Monday Challenge & Weekend Recap!!

Hey there friends!! How's everyone doing this morning?? I can't believe it's been two weeks since we started this group! It's been so motivating for me to watch all of your progress and see the hard work you’re putting in to reach your goals. It really is because of all of you that I have stepped it up greatly in my own routine! I've only lost 2lbs since this has started but I'm ok with that! I can feel the momentum starting in my own life and know that as long as I continue to work it won't be long before the healthy, confident & shapely Crystal I know and love will come shining through!

How was your weekend?? The weekend is always the toughest for me b/c I'm out of my routine! I logged all my food for the first time on a weekend and feel really good about how I did! I even woke up on Saturday morning and went to the gym! It wasn't in my "plan" but I knew you'd all be holding me accountable so I asked myself, "why not??" I was TERRIBLE about drinking water yesterday and I could really feel it this morning during my spin class! I drank almost 40oz in that 45 minutes!!!

Please tell us how your weekend went! What were your successes and areas of opportunity for next weekend?? Let's learn from each other!

For a Monday Challenge - I'd like us all to stretch it out!! We've been working our bodies like crazy these past two much time have you spent stretching?? Stretching is SO important!! So today, I'd like to spend some extra time getting lose and nursing those muscles!!

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!!


  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Not a stellar week last week or weekend for me, but I am maintaining and on track. I have two workouts scheduled today (Lunch and night time karate class) and I will do 15 minutes of stretching. I brought all good food for the work week - grilled chicken, tuna, salad fixings, steel cut oats, fresh fruit, greek yogurt. Determined to close this year out right. I signed up for a 5K on December 1st and I am doing the 5K "Turkey Trot" with my kids Thanksgiving morning. Also informed the extended family I am NOT doing traditional Thanksgiving this year. (We have the biggest house so we always end up at our place.) I'll be doing a salmon roast (stuffed with crab), fresh veggies and salad. No pies, no potatoes, nada, nada, nada. If they don't like it, they can eat at home. :)
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I so need that challenge so I am in... I went running 7 miles on Saturday and almost 6 on Sunday (my body was too tired to make it to 6) so my body needs a rest and stretching is even better!

    My weekend wasn't terrible even with a date night and birthday party thrown in there.. (hence the reasons for the runs). We even went on a family hike Saturday afternoon. The weather was super nice this weekend and we had to take advantage of the unusual November warmth. I am much worse at drinking water over the weekend too.. It is so much easier to remember the big bottle on my desk.
  • Weekends are always tough, but logging is a good first step! Congrats. My weekend was so-so for nutrition, but great with activity. I convinced my husband to come to spin with me, too! It was a lot of fun, but I didn't do great with logging.

    On Sunday, we made a huge batch of quinoa for the week and planned the rest of our menu. I put a little of the quinoa in my scrambled eggs this AM and it was great. Having healthy stuff on hand helps me so much throughout the week. I saw the importance of that last week when everything was a disaster. :( Well, today's a new day!

    Everyone is doing such a great job. Keep it up!
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    My weekend was uneventfull....which is fine with me. My hubby was still on night shift so it was me and my lil man haning out. I logged all my food and stayed in my calorie range. Got a little bit of a workout in also. I have my meals and workouts planned for the week to come. Sunday we will be having Thanksgiving dinner at my house so I've planned that day to be a cheat day but still plan on buring some calories. Hope everyone has a great MONDAY:)
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    I'm still tryna figure things out- how & wehn to blance snacking, drinking water and fitting in exercsing. Saturday I burned over 1000's calories but only because I ate at an Italian restaurant, Sunday I was too damm tired to do anything, but forced myself to do light cardio. But I know I have to cut down on snacking especially on the weekends, I know this- hopefully this weekend I got this. Drinking more water but on the Sunday I drank so much before exercising I had to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes, which interupted my workout! LOL
    This evening I plan to start the 30Day Shread, I bought the DVD on Saturday & so excited!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    well i was super-pumped cause i was down 2lbs from the previous week. i missed gym friday night so i made my sat, session a double, was there for almost 2 hrs! Sunday was my worst day and i blame it on my baseball team. i had an awesome burn from the game but i pretty much ate it all back because we usually go eat/drink afterwards and i still went to the gym! i wish i wouldve had the discipline to make healthier choices and not drink....but....u know. lol fortunately i was still under goal!
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    I spent the weekend in Charleston eating low-country food, fast food fries, drinking... BUT I tell you what, being a vegetarian has definitely helped! I even had some fudge... I gave myself two days (and Friday night) to eat/drink whatever I wanted, but I am finding that the amount I eat is much less than what it used to be! I went up around a pound and a half, but considering I spent the weekend having whatever I wanted, I thought that was actually pretty good!! I'm back to counting calories and drinking lots of water today... I am thankful for this group and I love seeing everyone's updates!

