To start over or not start over? That is the question...

TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
Hi there ladies!

I made it through the end of Stage 2 and in my very last set of Bulgarian split squats I really hurt my ankle. Like 8 weeks in a walking boot type of hurt. I'm much better now and healed up nicely, but I made excuses and didn't workout for 8 weeks straight, so my endurance and strength are nothing now. I want to start NR back up, but I'm not sure whether to start at the beginning, or to start where I left off at Stage 3. Thoughts?

I kinda want to start over, but stage 1 is SO long, I'm a little hesitant to do the split squats again (although I know it wasn't those that did me in, but that they were the last straw for my already very weak ankle), and I'd like to keep moving so I can actually finish the program. On the other hand, I know I've lost some strength and gained some (a lot) of fat in not working out in 2 months, and I had REALLY great results from the first 2 stages!

Should I just start over or should I re-start where I left off?

Thanks in advance!


  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    If it was me, I'd start at stage 3, just use lower weights if needed in the beginning as you ease back into it.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I would start over; eight weeks is a long time.

    You should be able to lift heavier weights than when you completed the first round. You're more familiar with the exercises, proper form, your strength level, etc. It will be fun to see how much stronger you are at the end of each stage the second time around. (assuming you kept training logs)

    To avoid future injuries make sure you're wearing proper footwear when lifting. You need totally flat shoes or, if possible, lift in your socks. I see lots of guys do this in the gym. I personally wear Converse Chuck Taylors.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    id be tempted to say start again, 8 weeks is a long time, however if you really dont WANT to, then start at stage 3, with slightly lower weights and go from there...hope you're ankle is ok now :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'd start back in stage 1, too. Maybe if you feel good, shorten it, but I wouldn't jump right back to stage 3. Good luck!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Yeah Chucks! I wear them too and they're awesome. Your feet are much more stable during lifts. I have an injured ankle but have no issues wearing them.

    Whichever stage you start in, good luck and welcome back!
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for all the positive responses!

    I decided to start over, but I'm only doing 8 of the 16 workouts for stage 1 and stage 2 sans the split squats (because my ankle isn't great with jackknifes yet so there's no way split squats are in my future...). Thanks again for the encouragement! Can't wait to break though to Stage 3 in December! Woot!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I hurt my shoulder, and at the same time my son was playing pee wee football 5 days a week, I was working 50-60 hours a week and decided to take a break. So I haven't exercised in almost 3 months. I'm just starting over at stage 1 myself.