Goals - week commencing 12/11/12

Hi all,

OK what are our goals this week?

So for me last week, I had a good week, I tracked everyday, I lost 2lbs but this week I majorly pigged out without a care.

This week for me:

* Track everyday
* Have at least 2l of water everyday
* Keep under calorie goal - have a 200 deficit everyday so I can enjoy the weekend!


  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    My goal for the week is to not only keep up with tracking food everyday, but
    1. drinking more water 8 glasses a day
    2. finding at least 2 healthy recipes for supper

    I found it hard to stop and track my food on the weekend. I was pretty busy. Hopefully this week is better :) Hope everyone is doing well with your goals!
  • I think it's just me and you my dear!
  • Ariestri77
    Ariestri77 Posts: 7 Member
    yes looks like it's you and me! I found 2 recipes in the weight watchers cookbook to use this week. Last night I made one of them. Mac 'n Cheese. It was sooooo yummy. Less calories and fat than most recipes. My fiance loved it too. Keep up the good work!