derby practice

76blaze Posts: 32
edited January 3 in Social Groups
Hey, gotta question for all you gals and guys. We have a player on our team that insists that we should have player led practices and not coach led practices. I just was curious about this. She said that most practices are player led and not coach led. Which, I'm like, why do we have a coach in the first place! So I don't really know what she is thinking; but maybe shes right. What about your practice. Do the skaters ever lead practice without a coach, or is the coach the main person and has skaters maybe help out. I'm curious here. Let me know how you all do it.:smile:


  • CChandler81
    CChandler81 Posts: 100 Member
    Our Monday night is led by a new recruit coach (it's basics only and some beginner scrimmaging). She skates for our All star team.
    Tuesday nights are main league practice and almost always led by a coach. Yes, skaters will lead on nights they can't make it and moreso in the off season. But in general, we all warm up together and then split into our teams and practice separately, coach leading.
    Thursdays are scrimmage nights. Usually a skater who isn't skating will bench coach.
    Weekend practices are hit and miss but either led by the NR coach or a skater.
    We encourage skaters to lead practice at least once a season, but during the brunt of the season, it's coach led.
  • Thanks for the input. We are having a lot of drama in the team right now, and that's one of the things this girl keeps going back to, so I just wanted to see what the rest of the world was like!
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