Started Running, Stopped Loosing



  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'd say it's from not eating enough to support the added exercise now. 1500 is barely enough for me, a 5'3" female. I tried 1400 last spring, as this is what MFP gave me. Even after eating my exercise cals (because I was starving), I was still fatigued, as well as no speakable weight loss. I upped to 1550, then 1600 and things started moving, as well as I sure felt better, lol.

    I also just happened to read this blog today, which I think relevant to the topic, to go along with sevencallmemom's experience:

    I know a few months ago I started lifting heavier than ever (165 back squat, woot!), the scale barely budged, but I've gotten into the smallest clothes of my adult life. And people were noticing, even though I really wasn't!
  • BertoJG
    Well, I have lost 0.5lb so I guess my body is adjusting.

  • NatashaRuz
    Well, I have lost 0.5lb so I guess my body is adjusting.


    That's great!

    I stalled in weight loss when I started running too....but since have increased my caloric intake per day, have been running more, and weight's starting to drop again. More significantly though, is the change in my body. It's pretty dramatic (for the better). Yours will begin adjusting too. :)
  • BertoJG

    That's great!

    I stalled in weight loss when I started running too....but since have increased my caloric intake per day, have been running more, and weight's starting to drop again. More significantly though, is the change in my body. It's pretty dramatic (for the better). Yours will begin adjusting too. :)

    Another 1/2lb is gone. It seems the last week of more calories is working! I'm now down 25lb. I lost 10lb before MFP, but I know know how to tell it that. :)

  • BertoJG
    Well, I just realized I could add a weight for a date before I joined MFP, so now everything shows correctly. :)

  • debi_f
    debi_f Posts: 330 Member
    I'm glad you posted this! I started jogging with my husband two days ago, and I'm up 2 lbs! AHHH!

    I've been very active with cardio exercise for several months (mostly biking and Pilates), but the jogging is new. My legs are stiff and sore (in a good way), and the 2 extra pounds are a bit disturbing, but I'm figuring it's something to do with water. Either my muscles are retaining water to help heal (and this does stop eventually, right? Right?) or my entire body is just retaining water for whatever reason...

    I'll keep going and see what happens, but if the weight keeps going on, I may lose motivation to keep up the running... ;-(