip roaring peri menopause, a period that lasted 70 day, got severe anemia, lets just say thing were awful and before I knew it I was 280' and no way was I getting over 300 again! Thankfully I got myself shook up and last Sept 26th I started tracking and exercising, and now 13 mths later down 90 lbs to 190 and shooting for goal weight of 170. I started working with a personal trainer in Julu and that has transformed my body more than I ever though possible, the muffin top is almost gone, in fact I think itis gone and what's left is really loose skin. I have exercised 6 days a week now for the 13 mths, and while I can never say I love love it I have make it a priority in my life. I have also made me first ! The job has to take second noe which has been difficult after 32 yrs but now when they call meetings at 6 or 7 am if is on the mornings I work with the trainer then I just say I will be a few mins late! Never would have done that before. Now my time is between 5 and 7 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays period! I work out with my trainer for one hour and then follow that with 30 mins of yoga and both are very important to me these days! I struggle to cook as I was never good at it and I am always looking for easy ways to cook chicken or fish.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Pulled this from my blog

    A little background
    I have five children the oldest son is 30 and the youngest girl is 6. I have the oldest and youngest grandchildren of my parents. As an older parent being around and being active with my youngest has made me look at my food choices again.
    I have been fighting my weight battle 40 years and while I know a lot of the right answers I have surrendered in the past. I have lost 100 lbs twice and become pregnant and gained the weight back both times. I have tried many times to gain a handle on this battle but often caved in to the sabotage of my ex-husband.
    It has been with the love and support of my current husband that I have come to realize that I can win this battle and had the courage to begin this journey.

    Emotional Eatting Background
    I grew up in a family where gathering centered around the enjoyment and sonsumption of food. During my childhod I learned that food can be a reward, a treat, a means to celebrate, pass time, or something to cheer yourself up. By the time I was in my teens it was the comfortor I turned to that did not abuse, hurt, or belittle me.
    It was the one thing in my life that I thought I controled. It has only been in recent years that I have come to understand that many times my eating is in response to my emotions rather than my bodies physical hunger. When I am feeling lonely, unhappy, sad, insecure, or even happy, I find consoation in food. I would much rather eat something rather than talk about my feelings. After years of going through life believing I was in control I realized that the exact opposite was the truth. In fact, the food has control over me.
    During this last year while teaching I slow without trying for the first time ever began to lose weight. Now that the summer has began, I have decided why not try and work with that and continue. Breaking free of the control of food and being an emotional eater is something I am striving to overcome.

    A little more background
    My life its either black or white no gray area for me is how I have always put it. When I am good I am 100 % good and when I am bad it shows on my body. I have battled my weight more or less for 40 years. I want go into details but I had a very abusive childhood both physically and mentally during a time when there wasn't the resources there are today to deal with such.

    Food was a source of comfort it didn't hit me, it didn't put me down, it didn't make me feel useless or like dying. It was the one thing I could control. It was not until decades later and many overweight pounds that I realized the food was controlling me rather than me controlling it.

    The first success I had with losing weight was when I was pregnant. Unlike most people that gain weight when pregnant I lost weight during my terms b/c it was during this time I actually listened to my doctor and went by his advice concerning my diet. Once I delivered I continued losing by watching my diet and working out. Everything went well until I stopped going to work out at the gym then slowly but surely I begin to regain the weight.

    I am not sure how many time I dieted and regained btw that pregnancy and the next one but I usually tried about once every year to year and half. I lost close to 75 pounds but my husband kept telling me my stomach was getting bigger. I know it will sound crazy but that was when I realized I was again pregnant. I again lost weight while pregnant and by the time I delivered I was down close to 100 pounds. This time around though I didn't lost much more after I delivered and I wasn't into working out at this time so it wasn't long before the weight began to creep back up.

    After I am not sure how many years went by as I continued to yo-yo repeatedly as each result left me weighing more and more. Each time I would decide to do something about my weight my ex-husband would find ways to get me to cave in and give up. Don't get me wrong I know it was me but having support as we all know by now is a very very important part of success and that was something I never had at any time.

