Pop Quiz it's SO sweet!

lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
It's all about pie. At the end of a meal it never fails cookies, cakes, and pies are everywhere at holiday gatherings! Let's take a moment to focus on pie.... put these sweet treats in order of lowest to highest calories and for a bonus guess how many calories are in each. 20points. + 2pts bonus for each correct guess. (answers due by midnight tonight! 11/13)

Sweet Potato Pie
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie
Custard Pie


  • roundtherink
    pumpkin pie
    sweet potato pie
    apple pie
    custard pie
    pecan pie
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    sweet potato....350

    pecan is my all time favorite! I assume that makes it the highest...ha!
  • dee_bee
    Custard Pie ... 250
    Apple Pie ... 275
    Sweet Potato Pie ... 300
    Pumpkin Pie ... 310
    Pecan Pie ... 400

    I didn't even know most of these existed until now. I have only ever had an apple pie. As for the custard one, it would depend on the milk used to make the custard, in this instance I see it made with a trim milk
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    Thanks for those who participated! The purpose of the nutrition quizzes is to educate us so that when we are standing in a buffet line we can make better choices. I know I am guilty of guessing wrong at nutritional values for food I don't eat very often. Check your knowledge below:

    Custard Pie 221
    Sweet Potato Pie 240
    Pumpkin Pie 290
    Apple Pie 411
    Pecan Pie 503
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    I did not get the order at right, and OMG---never thought apple pie would have so many calories~! I DID nail the calories on the pumpkin pie though---

    Still and all, pecan pie will always be my favorite----pretty stunning to see that it has as many calories as my typical meal!

    thanks for the quiz........