food plan

Hey there,
I'm 18 and am finally ready to get my life sorted and lose weight. I have been stuggling with my weight all throughout high-school. I feel really unsure of where to start and am extremely nervous because i really want this to be the changing point in my life. My mum has a really poor eating plan and never cooks so i'm constantly eating take-outs and bad foods. I want to put this to an end but don't know what foods i should be eating and i would really appreciate it if anyone could give me a food plan or an outline of every meal i should consume for a week so i can just go and buy these foods and cook myself, to out me on the right track. Any help would be really appreciated!!
Thank you,


  • jlong2184
    Congrats on deciding to take things into your own hands and make the change! I can tell you I used to eat the same way before I made the changes in my life and I know you can do it too. A great book I use is called Now Eat This by Rocco Dispirito. It has tons of recipes of foods that everyone loves but doing them in new ways to make them healthy options.