    About 10 years ago I began another stage of the battle when my first marriage came to an end. While I didn't continue to lose weight I did maintain the lose for several years before it began to return after moving 2600 miles and remarrying. In 2006 while in the middle earning my BA I was most blessed to learn I was again expecting. I once again lost weight but not nearly as much as with the first two pregnancies. As I concentrated on finishing school the bottom fell out of teaching in WA and I found while I had accomplished my dream I could not find a teaching position and my weight crept up once again.

    In 2010 we lost my father in law and decided it would be best for our youngest child and our finances to move back to my home roots. Upon returning home and finding a teaching position my weight began to go down. It has been two years and while it has not been a lot I have continued to drop a little here and there.

    As a 51 year old mother of a 6 year old this continued losing without trying has given me the motivation to try and do more healthy eating and working out. I am not looking for a miracle. I realize this has been 40 + years adding this weight and it will be I figure a couple of years making it to my goal, but this time I do believe I can do it with the support of my family which is something I have never had in the past.
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hi my name is Jan,

    I am writing this to the background of Patti Lupone " the ladies who lunch"!

    I am 54 and have been with MFP since January 2012 - my best loss was 49 pounds lost by 22 July this year since when I have relapsed a little and I am struggling - I think it is called Menopause! I have regained 10 pounds! being positive I have still lost 39 pounds since January.

    I am trying HRT now - but still suffering from dreadful flushes compounded by night duty and Grave's disease!
    I long to sleep throught the night (or day) again!

    I love to walk and I love to lunch!
  • katie070563
    Hello, my name is Katie, 49yrs old, and I live in the UK. I joined MFP in September, and its one of the best things I've ever done! I have lost 40Ibs altogether since July/August this year, and feel great. My overall goal is to loose 84Ibs; so almost half way. However, I set myself 28Ib mini with this in mind, I've got 16Ib to go until I reach my second mini goal. I joined a gym last week, so now getting into this along with swimming....and I am really enjoying it, as well as seeing how my confidence is starting to grow.

    I love walking my dogs, although today it looks like it is going to be a very wet walk and filthy dogs, as it is pouring with rain....but never mind! I love to lunch...and the wine, so I am very pleased to be part of this group.

    Have a great day everyone
  • smartwoman91258
    smartwoman91258 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm Linda from Maine and Florida! Just turned 54, married, two girls (28 and 29) and 3 grandbabies.

    After making it this long on Planet Earth, I'm quite educated on the "hows" to lose weight, but I need the daily motivation not to slip into my gourmet cooking and baking mode.

    "Keep it simple, STUPID" is my new motto. If I start taking out the flour, sugar or expensive cheeses and creams, I'm in trouble.

    My highest weight was 250 when I had my 2nd baby. I graduated from high school at 150 and met a boy and got down to 125 for my marriage day.

    I need to get back to a reasonable weight that I can manage and look/feel good (140 sounds like a good number, eh?)

    Especially living in South Florida in the winter....those 'older' women down there are knockouts!

    Good luck to all here...and I'm hoping to gain some knowledge/support and friends to help me get to my goal and stay THERE!
  • Sydamty
    Hi I'm Sonya (Florida)
    I'm 40... for a few more weeks!
    I have 3 children 23, 21, 14
    I am a graphic designer.
    I recently hurt my back and started to realize I needed to do something about it.
    I started weight loss solutions in September and Im down 20 pounds (it may be 26) But im not trusting the scales till i weigh in on the 19th at the doc's office.
    I have a mini goal to be under 200 pounds by Christmas and i think I can make that
    The BMI thing says i should be between 125-140 for my height.
    I was aiming for 170 first then I'll go from there.

    The loss of the 20 pounds has helped my back and my attitude. People at work are complementing me on how chipper i have been.
    It really feels good.

