Friday 11/09/12 Weigh In

Opening Thread For everyone to post as Friday rolls around.

Please remember to offer support, encouragement, and suggestions to any or all members, we are here for each other to succeed!

Make the group even better by spreading the word and getting other active members to Join Us! The direct link to the group can be posted in your newsfeed, blogs, or any message board you post on. Here is the group link:

Have A Great Day! :bigsmile:


  • Highest Weight (HW) : 388 Lbs (20 August 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 382 Lbs (11 September 2012)
    Last Week (LW): 343.4 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 341.8 Lbs
    Change +/- :-1.6 Lbs
    Goal Weight : < 200 Lbs (I Will Know When I Get There )

    Starting BMI 51.8 - Morbid Obesity************************Current BMI 46.24 Morbid Obesity
    Starting RMR 3071****************************************Current RMR 2821
    Starting BMR 3074 *************************************** Current BMR 2823
    Starting TDEE 3688 **************************************Current TDEE 3388
    Starting DCC 4022 ***************************************Current DCC 3630
    Starting LBM 184 Lbs ************************************Current LBM 184 Lbs
    Starting BF 198 Lbs **************************************Current BF 158 Lbs

    All stats obtained from:
    {Body Mass Index (BMI): Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): Daily Caloric Consumption (DCC): Lean Body Mass (LBM): Body Fat (BF)}

    Do Something and Enjoy it Tomorrow, Do Nothing and Regret it Tomorrow. Your Future is up to You!
  • jenn11411
    jenn11411 Posts: 45 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 180
    GW: changes daily ;-)

    started mfp on 10/30, lost 6 pounds to date. Would like to lose at least 20 by Christmas.

    Thank you and have a great day!
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    SW: 117.x
    CW: 120?
    GW: 100-105 by March 3 (my 28th bday)

    I don't effing get it.

    I've been maintaining my net calorie intake of 1000-1200 per day for the last two weeks. I also increased my exercise over the last two weeks - stairs instead of elevator, walking more, parking further away. I also instituted a "no snacking for 2 hours before bedtime" rule and now I'm up 2+ lbs?
  • SW: 117.x
    CW: 120?
    GW: 100-105 by March 3 (my 28th bday)

    I don't effing get it.

    I've been maintaining my net calorie intake of 1000-1200 per day for the last two weeks. I also increased my exercise over the last two weeks - stairs instead of elevator, walking more, parking further away. I also instituted a "no snacking for 2 hours before bedtime" rule and now I'm up 2+ lbs?
    maybe look into what your eating. and if you drink soda or coffee with creamer or sugar make sure you are counting that too it adds up. also sometimes your lacking in an area like calcium or protein can make you gain.
  • SW:223
    CW: 204

    Im so happy this is new system is helping im excited for a bit more food freedom next week!
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    I count everything and take calcium supplements. It's frustrating.
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    SW: 172
    LW: 167.7
    CW: 166.1
    GW: 147

    It was a good week. I am down 1.5 lbs!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    Down 1.5 lbs this week!!! Almost out of the 200s!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/05 - 206.5
    10/12 - 205.0
    10/19 - 203.2
    10/26 - 203.9
    11/02 - 202.5.
    11/09 - 201.0
  • Down 1.5 lbs this week!!! Almost out of the 200s!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/05 - 206.5
    10/12 - 205.0
    10/19 - 203.2
    10/26 - 203.9
    11/02 - 202.5.
    11/09 - 201.0

    onderland here you come that is great keep up the great work!!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    SW: 117.x
    CW: 120?
    GW: 100-105 by March 3 (my 28th bday)

    I don't effing get it.

    I've been maintaining my net calorie intake of 1000-1200 per day for the last two weeks. I also increased my exercise over the last two weeks - stairs instead of elevator, walking more, parking further away. I also instituted a "no snacking for 2 hours before bedtime" rule and now I'm up 2+ lbs?

    You might want to look at maybe upping your calorie intake just a lil bit. Most places tell you not to go under 1200 calories. Your body could be putting itself in to starvation mode and so its holding on to what ever you are eating. Also, look at howmuch sodium you are taking in and how much water you are drinking to balance it out.

    Just some friendly suggestions! :smile:
  • I count everything and take calcium supplements. It's frustrating.

    i can understand just something i noticed that if i have a protien shake as kinda a snack almost it seems to help between lunch and dinner.

    another my mom noticed was that once she upped her activity that she needed to eat more to keep losing weight something else to possibly think about.

    keep on trucking it could be your body just being stubborn ^_^
  • rnhoppe
    rnhoppe Posts: 111 Member
    Lw: 213
    Cw: 210.4

    Yay...bye bye halloween gain!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Still stuck at 234.4 for the 5th week in a row- starting weight training on monday- hopefully that helps me get out of this plateau!
  • Still stuck at 234.4 for the 5th week in a row- starting weight training on monday- hopefully that helps me get out of this plateau!

    well i would say at least you arent gaining. maybe look at what you are eating? or more water if that isnt something you push. maybe you have too few intake for the excercise output
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Here are my stats for the week.

    SW: 196.7
    CW: 193.8
    GW: 135

    Only lost 0.4lbs this week, but I will take it. Work has been crazy this week and I haven't been able to work out in the evenings because I've been working overtime. I look forward to next week.

    Good luck loosing everybody!
  • healthylady88
    healthylady88 Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    I lost one pound this week. Somewhat disappointed but after listening to everyones advice I agree that slower is better. I am going to stay between 1200-1300 for now and see what happens. There may even be days where I feel the need to go as high as 1500.
    Also, I am going to start making smoothies to fill me up. There are so many good recipes out there for them. I bought the Ninja blender which is supposed to be great for that kind of stuff.
    I hope you have a successful, safe weekend!
  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 99 Member
    SW: 161.6
    11/2/12: 154.6
    11/9/12: 155.3 up .7 lbs
    GW: 120

    I am really frustrated today. My goal has been to get under 153. Everytime I get close to it, my weight goes up. I weighed in this morning to find that I'm up .7 lbs. I am currently set at 1200 calories. I'm wondering if I should bump it up. I'm working out and trying to add more every week. I plan to take my measurements this weekend. Hopefully that brings good news.
  • jeleclekat
    jeleclekat Posts: 124 Member
    SW: 280
    LW: 262.4
    CW: 261.0 -1.4
    GW: 175
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member

    Stats for this week:

    s/w on 02/11: 185.5
    09/11: 184

    Lost 1.5 lbs this week. Not too bad considering I had a weekend away.
  • Good morning everyonee!!!

    SW: 51.3 kg
    CW: 48.9

    Good luck loosing everybody! :D
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