nothing is working

nursy14 Posts: 34 Member
im so upset im doing everything right and still gaining i am frantic inside i never should have stopped smoking what should i do


  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Yes you should have quit smoking!! Congrats on that!! It's hard to help if we can't see your diary. How is your food and exercise? Are you lifting weights?
  • emailcrystalo
    emailcrystalo Posts: 252 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. It is a GREAT thing that you quit smoking. Tell us what you're doing for exercising, eating, etc... I just sent you a freind request - is your food log open? I'm happy to take a look and make some suggestions. Don't worry friend - this is the perfect place to reach out! There are so many people here that have been successful - they have a wealth of knowledge to share. :-)
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    how long have you been been "trying"? it may take some time before you notice any results. if u just recently quit smoking....ur body is probably trying to get used to that first. but dont give up...keep at it. remember ur doing this for life not for right now.
  • lisadekk
    lisadekk Posts: 37 Member
    Don't go back to smoking. KUDDOS to you - You have already made a HUGE healthy choice for yourself and your future. Don't give up - remember, one day at a time.
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    Don't get down on yourself! You absolutely can do this. I too just quit (I am on day 10 of being a non-smoker) and am struggling to get my weight down. But to be honest, mine was up before I quit. Keep your chin up and concentrate on being a better you. I sent you a friend request if you would like someone to commiserate with:)
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Congrats on being a non-smoker!!! I just hit the three month mark as a non-smoker. I couldn't lose weight for the first 8-9 weeks. Its just the last couple that its started coming off again. Just hang in there
  • barb_32
    barb_32 Posts: 73 Member
    Don't get down on yourself, I recently quit smoking myself and have put on quite a bit of weight. I've been on here for 15 days and I'm glad that I am. It was time to make a change, I felt bad about the excess weight and that just made me want to smoke again. So instead I'm exercising and eating clean, I want to be the old me again (just without the smoking). Don't give up, you can do it:)
  • alondrap25
    alondrap25 Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats,! One step at a time, when you worry you stress, and stress makes you gain weight, I know from experience, and I know how hard it is to try and ignore, but thats what you need to do, keep up what your doing, dont think about the weight, or if you eat you too much, just eat healthy, dont be discourage, it will take a while but you can do it, this is what I say, The longer it takes to loose it, the harder it is to gain, let it happen naturally, before you know it you will start loosing. :)
  • MonkeeAnne
    MonkeeAnne Posts: 17 Member
    I am still a smoker. :( My goal is January (that's when we change insurance and I can afford the $180/month Chantix). I am trying to get a kick start on my weight, diet and exercise prior to quitting. I too worry about weight gain with quitting. Hang in there! And what a FANTASTIC accomplishment to quit smoking! Way to go!!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Quitting smoking was your starting point to a healhtier life all around.
    Don't be hard on yourself, you have made a great decision that IS life changing.
    Your body is adjusting to a lot right now, be patient with it (easier said than done I know) but it will learn new, and healthier habits through this.

    We're all here for you!
  • momto2lovelykids
    momto2lovelykids Posts: 110 Member
    Awesome achievement!!!
  • lizziej78
    lizziej78 Posts: 28 Member
    I just wanted to give HUGE kudos to all of you on this thread who have quit or are trying to quit smoking. IT IS SO HARD but YOU CAN DO IT! I quit 6 years ago, and there are still times when that nicotine addiction rears its ugly head, even now, but it's nothing in comparison with the feeling of elation I get when I remember that I kicked that habit.

    I took up running, and tapered down on the smoking very slowly- basically just eliminating cigarettes one at a time- the one before work, then the one on my lunch break, then the one on my way home...I got down to just 2-3 a day, then picked a day that would be my last one, and that was that. I also had a super-helpful non-smoking spouse, which really helped- he kept me from crashing MANY a time.

    You're awesome for even thinking about taking this step, and if you take that first one you can take the next one and the next...
  • nursy14
    nursy14 Posts: 34 Member
    ty for your reply its been 43 days no smoking i have been eating good food i will have a treat sometime like angel food cake or one cookie i always stay under 1300 cal so i will continue to walk and focus on healthy ;eating
  • nursy14
    nursy14 Posts: 34 Member
    ty all for your support i appreciate it i am trying to accept myself as i am right now (WHICH IS SOOO DIFFICULT) and i have to realize also i am turning 60 and it dont come off like it used to BUT IT WILL COME OFF!!!!!!!!! i will do it
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Hang in there it will get easier:)