    Keep up the great work everyone!! :)
  • sed1217
    sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
    Things have been going well for me! I've lost a total of 4.6 pounds over the two weeks, 2 last week. I stuck with my diet this weekend and am drinking tons of water. I've had a few exercise hiccups with my back, which is still recovering from an injury this year, but I'm a work in progress. I'm going to try to get to the gym 5 times this week. Looking forward to another good week! Hopefully I can sneak just a few more oz out of my weight loss this week - if I can lose over 2 lbs, I'll be under 250 :-)
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    The weekend was kinda tough for me. Saturday I attended a chili cookoff then cocktails and a chicken strip sandwich! Sunday wasn't the best but I am back at this week! Exercised M-F last week and am planning on doing the same this week. Slowly getting my runs in, I've had issues with my right leg. IT Band stress. I have been doing the stationary and treadmill on opposite days. Found if I did a quick 5 minutes (1.5 miles) on the bike THEN ran, my leg feels great! The weekend ruined all my good eating habits of the week. Boo. Will do better! Have a wonderful day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    My weekend was...okay... I logged everything but I definitely wasn't super healthy... which is fine, it happens, just gives me something to strive for this week!

    I've already gotten in a lunch time walk and had a really delicious veggie chili...tonight will be a short run with the hubby.. Cannot wait, it's such a good way to end a Monday/kick off the week on the right foot!

    And as for stretching... I need this because I am so bad about stretching! Happy Monday, All!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I had a decent week-end, considering it included a family wedding and other family events. I did my best to track everything, and Saturday I rocked it with my treadmill interval session AND almost 2 hours of non-stop dancing at the wedding.

    The downside to my week-end, and this is always the case, is my water consumption. Like another poster mentioned, it's so much easier to drink it when there is a big bottle sitting on my desk. So, I know that I need to pay attention to that.

    Stretching sounds fantastic! Today is a scheduled "run" day for me (workout 2, of week 2 of the C25K program). My knees are SO sore though that I plan on doing a good stretch-out both before and after my run.

    I'm hoping that the next 2 hours fly by - I was pretty hungry today and have already eaten all the food I brought with me to work. :- / Need to make it until I get home without filling up on toffees.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Less than stellar weekend for me but unfortunately that is usually the case with me between the boyfriend coming down for the weekend and my kids. We attended 2 birthday parties this weekend. Friday night's party added a small calorie burn but probably not enough to compensate for the food and cake I ate. Saturday's food was much better and only took 2 bites of the cake before throwing it in the trash after realizing that it just wasn't worth the calories. I imagine I also burned some calories trying to keep warm on Saturday as well. As a few others have posted, my water intake was close to non-existent and after drinking 80+ ounces for at least 2-3 days in a row, I developed quite a headache by Saturday night. It's much easier for me to drink water at work because they provide us with bottled water but at home we don't have any and I'm spoiled when it comes to water. So I need to make it a point to make it to Costco this weekend to get me some water so I don't have that excuse any longer. I have my meals planned out for the week which always makes me a happy girl. I got 3 days of the 30 day shred completed last week and hoping to get in at least 3 more this week. Although I have been debating on whether to keep up the workout Monday - Thursday and use Friday - Sunday as my rest days or to squeeze in some cardio also. I would really like to pick up C25K again but I think I may be in over my head trying to take on that goal on top of the 30 day shred and being a single mom to 2 kids. We shall see!

    I hope everyone has an amazing week!! Happy Losing!! :drinker:
  • The weekend was...OK. I barely worked out and last night we went to buffalo wild wings where I had a LOT to eat including their snickers pie.... but I had a great evening out with my husband! Today is the start of another week I can do better. I didn't lose any weight but I also didn't gain anything so that's ok!
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    Just weighed in for this week...lost another 1.2 pounds!! Lost a total of 40 lbs since joining MFP. Only 10 more pounds to go to hit my goal weight before Christmas!!

    Started this challenge at 165.2 lbs.

    Current weight is 160 lbs.

    Lost 5.2 lbs so far!

    Goal weight is 150

    Pounds to go -- 10 lbs!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    Just weighed in for this week...lost another 1.2 pounds!! Lost a total of 40 lbs since joining MFP. Only 10 more pounds to go to hit my goal weight before Christmas!!

    Started this challenge at 165.2 lbs.

    Current weight is 160 lbs.

    Lost 5.2 lbs so far!

    Goal weight is 150

    Pounds to go -- 10 lbs!

    WAY TO GO!