My Journey So Far & I Have Hit a Wall

I need some suggestions as to how to punch thru this wall! In July 2012 I started a low carb diet to lose weight (starting wt. 392 lbs.) and to get my A1C under control. I have lost 68 pounds (323.8 now) and have hit a wall (fluctuating between 322.2 lbs. and 323.8 lbs.). I have been up and down 1.6 pounds for the past 2 weeks. I average between 1000 & 1500 calories per day and keep my carb intake between 50g and 100g per day. I do walk some for exercise (not enough). I would like to start lifting weights but I can't right now due to falling and hurting my hand & wrist. I would like to be below 300 lbs. by Jan. 1 2013 (or as close as possible).

In July 2012 my A1C was 10.4 (before that 12.5) and the doctor wanted to put me on insulin. I made a deal with him. I asked him to give me 6 months and if I did not have my A1C down to normal I would not fight him on putting me on Insulin. The first of October went back to doctor and my A1C = 5.5. Per the doctor I have stopped taking Glipizide the first of this month (November). My sugar went up a bit, but still lower than 120 except for 2 days. My average calculated A1C as of today is 5.2.

This is my first time posting on myfitnesspal about anything about me or my journey. I am a VERY private person and this is a BIG step for me to open up.


  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Hi Chuck. Glad you found us. First, it sounds like you are not eating enough calories as a whole. Did you put your information into the calculators to see where you should be? Are you keeping track of your food? If you are, your diary is private so I can't see it.

    Walking is great exercise. I do it almost every day. I have back issues and can't do anything with impact so I had to stop running and zumba and those types of things are out for me. I would say to continue to walk. Try to do it every day even if you only go for 15 minutes or so. Once you get used to that, then start going a little farther and longer each time. :smile:

    It looks like you are keeping your A1C down which is great! Keep up the great work on that. Good luck and I hope you reach goal for January. Keep us posted.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You're doing great. Stick with what you are doing. Weight tends to come off in chunks. It's not unusual to go a couple of weeks without losing and then have a week where it just melts away. I went 3 weeks barely losing 1 pound then in the last week and a half I dropped 6. If you stick to your plan the weight eventually has to come off.
  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    You are doing incredibly well. What you've been doing has been working for you, and working very well. Stick with it. You may not see the loss on the scale right now, but make sure you are taking measurements as well, you may be losing inches. The loss will start again.

    I almost never agree when people say to eat more to weigh less, but in your case that could be? Have you spoken with your doctor about your calorie level? You need to eat in a way that you can maintain long term, not a diet of total deprivation. But like I said, it seems to be working for you and you are doing a great job.
  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I know that it's frustrating to put in the work and not see results on the scale, but the results on your BG have been outstanding. And that is what's most important. Keep working hard and you'll break through that barrier eventually. I think the majority of us who have been at this a while have found ourselves in a similar situation at some point.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Chuck, you've made a remarkable difference to your A1c figures which is the most important marker. Travis, as usual, has hit the nail on the head ref the weight plateau. Many of us have experienced exactly the same frustration. Once your body adjusts to your healthier eating the weight loss will resume. Keep doing what you're doing and success will come. Patience and persistence are our watchwords.
  • ggrushing
    ggrushing Posts: 8 Member
    Jenny Craig advised eat parsley when the metabalism hits the wall. Walk every day for at least 15 minutes and drink your water. If you can walk twice a day 15 minutes each time that will help as well. Sometimes we have to throw our body into a small state of shock by changing things up a bit. The most important thing is keeping your blood sugar under control. Control portion size and eatting the right foods are key along with daily exercise. You are doing awesome so keep up the great work!
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    I agree with the others..weight often comes off in chunks, like steps. Two weeks isnt long to panic about...frustrating as heck though. During this period make sure you remember daily how well youve done and how much youve already improved your health!!

    I think that you may want to consider shaking things up a bit....change your routine. Try a different activity, a different duration, a different intensity...or all three. Drink a LOT of water for a few days...shake up your metabolism! Add cinnamon and spicey food to your menu!

    Be patient. You will get there!! You can do it!!

    Also congratulations on your post...yes indeed it takes guts to post on MFP...but always remember you have a safe and supportaive home in our diabetes group. I have found the folks in this group are so kind, no hurtful negative, sarcastic comments...we are all in the same fight with same struggles and problems!!

    Looking forward to getting to know you...welcome!
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Getting your blood sugar under control in 5 months is a REMARKABLE victory! You're diary isn't open, so it's hard to say if there's anything extra-special you could do.

    However, I'm another who's weight comes off in chunks. You should have seen me celebrate last week with a 2 lb loss after weeks of 1/4 or 1/2 lb losses.

    I'd probably suggest trying to be just a touch more consistent in your calorie range. 1000 calories is pretty daggone low, especially for a male. Try staying at least between 1300-1500. give it a couple of weeks and see what happens.

    You've made remarkable progress in a short amount of time, sop lease don't be discouraged if things slow down for a little while!
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    Have to agree with everything everyone has said. The A1C progress is fantastic, others on here dream (self included) of an A1C that good.

    As for weight loss, frustrating as it is, the change in diet is clearly having a positive effect on your sugars, keep at it, the weight loss will come. I've been losing steadily for almost 4 months and went two weeks recently with no loss, I know how deflated I felt, but sure enough the loss has started again.

    My next A1C is in two weeks, so hoping for better than the 7.2 at my last one in early September.
  • ChuckLambert336
    ChuckLambert336 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank all of you for you kind words and support. Keeping my blood sugar low is my TOP priority. I knew I would hit this wall but it still gets frustrating. I will continue doing what I have been doing for now. Since starting in July I have stayed steady and have not cheated on my life style change AT ALL. For example, I use to eat french fries at least two to three times a week. I have not had ANY fries since June. Some recommend a cheat meal once a week, but historically, the cheat meal has hurt me in the past by making it easier for me to cheat more and more.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I do not have cheat meals. Diabetes does not give a pass on cheat meals nor does it take holidays. It can take days to bring glucose levels back down from a cheat meal. Cheating on a low carb diet will bring back the cravings ~ not worth it.
  • Aussielooser
    Aussielooser Posts: 139 Member
    Congrats!!! on your A1C result.. I to have come to a brick wall with my weight but I am still loosing the inches.... It takes time like anything I keep saying to myself and I am sure it will happen for you as well.... :smile:
  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    I do not have cheat meals. Diabetes does not give a pass on cheat meals nor does it take holidays. It can take days to bring glucose levels back down from a cheat meal. Cheating on a low carb diet will bring back the cravings ~ not worth it.
    Exactly. The trick is not to get back on the Carb Craving bandwagon so you will no longer feel the need to cheat. If regular, healthy, nutritious food doesn't satisfy you then you are probably still craving carbs to some extent. I find that if I reduce carbs to the right amount for me, the calories will take care of themselves. In other words, I'm full and satisfied before eating too many calories or carbs. It should't be a struggle. Otherwise it's just another short-term diet doomed to failure.

    You're doing wonderfully well. Thanks for sharing your success to date. Keep us posted.