
Day One is almost over for me and it's been great. My Granny offered me a small chocolate bar and I declined, telling her I was off chocolate for the month. I hope every other day is like this. How is everyone else getting on so far?


  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Not gone too bad here either. Not only avoided chocolate but also declined birthday cake being handed out at work.

    Am going to try and give up cakes as well.

    Here's hoping it all goes well.

  • SessiebeeM02
    SessiebeeM02 Posts: 22 Member
    Great work and keep it up.

    It was my brother-in-law's birthday today and we were all given a slice of chocolate cake and I just had mine in front of me, which helped because I knew if I wanted it I could but I didn't want it and didn't eat it... I was thinking about this No Chocolate Month challenge! Thankfully no one minded.
    I'm glad the first day went well for me too.
  • RetroSnowflake
    Not gone too bad here either. Not only avoided chocolate but also declined birthday cake being handed out at work.

    Am going to try and give up cakes as well.

    Here's hoping it all goes well.

    Great work and keep it up.

    It was my brother-in-law's birthday today and we were all given a slice of chocolate cake and I just had mine in front of me, which helped because I knew if I wanted it I could but I didn't want it and didn't eat it... I was thinking about this No Chocolate Month challenge! Thankfully no one minded.
    I'm glad the first day went well for me too.

    Wow, well done to both of you!
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    So far so good here.

    I'm going to a Bonfire/Fireworks display tomorrow so will have to think of something to have in place of my hot chocolate (tradition!). This might be hard.
  • doodlegram
    doodlegram Posts: 3 Member
    Half way through day two, and my colleague brought Mars Planets into work...... i'm resisting :) quite pleased with myself actually!

    I thought I'd try giving up cakes but i think i'll need something sweet. So I've purchased weight watchers carrot cake slices. the perfect mid afternoon snack, and will see me through until at least Wednesday :)
  • RetroSnowflake
    Day Two is almost over and it's went well. I've been pretty lazy all day, my Granny sent my brother and I round Cadbury's fudges, so I've just stuck them in the freezer for next month (: And you know what's incredible, I had a good food day yesterday and my day today is looking pretty great too (:
  • RetroSnowflake
    Day Three's over already. How's everyone else doing? Today was the first day I had a real craving but I didn't give in thankfully.
  • RetroSnowflake
    Day Four has been amazing but I haven't felt that hungry. No cravings today, just nice and somewhat healthier than I'm used to food. Mexican Chili Wedges from Weight Watchers (I'm not on their programme, I just sometimes buy their food) is so yummy! I hope everyone hasn't fell off the wagon yet, I'm lonely in here :L
  • 2feelfitnfab
    still going strong - 5 days in - have felt a wee bit sorry for myself at times though and wondered why i had set myself this challenge!! lol

    Yesterday was the hardest - i could have killed for a frys cream... which is strange because i don't normally opt for dark choci.. (more of a white toblerone kinda girl) .... but I am please to say i resisted and got through it. Yay.... Go me!!

    Tomorrow is going to be challenging - i am off on an adventure by car... and will be eating on the hoof... petrol station munchies... yikes... mental note to self : i must remember to take fruit and oatcakes in my hand bag and lots of water!!

    pleased to see you are all hanging on in there too x stay strong ... we can do this x
  • mmachick2011
    mmachick2011 Posts: 55 Member
    I resisted the Halloween leftover candy... that is everywhere. And then last night I had a WW English toffee square that has chocolate. DAMN it.
  • RetroSnowflake
    still going strong - 5 days in - have felt a wee bit sorry for myself at times though and wondered why i had set myself this challenge!! lol

    Yesterday was the hardest - i could have killed for a frys cream... which is strange because i don't normally opt for dark choci.. (more of a white toblerone kinda girl) .... but I am please to say i resisted and got through it. Yay.... Go me!!

    Tomorrow is going to be challenging - i am off on an adventure by car... and will be eating on the hoof... petrol station munchies... yikes... mental note to self : i must remember to take fruit and oatcakes in my hand bag and lots of water!!

    pleased to see you are all hanging on in there too x stay strong ... we can do this x
    I resisted the Halloween leftover candy... that is everywhere. And then last night I had a WW English toffee square that has chocolate. DAMN it.

    Well Done to you both! And don't worry mmachick2011, you've done well so far. On the bright side, at least it was only one square.
    Day Five for me has been fine. Back to college after Halloween break, my food has been fine, went over by about 300 calories, had a little treat for dessert but no chocolate cravings.
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Like most of you I started this give up chocolate challenge on 1 November and 5 days in it’s actually starting to get easier, although if I’d done this for Lent I’d have considered myself a failure by Day 2! (When we were out I ended up having a hot chocolate, but to be fair it was out of a drinks machine and none of the others are drinkable!)

    I too have questioned myself as to why I thought this would be a good idea but when the scales start to drop I know it will be worth it.

    Just remember, together we can do this. xxx
  • fitinmtl2
    I'm so into this! I'm starting today. No chocolate for a month. I think the first 3 days will be the hardest and then it will get progressively easier. What are people eating instead when they have cravings? Do chocolate flavoured things (i.e. SF pudding) count?
  • RetroSnowflake
    I'm so into this! I'm starting today. No chocolate for a month. I think the first 3 days will be the hardest and then it will get progressively easier. What are people eating instead when they have cravings? Do chocolate flavoured things (i.e. SF pudding) count?

    Well Done for starting today! In all honesty, I have been counting chocolate flavoured things as chocolate, but if you don't want to, if you don't have to.
    Day Six has went well (: I had pizza and pasta today and was still under calories, which I was shocked by. No cravings today, so I'm pretty happy.
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Must admit things are getting better. Haven't thought about needing chocolate for the last few days.
  • RetroSnowflake
    Must admit things are getting better. Haven't thought about needing chocolate for the last few days.

    That's good (:
    It's been almost a week since I started and it's been going great. I thought it would have been much harder than this, it's quite a nice surprise (:
  • fitinmtl2
    Day 2: no actual chocolate. I did have some chocolate in the form of a protein bar coating (oh yeah! good grab) but I figured that was ok.
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Ten days in and things are definately getting easier. Am not even thinking about having to say no to chocolate (mind you it helps that people have stopped offering it as well!) How’s it going for everyone else? xxx
  • RetroSnowflake
    Haven't updated in a few days, everything's going fine though. My Granny offered me a chocolate eclair but I said no. And any chocolate I have received, it's just been put in the freezer.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    haven't had "chocolate" have had cookies containing chocolate however, so I guess that is the same thing. However my goal was no ice cream and so far not one tiny spoonful. Its getting easier too ( I work in a dairy that makes ice cream, its everywhere). So 12 days down and 18 to go!. Its amazing how much food I can eat when I'm not saving calories for my ice cream. Actually been under a couple of time.