Challenge week 1!

Someone on another thread mentioned the great idea of having weekly challenges/mini goals. Let's make these things habits that we carry on for the entire time until Christmas (and ideally beyond!) but we can start a different one every week and gradually build up a few really good new healthy habits.

So here's a relatively easy one that we can all start now! (I know I'm a bit preachy with the water but it works!)

- DRINK AT LEAST 1.5L WATER A DAY! This will help us drop pounds in water weight after a while and flush through toxins, keeping our systems working as well as they can! You have to stick with it as your body takes a few days to realise that this is a steady supply rather than a one off "treat". I aim for 2L a day and sometimes am very negligent with it. If you can, keep a big bottle of water with you, on your desk, in your car, wherever you will see it most often! Set a reminder on your phone and make sure you drink regularly throughout the day, rather than guzzle it all in the evening. I'm going to set a reminder and drink a glass every 90 minutes.

I know this is a bit of an obvious and easy one to begin with but it's about starting things that we can incorporate easily into our daily lives and build up healthier habits.

Post on this thread and let everyone know how you're doing with this.


  • sophiemarie2612
    sophiemarie2612 Posts: 11 Member
    this challenge thing is a great idea! keeps everyone in check in the busy weeks running up to christmas.. will definitely help me :)

    on glass four already this morning
  • celixx
    Already do that :) I carry around a 750ml water bottle everywhere and refill it like 5/6 times a day! Makes me go to the toilet like craaaazy though haha
  • fabby58
    fabby58 Posts: 9 Member
    Good idea!
    And don't worry I am pretty sure the people I work with think I have some sort of problem I go to the loo so much
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    The first 4/5 days of upping my water intake make me pee like mad! After that my body seems to adjust itself to the new level of hydration and I start seeing the benefits to my weight, skin, hair, eye bags(!) and energy.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    This is SUCH a challenge for me, I just never feel thirsty, I'm going to try setting alarm, and also for every email or text I send A work I will have some water.
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    Have a look on this site at the hydration calculator and more info on the benefits of upping your water intake.
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    Haha well I went to the doctors the other day for another issue and had my wee tested just in case but its the cold which is making me wee more often but my wee was clear as water!! I think I def drink enough.

    Its always good to monitor the colour of your wee to check how hydrated your body is x
  • SaLandrum
    SaLandrum Posts: 141 Member
    Already 24 ounces drank today ..... Love this challenge.
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    Haha well I went to the doctors the other day for another issue and had my wee tested just in case but its the cold which is making me wee more often but my wee was clear as water!! I think I def drink enough.

    Its always good to monitor the colour of your wee to check how hydrated your body is x

    A fabulous way to measure your hydration! Pale yellow-clear is very healthy. Haha the cold makes me need the loo loads too!
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    Already on it, I usually drink 12-16 cups a day, water is super important!
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I'm so in!! 20 down so far!! :) Hope everyone is having an awesome day so far!! :)
  • mjmbjmgjm1
    mjmbjmgjm1 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in. Drinking any fluids has always been a challenge for me. I use to only have 3 - 4 glasses of any liquid a day....recently I switched to mostly water and have been forcing myself to have a drink even when I am not thirsty. :)
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm game, usually drink about 1 litre per day but will try to up that.
  • lizzie_bennett
    I have such a hard time remembering to drink water. I never get thirsty. I'm going to make a conscious effort to add more in this week.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    So how is everyone doing so far?? :)
  • pennylaner
    That's a great idea. I do get my > 8 glasses per day, but I usually do "guzzle at night" unfortunately! Being on the computer all day, I forget to drink. Drinking too much at night, it's hard to go to bed because I have to pee so much! haha. :)
  • downsize21
    downsize21 Posts: 7 Member
    i keep a 1Ltr bottle of water with me and try and drink one by lunch then refill and drink by end of the day, any more i drink when i get home from work is extra!!

    really struggle on weekends though! :grumble: always get busy doing things and dont drink as much even though i always try and take my bottle with me!! then by monday i have to reset my system all over again and back to the toilet loads lol.... :laugh:
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    Managed my 2L yesterday and am feeling really good for it today. The best skincare you can get! Setting an alarm on my phone really helped me remember. How's everyone else doing? :smile:
  • brandiseagroves
    brandiseagroves Posts: 29 Member
    I am terrible at the water thing right now. I like the challenge...I will get me a water bottle today! I know it will help, I usually do 2-3 cups a day, awful, right..

    great idea!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    During the week I get in 3 liters at work (I take a 3 liter bottle that I refill every morning and drink it over the course of the day), plus any I drink at home (usually as plain iced tea, no sugar,) the weekend however I don't so, I'm going to take this as a challenge to get my 3 liters in on days that I am home and not at work