Challenge Week 3 (Nov 12-18)

Hey there Hawt Mommas!

Again, sorry for the delay in getting this up. I hope everyone had a great week and that those of us who needed the extra oomph to use the food tracker were able to track regularly.

This week lets say in the food tracker and now make sure we are getting the recommended 8 glasses of water. This is important for everyone, but especially for breast feeding mommas!

Nursing while I type so Im going to keep it short and sweet!


  • Ok heres my stats for this week: 195.6/194.8/180.6.

    This week was ok, had had a hard time keeping up with the tracker and often had to complete it the following day--and I wonder if that resulted in some accuracy issues but since I lost this week Im not going to sweat it too much.

    I dont know if those of you who breastfeed are tracking that on the food tracker, but I have found there are two ways to do it. One is by counting it as exercise and the other is to count it as food. Ive done it both ways and I think I prefer counting it as a food (with a negative caloric value). I was finding that if I categorized it under exercise the program was "helping" me by adjusting the additional calories I would eat for example if I said I breastfed and I burned 500 cals, it would acknowledge that but then would not increase my calorie goal by 500. This is somehow related to my fitbit being connected to mfp (and since I havent been using my fitbit it may be telling mfp that Im not actually burning all those calories). So instead I found that someone has entered breast feeding into the food tracker as a negative calorie item so when add that it ups not only my calorie goal by 500 but also increases my protein goal, which I thought was a good reminder since BFing mommas need more protein.

    Take care everyone, I will talk to ya later!
  • prncesschic
    prncesschic Posts: 419 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a good week! My problem this week was eating too many sweet stuff:/ I still lost though so I guess that's ok:) here are my stats: 210/181.4/172.5. I lost 1.4 lbs this week, maybe if I exercise more next week ill hit an even 2 or more! Good luck to everyone this week and keep up the good work ladies!! Our babies will appreciate us being fit enough to run around with them in the coming years:) ta ta for now
  • My stats- 205/172/157

    I met my goal last week of completing C25k 3 times last week and doing Nike training 2 days, I also got in a day at the gym which I am really excited about. I might have to take my kids old baby sitter up on her offer to watch my baby for an hour or so anytime I need it so I can get a day at the gym every week. I really enjoyed being back and felt motivated even more after seeing myself in those mirrors.

    Drinking enough water is no longer a challenge to me, I have been doing really well with that and make a point to get my water even if it means I have to stay up to get down that last glass (which means I'll be up at night). I think I will shoot for 10 glass of water a day instead of 8. I will also try shaking things up a little and replacing one meal with a low calorie shake/smoothie and see how my body adjust to that. I need to do more if I want to reach my goal by the end of the year.

    I will continue with the same exercise routine I had for last week but push myself a little harder. I think I could be working harder than I am. I'm a single mother and would like to get back to dating but I cant do that until I can fit into my clothes again. Rocking maternity jeans on a date is not cute LOL!!!
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm up this week. 171.8/172/150

    No excuses just didnt eat the way I know I should. This week I failed. :(
  • kellimiller1
    kellimiller1 Posts: 7 Member
    265/217/195. Im down again, I sure wish I could go all out like I used to be able to for cardio, but I still feel I might pee- get what I mean?? :tongue: Def. not ready to start lifting- legs anyway- arms i could do without worrying. Ill get there eventually- just gotta be patient. My goal is to try to start lifiting for my arms. I already do the goal for htis week for the water intake. BUt good luck to everyone and lets do this:smile:
  • ZanaZana2012
    ZanaZana2012 Posts: 12 Member
    Stats this week: 162/158/155

    My first mini-goal was 155 before I go back to work, but then that means this is my last week to hit it. Next week I am at my sister's for Thanksgiving, then back in the office the following Monday. So, not likely I am going to hit it. :( My follow up goal for the rest of the year was not gain and stay at 155 (being realistic - with the holidays and going back to work, i.e. no time for workouts, I am not likely to lose anymore the rest of the year).

    So, I have been out of my good habits the last couple days but going to try and get back to it today!

    Water is a great goal for me. I used to only drink water, now I only drink caffine (coffee - which I don't even like, and diet coke). So, I am going to go get my first glass of the day and try to hit 8 every day. I tried last week too, but didn't hit it for the whole week.

    My other goal will be to get back into working out. I took 2 days off after working out almost every day for the last 30. So, goal for the next 6 days... Shred level 1, Shred level 2, Shred level 3, and then 1, 2, 3 again. Next week when I am at my sister's, if I get a chance (plus if I dare... it is going to be COLD for this Texan in PA) I will start C25K Week 4 (finished Week 3 this past Saturday).

    Great work ladies!! Love to see the motiviation and effort everyone is making... It makes me want to particpate too! :)
  • This weeks stats: 200.3/194.2/185.3

    I only maintained this week. :/ Atleast its not a gain I guess. I am going to try to eat more this week. I am super tired and DH has no clue what he is doing with our crying LO so I have to make this short.
  • emsays
    emsays Posts: 9 Member
    I maintained this week (as of Monday). 210.0/207.2/198.0

    Not complaining -- this week has been horrendous! I got slammed with a major project at work, and I've been pulling really long hours which increases LO's separation anxiety which increases DH's all-around anxiety, which in turn makes me anxious. Vicious cycle! Anyways, that is why I haven't been around as much.

    Food wise, I am back to tracking this week and doing great. It's my goal to work out 3x this week. I'm gong to try to sneak a workout in tomorrow, then Saturday and Sunday. My birthday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I'm thinking about doing a 5k race, and I don't want that to be my first workout in a month!!

    Everyone is doing great!! KUTGW ladies!!