    I have changed how i eat completely.
    Right now i am high protein and no white foods (Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes)
    So meat and veggies and fruit ... and occasional whey protein shakes on my way to work.

    I was at a plateau last week stuck at 20 pounds lost... then i weighed in yesterday... 4 different scales while i was shopping... and i seem to have lost 5 pounds since Wednesday. Since i can't quite believe it I'm not sure if its right...

    Have been on mfp for about 6 weeks and love the tracking. Just realized this weekend I may need a friend or two to keep me motivated
  • HMM163
    HMM163 Posts: 24
    HI I am 63 from Wisconsin. I have lost 69 lbs and still need to lose about 40 or so. I started because of high blood pressure need to control the sodium which is hard. I been a widow for 12 years. I have a daughter, a son-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters. My son died 6 years ago. I am retired and love it.
  • bluangelz
    bluangelz Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, my name is Denise. I am 53 years old. I live in Pinellas Park Florida. A year and half ago I quit smoking and took up running. I am still smoke free and still running. I have completed 2 half marathons, doing my 3rd in a couple of weeks in Miami. :) Even with all the running I do for training I am still gaining weight. I believe mostly due to not smoking. I have gained 21 pounds since I quit. :( I am married to an awesome guy who supports me with everything, even all my crazy ideas of trying to lose weight. LOL I have a 15 year old stepson who now lives with us and can be sometimes a challenge for me, but I love having him with us. :)
  • amgchick
    amgchick Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Stacie...I'm 49 years old and live in the burbs north of Atlanta. I am a recent transplant from California. I am married with no kiddies but LOVE being an Auntie to my 8 neices and nephews and their 4 adorable children. I am a huge dog lover and we have 3 rescues. I spent most of my life being a yo-yo dieter and it finally took its toll on my health. I got my cholesterol up to 336, was at my top weight and was forced to go on medication. I decided that I didn;t want to turn 50 next year and still be tired of being sick and tired. So, I decide that I would turn it around before 50. I consider myself a work in progress and know I will reach my goal before 50. SO happy to have found what works for me and discover I have a passion for helping people at the same time. Feeling blessed! I look forward to getting to know you!
  • itswennndy
    Hello everyone..... nice to be here! I am 42 (43 on Nov 11) live in San Clemente California and have 3 beautiful children 20, 18, and 10! I did not struggle with my weight until I had children and found it really hard to lose it after each child the worst being after my third...... and instead of losing I was gaining!!!!! I have been on MFP for about 45 days and have lost 7.2 pounds. I started to "diet" last april by going to Weight Watchers but found it hard to pay for my weigh in's so I began to do it on my own. I began running and watching what I ate. I have lost a total of 35 pounds since then but found myself maintaing so I knew I needed to do something different. So glad that I found MVP it has help me a lot.
    Today I still enjoy running and i'm running 7 miles 3 days a week and have recently got into kick boxing..... its hard but I love it. For me its not about dieting but about a change in life style. i still love to eat (and drink wine) and have learned that everything in moderation works well for me........ its when I deprive myself that I fail.
  • itswennndy
    Hello everyone..... nice to be here! I am 42 (43 on Nov 11) live in San Clemente California and have 3 beautiful children 20, 18, and 10! I did not struggle with my weight until I had children and found it really hard to lose it after each child the worst being after my third...... and instead of losing I was gaining!!!!! I have been on MFP for about 45 days and have lost 7.2 pounds. I started to "diet" last april by going to Weight Watchers but found it hard to pay for my weigh in's so I began to do it on my own. I began running and watching what I ate. I have lost a total of 35 pounds since then but found myself maintaing so I knew I needed to do something different. So glad that I found MVP it has help me a lot.
    Today I still enjoy running and i'm running 7 miles 3 days a week and have recently got into kick boxing..... its hard but I love it. For me its not about dieting but about a change in life style. i still love to eat (and drink wine) and have learned that everything in moderation works well for me........ its when I deprive myself that I fail.

    I forgot to mention that I am 13 pounds from my goal..... Yay!