Bit desperate here...

Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
... alright. So I've been very consistent with my eating. I haven't weighed myself in a while, just going by clothes fit. Absolutely no sugar, no dairy, hardly any fruits and only slightly more carbs (butternut or sweet potatoes) on Saturdays (hard workout day). Otherwise carbs around 50 g/day. I guess I couldn't possibly eat any cleaner and I am exercising as well.
And guess what? Nothing is happening!! I do not care what the scale says at all (haven't even checked), but my clothes are just too tight and I do not feel good in my skin! What the hell am I doing wrong?
My primal and paleo friends here, do you have any ideas? Look at my diary and exercise, it's open to the public. I'd be happy about any hints!


  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Oh and I forgot to say... don't be mislead by the pic... I haven't changed it since I started gaining instead of loosing!
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    Two thoughts. Perhaps you are at a healthy set point. Everyone's set point is different (not fair, I know) but if you're body doesn't want to loose despite your SIGNIFICANT efforts, it may be trying to tell you something worth listening to. Just an opinion.

    The other thought is to decrease your fats a bit and increase your carbs (150~/day) while increasing cardio significantly. When I did this I dropped from my natural set point (I will point out however that this was not a healthy decision). For me it meant hard trail runs,= chronic cardio 6 days/week for 60-90 mins. Again, I stress, this was not a healthy decision.

    Just one lady's opinion. Feel free to msg me if you want to chat some more :)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks meg!!
    I was actually thinking about exercising a bit LESS... and I am only desperate because beginning of this year I seemed to have no problem to stick with my weight (which was lower, not much, just that bit that makes the difference) then! I am eating cleaner now though and exercise more!
    The human body is sooo complicated.... gosh. I think the culprit could also be the time that I spent totally sedentary with my broken foot... probably my metabolism has slowed down? And maybe my body is holding on to that fat due to it?
    FRom my point of view I think the only thing I can do is experiment... so I could stick with the food exactly the way it is and see what happens with a change in exercise (shorter and high intensity/intervals vs slow steady) or even less exercise. If that doesn't change anything, then trying to change diet a bit (less fat vs more fat, less carbs vs more carbs).
    Does that make sense?
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    I'd say the opposite. Up your fat significantly to lose it and bump your carbs up just slightly, maybe to around 80 grams from tubers and veggies. I'm talking between 60% fat or more of your daily macro percentage. Whole avocados, olive oil, coconut butter, grass fed butter or gee, and coconut milk are all good choices.

    I eat fat like it's going out of style and when I do, I lose easiest. I can eat more than 2000 calories a day and work out only a few times a week and still lose weight, as long as I provide fat as fuel for my body. When I don't provide enough of this fuel, my weight loss stalls. I'm a fat burning machine.

    Workout 2-3 weekly with mostly strength training, daily walking if possible, and add in some yoga. How do you sleep?

    Also, I drink a lot of water. Like a gallon everyday. Hydration is key for me.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I had my fat at 60% for the last months and it didn't change anything. Didn't lose either.... neither when I exercised nor when I didn't. During the first whole30 I ate at around 60% fat still, but as nothing happened, I reduced it a bit now for the second round. At the moment I am drinking at least two large pots (1L each) at work and more in the evening.
    I sleep very well, most days about 8 hours and I usually wake up before my alarm goes off at 6 am.
    Exercise-wise I am doing High Intensity Intervals on the elliptical on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Saturday a longer and slower session. The days between I briskly walk to/from work, sometimes both ways (1 hour each). Fridays I usually do Callanetics (like Pilates) and Sundays I either rest totally or do some stretching.
    Is it the calories after all then? Am I eating not enough for my activity level? Or what?
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Yeah I'd say eat more and give it a few weeks to see a result. I try to eat based on hunger and not on calories, but I don't feel optimal when I eat that way. Sometimes I have to push myself and intentionally eat more fat. Usually eating fat gets rid of hunger and any headaches that result in not eating enough calories.
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    based on your workout... i would definitely add some weight training in there, and get off the elliptical! does your gym have a stepmill (the "moving staircase" as i call it?), or the AMT trainer (its gray and yellow) or even the ARC trainer? your body is probably used to the elliptical so you aren't challenging your muscles as much.

    as far as food goes i would listen to the above... more fat and a few more carbs. on that note i think ill go cook some broccoli in bacon fat :)
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    YAY! So more fat & more calories? Wow. Or perhaps less exercise! Both sound not too bad!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I am going through the same thing!! 3 weeks today, I don't feel I have lost anything, or changed at all or feel better :grumble:
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I am actually using the elliptical not for a long time yet... I had a broken foot in July and am only getting back into exercising...
    Am only allowed to do the elliptical at the moment. I used to do a lot of bodyrocking (resistance and body-weight exercises) before and want to incorporate that again as soon as I can. Until then, the stepmill might be a good idea for a change, you're right. I'll bump the fat up a bit and the protein slightly down in turn, carbs are at 20% now, and I'll be a bit more generous with them. If I don't see any positive changes in three weeks, I might have to change things up again...
    based on your workout... i would definitely add some weight training in there, and get off the elliptical! does your gym have a stepmill (the "moving staircase" as i call it?), or the AMT trainer (its gray and yellow) or even the ARC trainer? your body is probably used to the elliptical so you aren't challenging your muscles as much.

    as far as food goes i would listen to the above... more fat and a few more carbs. on that note i think ill go cook some broccoli in bacon fat :)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'd also suggest adding some weights...HEAVY weights, not the barbie dumbbells.

    And looking at your past week of food, I would also say increase the fat, and actually decrease the protein. If the body gets more protein than it needs, it can get turned into glucose/glycogen just like carbs. Some days it was pretty high, I noticed.
    He actually decreased his protein and put a max limit on it.

    I think the Perfect Health Diet has some input on protein as well. I vaguely recall reading in their book, they put a number on protein + carb.