Food Cravings?!?

I have had no appetite for almost 3 weeks now. I spoke to my surgeon's office and they said its not uncommon and to make sure I was keeping myself well hydrated and eating whatever I was comfortable with. I haven't been able to eat anything truly solid since before my surgery. For the most part its been protein shakes, yogurt/sugar free pudding, refried beans (bizarre cause I never ate them before my WLS and now I love them) and in the past couple of weeks I've been choking back a protein bar or two just to make sure I am getting all my protein in.

I've been feeling fine. My vitamin level bloodwork came back this week and my iron, calcium, magnesium and vit D were all in normal range and my b12 was actually high. My next iron infusion is not scheduled for another 8 weeks. I have been exercising for the first time in months and I have had a really good energy level. Still not hungry, but feeling good.

I woke up from a nap this afternoon absolutely starving (first time since my WLS surgery) and with the most vicious craving for Chinese food. Its the first time since my surgery that I have had any sort of food craving at all and the first time in 11 months that I have wanted to eat anything solid. Now I am not really sure what to do. I definitely don't want to give into my craving and digest unhealthy Chinese food, but considering I have not wanted any food for 3 weeks and nothing solid in 11 months I am not really sure what to do.


  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    Like you, I was eating beans like crazy post-surgery - none of which I ate before surgery. EVER. Black beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, kidney beans, white beans... you name 'em, I eat 'em now. Delicious protein packers.

    My first craving that I remember was pita with cheese whiz (ew!!!!????), egg salad and hummus. Clearly I did not eat this.... that combo is just nasty. But I did go for the eggs - only to dump dump dump dump! When I was able to incorporate mashed potatoes into my diet, I had them with cheese whiz a couple times...but I think it was just to satisfy the craving.

    I am 7 months out now. I get crazy cravings from time to time. However, I find a recipe or create my own to satisfy the craving. I "healthify" it and drastically reduce calories. However, now... I find, if I do REALLY want something (like a slice of pizza), I'll have it. I know I'm going to lose weight regardless of what I eat right now (1200-1300 calories a day post-surgery v. 2500-3000 calories a day pre-surgery) so I go ahead and treat myself.

    I would say satisfy your craving. Listen to your body. We wee given guidelines on the eating stages post-surgery, but the best I can tell you is to listen to your own body. I was on solids about 6-7 weeks after surgery!
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I don't see any harm in giving into cravings once in a while but if you really don't want to eat the food because its not healthy you could always google healthier versions of the foods you are craving and cook them yourself. That way you know its healthy and you know what you are adding and putting in to it.

    I can't remember if there are any Chinese recipes but I like her recipes
  • sgmcat
    sgmcat Posts: 23 Member
    I thought bean and hummus was okay? I am not at that level yet. Only two weeks out, but I would love to know what healthy Chinese foods we could eat. I was on a web site that was hosted by two ladies who have been banded for 10 years and they loved Sushi! I would love to eat Sushi it was one of my favorites pre-surgery.
  • Kalah7Renae12Vera
    Kalah7Renae12Vera Posts: 265 Member
    If I were you I would further investigate this craving.. what about chinese food makes you crave it? Is it the soy sauce? The spices? The oils? Once you find out what it is you are craving in chinese food, you can find healthy alternatives to fulfill that craving.