WEEK ONE!!!!!!! Yea Buddy!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yea!!!!! Here WE go!

I know that some of you are already off to a great start!! What all have you did today? I hit the weight room bright and early and plan to do some Insantity Pure Cardio later on this afternoon ....and yes, the DVDS are INSANE :sad: !!! (happy tears though :wink: )

Remember to "Plan and Prepare", Fit-N-FAbs!! For example, I use "Food Alarms" to remind me to eat because I think that it's important to eat before I get the "hunger pangs" and here's why: "Common sense tells us that hunger is the body's signal that we should eat. But some experts believe we should be eating before hunger can strike.

The rationale: when we are hungry, we are more likely to overeat. If we're also feeling sleepy or weak, we may also tend to eat the wrong kinds of food - caffeinated or sugary foods that will give us a burst of energy, but only briefly.

Eating proactively rather than reacting to our body's need can, theoretically, give us the opportunity to keep our bodies fueled so that hunger, fatigue, crankiness or other feelings don't get in the way of our going about our business.

Unconscious eating tends to lead to increased calorie consumption. Set aside specific time to eat your meals without reading a book or magazine, watching tv or working on the computer. This way you will savor and appreciate your foods, and also know when you have reached a healthy level of satiety - meaning you stop eating before you are stuffed.

Now that's food for thought."

To end, I want for everyone to KEEP POSTING how their days are going !!! You CAN and you WILL do this!!!

Have a Fitabulous day,


  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks kris for that article the way i was doing it was killing me i wasn't doing it right. I'm loving the workout routines too. Starting weight 194.0 looking forward to 190-192 range. I'm eating 2000 calories and not eat exercise calories back.
  • maryl02
    Hey Kristenee! you told us you wanted us to "check in" on Mondays. How do you want us to do that?
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    i set food alarms on my phone to remind me its time to eat.Today start off good but decided to go running for my 30 mins of cardio at home n injured my ankle by twist rolling it n a hole in my backyard:sad: im goin to get it check cuz i cant put any pressure on it n its swollen so here to it just been sprained i hope:frown: :cry: but im doin like the site doing one meal a wk then add another but im also counting calories like i was before challenge so hopefully this injure wont keep me down to long
  • MissKris2234
    Other than the injury.... you ladies are sounding great!! So sorry to hear about that :frown: . Hopefully, you'll be okay. If you have to stay off of it, I will find you some upper-body workouts so that you can continue with us :smile:

    In regards to checking-in, what you ladies are doing is perfect! I will be posting every Monday like I did today.... so feel free to check-in by posting in the topic. For example, next week I'll post, "Week Two" and so on and so on! And basically ... I just want to know that you are still alive and what you've been up too!

    But have a good evening and I'll be checking-in tomorrow!

  • sweet_teemarie
    Started off strong today ladies. Light breakfast light lunch and a chicken salad for dinner. Havent made it to the gym yet but i will be going tonight...definitely. Starting weight: 156 :)
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    well xray tech said it looked fracture but the er dr said severe sprain but to get looked at by orthopedic dr so right now no working out but i would love some upper body exercise
  • MissKris2234
    @ Caramellips06

    So sorry to hear that ... but you can definitely still participate in the Challenge. In turn, be sure to click this link http://www.ehow.com/how_5669543_exercise-broken-ankle.html to learn about "How to Exercise With a Broken Ankle" ... and then, this link shows demos on Upper Body Workouts http://www.theundergroundbootcamp.com/fitness/top-10-most-effective-upper-body-exercises-for-women/.

    Both sites should be VERY helpful!!! :smile:
