Going Lean for that Green Contest
Hello, Challengers~ I hope that everyone's week has gone well! I am a little worried for this Group... some of our challengers have fell-off; however, I knew that this challenge was not going to be easy. There are two weeks left and I want for everyone to push themselves and make-up for whatever you haven't done over the…
So I have lost 15 pounds and it's hard to see where the weight came off of. I recently measured my thighs and I have gained 1 1/2 inches. How is that possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shakeology Challege
Hello everyone!! I'm starting a challenge group for Shakeology from Beachbody starting on the 15th so if you'd like to join me, just send me a message and I can get back to you with details. If you want to 1.Lose Weight 2.Reduce Cravings 3.Feel Energized 4.Improve Digestion and Regularity this will be perfect for you. I…
What to eat before and after workouts (eat clean) This is so helpful please read
Congrats!!!! 8-Week Challenge is complete
Hello, Challengers~ 8 weeks down!!! I am so proud of each and every one of you. You guys put in work and I am sure that the results show it. For those of you who love a challenge, my sister and I will be having more challenges/contests over at Fit & Fabulous Sisters coming up SOON!!! So be sure to LIKE our page if you…
Week 7 .... Fitness Heaven?!!!!
Well well WELL!!!!! ..... here we are, Challengers..... at Week 7 and almost to the finish line!!! :tongue: !!!! If you've hung in there with me, GOOD JOB!!!!! .... if you fell-off the wagon, PLEASE hop back on; there's still time to finish this Challenge strong. Also, don't STOP here anyways.... this is supposed to be a…
Week 6 ... We got THIS!!!! Check-In
Who's still with me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..... I hope that everyone is :wink: We're almost halfway through Week 6 and almost done with the challenge but we'll NEVER be completely done with this wellness journey that we're on. We need to be continually trying to improve ourselves because that is what life is all about. So if…
Week 5 .... Staying Alive!!! Check-In
Happeeee Monday Funday, Challengers!!! We've completed 4 weeks!!!!! Congratulations!!!! So who has lost weight or inches? Who met a nutrition or fitness goal? Post, post, POST AWAY!!!! We're here to keep each other motivated!!! Plus, I'd love to hear from ALL of you :wink: !! Have a Fitabulous Day, Kris
Week 5 "Eat Clean" Dinner plan has been emailed
Check your emails, Challengers .... and have a Fitabulous weekend :wink: !!!! ~Kris
What workouts have you been doing, challengers?!
Just curious!!! Personally... I get up before six to get my weight training in... then, I do 30-45 minutes of dancing in my Kangoos!! :wink: ~Kris
ALMOST halfway through the CHALLENGE!!!!
Happeeeeeeeeeee Monday Funday, Challengers!!! After this week.... we'll be halfway through the challenge!!! Wow!! So are you guys updating your boards still, cooking any of the dinners, getting your workouts in? It's a lot of work but you-all are going to LOVE your progress by week 8. Post your recent progress in this…