So, what foods do you hardly ever eat anymore?



  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    Pasta. I always disliked how it made me feel and I really don't enjoy the taste
  • radargal
    No more Diet Coke. I thought it would be difficult, but surprisingly, it wasn't. I'm avoiding pasta, but still desire it (I love pasta). Based on all the responses, it sounds like I have a good chance of not really liking pasta if I eat it again. That's encouraging!
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I rarely have diet soda anymore. It was always a mainstay in the house, but i don't have the desire to drink it. I have one can in the fridge at work, and it's been there for weeks. I would rather grab the bottle of water that's next to it.
  • lotusspark
    Potatoes .. rarely pizza, bread (unless it's sourdough-it's low glycemic)
    pasta is a rare treat, I might eat ice cream 1-2x per year since I began to
    lose weight, rice is measured carefully as are my vegetable chips.
    This past month I have cut way down on any un-natural sugars. I do
    plan to continue these behaviours forever to maintain-once at my goal
  • intend2
    I've pretty much cut out white breads! That's it. I've seen and felt a HUGE difference.