New to Group and the Sleeved Life

Hi! My name is Jess. I am not only new to the Group, but to being sleeved as well. My surgery date was 10/18/12. Thus far my weight loss has been slow (yeah, I know only three weeks out) - 12 pounds from pre-surgery weight - despite following my plan to a t - protein in, water in, multiviamins, blah blah. I talked to my dietician at my two week follow-up and she noted that I just might be a "slow" loser. :frown:

Anyhoo, I'm really excited about MFP for tracking and would love to start integrating more with the community! No more hiding in the house with my food.

Watch out world - here I come! :happy:



  • mum_of_one
    Yay Jess, this is a wonderful place to hang out :) Its informative, helpful and friendly and msot of all encouraging.
    I was sleeved on 30th Oct so a newbe too.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Congrats on your recent surgery! :) Don't be discouraged should your weight loss stall, even though you are following all of your doctor's guidelines. At week 3, my three week stall started. BUT... I was prepared for this since a lot of people seem to have stalls every so often. Just keep doing what you are supposed to do and it will start up again. :)
  • JillyInAZ
    JillyInAZ Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats! Where did you have your surgery?
  • Cheekybookworm
    I had my surgery at Banner Gateway. Dr. Rob Schuster was my surgeon. Awesome program and wonderful surgeon. Would definitely recommend he and his staff. They have support programs (free) 3 times a month for both folks who are pre and post op in their program and to the public. Very well rounded.
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    Congrats! This is for sure the place to be for support!! I was sleeved on Nov. 2nd, already knowing it's the best thing I've ever done for ME!!!!