Finishing Week 2/Starting Week 3 - Question

So, tomorrow is my last day of week 2 and then after a break I'll be starting Week 3. I'm amazed at even this much, as a few years ago when I tried it I couldn't even do half of Week 1 Day 1. I've come a long way.

My question ... I realize everyone says to worry more about endurance/form than speed, but I'm just curious what speeds you guys find yourself running at, especially newbs like me or those at least in the earlier weeks. Well, I guess those of you that are pros at it, too. If I run inside on the treadmill, I set the run portions to 4.5mph. If I am doing it outside, my running app tracks me as ranging between about 4.2 and 5mph. I have no idea what is a target range to aim for, if I'm going way too slow, too fast (seems doubtful).

Not really looking for advice necessarily, just information on others' experiences. Thanks!


  • Haikugurl
    Haikugurl Posts: 31 Member
    While I was doing it (I ran outdoors), I really didn't carefully track my speed. I was more concerned about pacing myself at a comfortable pace (even if it felt really slow to me at times) so I could complete the longer runs without burning myself out. Occasionally, I'd sprint toward the last few minutes of a run (just so I knew I'd be able to finish the run even if I was tired) to challenge myself.

    Now that I've just graduated! I'm starting to work on speed.
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    When I started out I think I ranged from 5 to 6 mph. I have been running outside during each session, and around in a circuit which just happens to be 1/2 mile around, so it has helped me figure out my speed. 6 mph is my current average speed. With the winterish weather upon us in the plain states now I have cut back a bit on running outside. I am still walking outside and also doing my cardio/strength training session indoors on the Nintendo Wii with EA Sports Active 2 and NFL Training Camp. Both great programs. I have completed each the C25K and the B210K. I feel though I will need to re-run through at least the B210K to see where I am at in terms of running once the Springs rolls around.

    Great job to you on graduating to week 3 :drinker: . That is a wonderful achievement. Keep up the great running.
  • fredf2112
    fredf2112 Posts: 110 Member
    I would have to agree with Haikugurl. From what I've seen and from my own experience, the idea is to run/jog at a pace that you can finish. Once you complete the last week, then you work on increasing both speed and distance.
  • explodingalice
    explodingalice Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks, guys. That's what I thought, and what I am doing. I was really just curious. :)
  • SueMGordon
    I do mine on a treadmill - jogging at 5pmh, walking at 4mph. I am W5D2 tomorrow and am contemplating taking the jogging speed down by maybe .5 for the W5D3 session.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    I'm on the treadmill at 7km/h running and 5-5.5 km/h walking. That's 4.3mph and 3.1-3.4mph.
  • kmudica
    I am in week 6. 12-13 min miles. i think thats about 4.7 to 4.8. My goal is to complete the 5k in less than 45 mins. After that I'll work on speed...
  • lazieats
    lazieats Posts: 185 Member
    I'm glad this question was posted because I have been jogging at only 3.5 mph. I thought it was really slow, and seeing the numbers others have posted, I see that it is. That helps a lot. I'm more concerned with completing the program, but it helps to know that I can play with increasing my speed. I think at the slower pace I'm at, I'm messing up my form. I keep landing on my heels, rather than the ball of my foot. Now I know increasing my speed isn't a no-no (unless I can't finish my run.) Thanks!
  • NatashaRuz
    I finished the program a few weeks ago. My goal through the whole thing was endurance, versus speed. I'm a slow runner....real slow....but getting better! ;) The average speed is @ 14.00min/mile, so just over 4mph. I'm working on speed, but am not going to stress over it.

    Good luck to you! Keep it up! :)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I run with my music, I created a play list with songs at 150 bpm. So, depending on the length of my stride, that's about 5.5 - 6.5 mph, or between a 9:00 and 11:00 mile. I'm at the all running portion of the program I'm following (it's a little different that the one on this site), which is 15 minutes nonstop right now. Tonight is another 15, and Thursday should be another 15...but likely more as a preemptive strike against the extra Thanksgiving calories.