Advice for a total newbie ?

Hi everyone!
I am determined to do this but I am say the least lol
I have a considerable amount of weight to lose, at least 90 or so more pounds, and am literally a couch potato. Other than making my kids meals, and the walking involved in chores and errands I have not done any regular exercise in at least 7 years.
At this time I have no choice but to use my treadmill, running outside is not an option right now.
I tried W1D1 a few weeks ago and made it about 15 minutes...and had to stop because even though I have running shoes (asics) I had so much pain in the ball of my foot I couldnt idea why.
People keep telling me i am crazy for wanting to run and should just I really setting my goals to high? Should I get used to walking several miles first then start C25K?
Any advice (even if it is to confirm my insanity! lol) appreciated!!!

anyone know why my running shoes would hurt so much?


  • NatashaRuz
    Hiya :). Congratulations on starting the journey!!

    Not sure why your feet would hurt so much. Do you stretch before running/walking? That may be the ticket.....
    I know that my knees and ankles hurt a lot less now that I've lost a bit of weight, so maybe that is a factor too. Talk to your doc about it if you can.

    The main thing is that you keep moving. Keep making the changes necessary to reclaim your body.

    Lots of people here to cheer you on as you move forward :)
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I got on the treadmill and walked for 20 min...was aiming for 30 but again my feet started to hurt. I am wondering if the sneakers are too narrow..I do have wide feet with low arches. :/ I figure 20 min is better than nothing!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    It does kinda sound like you need different shoes. If you can, go to a running store and have them check your gait, how you pronate, etc., and see what they recommend. I'd definitely get shoes that don't hurt your feet before proceeding. You don't want to cause an injury that sidelines you for awhile in order to recover.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    When I started C25k I had already been walking daily with my dog, about 3 to 5k per day. I found C25k very challenging all the way through the programme but I did complete it and repeated one of the weeks towards the end. I've always considered myself to NOT be a runner. My advice to you is that do what you think will work for you. Try jogging the first week, it should be a real challenge but not impossible. Keep a positive frame of mind, keep telling yourself you CAN do this. If you are experiencing pain whilst jogging then listen to your body, it's telling you something is wrong and you need to determine what that is and fix it. Might be your shoes, go to a running shop as already suggested and get them properly fitted for your feet and running style. Remember that when you're starting out on C25k it needs to be a VERY SLOW jog that you're doing. My jog was not much faster than my walk, I was like a snail! If you really can't jog that first week then consider improving your fitness by walking first, it's a good calorie burner and will help with slowly strengthening your muscles to take on the C25k challenge a little later. Good luck, I'm sure you can do it but remember to take it slow, repeat weeks if you need to and make sure that you're properly kitted out so there is no pain. You might experience some stiffness and tired muscles but you should not be in pain.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Thank you guys...I think I have decided to walk until I can walk a 5K easily, then go on to the jogging part :) Perhaps by then it will be spring and I can go outside..because I think i will like that a lot more than the treadmill!

    I did not know there were such things as running stores...will have to look into where there is one around here
  • CarolinaMoon76
    I got on the treadmill and walked for 20 min...was aiming for 30 but again my feet started to hurt. I am wondering if the sneakers are too narrow..I do have wide feet with low arches. :/ I figure 20 min is better than nothing!

    This. I have wide feet and was born a flat foot. I need wide fitting shoes and I wear insoles that were made specifically for my feet to combate the back, hip and knee pain from being flat footed. I always wear these when exercising. I would strongly suggest that you look at getting the right footwear and support.
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    As suggested above, get properly fitted for shoes. I went last night because my arches and knees hurt really bad (I have flat feet). Today will be my first day running in my new shoes and I am hoping for pain free.

    Also, check out your strike. You should land midfoot. If you are hitting wrong it could cause pain as well.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    If you don't know of a running shop that can help you try getting in touch with a local running club. They can usually point you in the right direction for things like that or someone at the club might even be able to help. They can help you with your running posture etc to make sure you run pain free :)
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    thank you..there is obviously a lot more to think about other than just lacing up some sneakers and hitting the road!

    Hopefully I will be on C25K and posting progress in the near future!
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    I am not an expert but would like to offer my two cents worth from the experience I had.

    I have a lot of weight to lose and I had not exercised in years. I decided to use walking as my exercise and started out with walking 3 days a week about 30 to 45 minutes each time. I was so happy with how it made me feel that I decided to start walking 5 days a week for about an hour each time. All the time losing some weight with only walking - I did walk at I would say a moderate pace. I followed this plan other than adding a second walk on some days because I was loving it so much for approximately 2 months. By the time I was walking 7 days a week and usually for 1-1/2 hours each time the most natural thing for my body to do was to start running and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I found a free C25K program online (Bluefin) and I just graduated today at 35 minutes straight running with no stopping at all. I am not the fastest person, but I'm working on that. My next goal is to go 5 miles straight. I have lost about 25 pounds since I started walking and I am 62 years old. The only expense I made to transition from my walking to my running was a pair of running shoes after my foot strike and gait were evaluated.
    I know that if I can do it - anyone can do it. Just keep consistent with whatever plan you go with whether it be walking first or straight into a C25K program. Even if you have to do days over again - it does not matter, what matters is that you are doing it.
    Good luck on your journey!!
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    thank you!

    I have been wearing my sneakers all day hoping that they just need a bit of breaking in to feel comfortable enough to walk in...I need them to at least last a little while since they are brand new and I cannot afford to just go out and get a new pair right now. I plan to walk on the treadmill at LEAST every other day...more often if I can. Once I can walk at a fairly quick rate for more than 30 minutes I will try week 1 of C25K
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    My opinion on shoes is that they should never have to be broken in to become comfortable. I don't even think that's possible. About the only possible exception to this might be a very heavy work-boot. Just a tip: whenever I buy shoes I walk around the store for quite some time including pretending to run, sit, stand, jump, whatever. And I do this in non-workout shoes, too. If they don't pass that kind of test feeling great, I don't buy 'em. Then I will walk around the house, staying on the carpet, for at least an hour, usually while doing chores. If they don't pass that test, they go back to the store. So, I hope that works but I have my doubts.

    I think your plan of getting up to more than 30 minutes of quick walking before running is solid. Best wishes!
  • jrtcw
    jrtcw Posts: 128 Member
    I started C25K and am taking it incredibly slowly. I have done week 1 for three weeks! But I think it is better to be a bit kind to myself so that I don't get injured or discouraged as I am incredibly unfit.... Have you thought of doing a walking program for a bit? There must surely be podcasts for those too? When you are happy walking perhaps you could then move on to C25k? I have lost 16lbs so far and shudder at carrying those 16lbs on a run. Intending to lose another 24 or so lbs and am motivated to eat well because I want to carry less weight when "running". I am so slow at the moment :-)