That time of the month !

I've recently had the birth control implant taken out after 5 years to give my body freedom back and lost 5 pounds straight away. Now I am due to start my second period next Wednesday however this week I've felt hungry, bloated and a little sleepy with the occasion when I lose my appetite like last night nothing tasted right.

I think I'm holding a lot of water.

How does the menstrual cycle affect all of your weight loss and healthy eating? Any tricks, hints and tips you can offer as its been so long for me. Any foods which comfort you without piling on the non water pounds?




  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    And guys don't be shy feel free to comment.
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member

    Interesting post! Obviously everyone's different but it's great to hear about other people's experiences and how they deal with this.

    For me: MEGA water retention and cravings for chocolate and salt! I find that the more water/herbal tea I drink the better I feel and also eating lots of fish seems to help (if you don't eat fish, maybe think about taking Omega 3).

    If I want chocolate I do have some but I limit myself. Or have a low cal hot chocolate drink. As for the salt, I try not to have too much but if I feel like I need it, I have marmite on a ricecake or a small amount of salted popcorn.

    Hope you feel ok. Don't beat yourself up too much if you slip off track. Sounds cliche but listen to your body and just be sensible with portion sizes etc. xx
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member

    Interesting post! Obviously everyone's different but it's great to hear about other people's experiences and how they deal with this.

    For me: MEGA water retention and cravings for chocolate and salt! I find that the more water/herbal tea I drink the better I feel and also eating lots of fish seems to help (if you don't eat fish, maybe think about taking Omega 3).

    If I want chocolate I do have some but I limit myself. Or have a low cal hot chocolate drink. As for the salt, I try not to have too much but if I feel like I need it, I have marmite on a ricecake or a small amount of salted popcorn.

    Hope you feel ok. Don't beat yourself up too much if you slip off track. Sounds cliche but listen to your body and just be sensible with portion sizes etc. xx

    Thank you for replying to this great to hear your experience! I will try the fish next week but I have been drinking hot chocolate for the heat as well as a sugary non caffinated drink, I cant drink tea/coffee much on that time of the month. Well tea is ok but I prefer hot chocolate.

    It bothers me that it can affect at least 2 weeks of the month, I understand my body is still adjusting to my own hormones etc. But if I can pick up some ideas/experiences from you all that will help its been over 5 years since I've had a period but in that time especially with the implant I couldn't lose weight and mega water retention.

  • DeirdreMum8
    I retain water but think my metabolism goes up a bit:) I allow my chocolate fix and favourits but keep all the healthy habits too, like water and nightly workouts. I skip the scale for the few days right around D day:) I never actually gain, just feel the bloat. Extra water, less salt all that jazz. Good luck!!
  • brandiseagroves
    brandiseagroves Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain
    I crave sugar and salt!!!
    I try to avoid it, but I will allow a little....never seem to lose any weight during this week. I also retain water. I will try to up my water intake..warm tea sounds great...and will definitely try the fish idea...

    thanks B
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    I too retain lots of water ... so I usually just ignore my weigh-ins during this period. I also like drinking teas like chamomile with some soy milk and honey. I feel like it helps with the water retention and the honey helps with the sweets craving. The water in the tea also helps by making me feel full and less hungry. Hope that helps!
  • Cam5279
    Cam5279 Posts: 6 Member
    The week before is pretty much the only time I really struggle with snack cravings. I'm not a sweets person except for about 4-5 days out of the month, and I think it is mainly because I cut waaaay back on my diet Mt Dew habit around that time of the month because the caffeine causes cramps for me.

    I drink a lot of hot tea to try to compensate but still give in too often. I never see any loss that week either, though I often post a good loss the following week which makes me think at least part of my lack of progress is water weight.
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    It throws my weight loss outta wack for a week, as I gain around 3-5lbs on average (which disappears a soon as it's gone), major water retention and I generally feel pretty bloated and 'heavy'. I don't check the scales during it, as it would be pretty discouraging!

    I don't really struggle with food cravings, so am lucky in that way, but I do tend to drink a lot more tea.
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    I love drinking hot chocolate and water that helps me a lot, tea is ok until I start to cramp then I stop drink caffinated drinks.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'm adjusting to being on the pill with no breaks (hormone shift started causing severe migraines) still having the effects about every three months. But, having had cycles up til last year when dr put me on the no breaks, and having bouts about every three months here's my 2 cents:
    Drink lots of water

    Don't stress over any weight gain during this time, unless you have a food free-for-all and eat way over your cals every day. I would retain up to 5lbs of water for two weeks (the week before and the week of) then it would go away

    Try yoga or deep stretching, I find it helps better than regular exercise to ease some of the aching body parts (some days the girls hurt too much to be bouncing around with jogging or doing Combat, ect. anyway)

    Put a heating pad on low heat and sit with it on your abdomen or lower back (I know some of us ladies get aches in different places) when you're reading or watching tv

    If you have a craving, indulge in a small amount (try to work your calories around it) I found this helps me because if I don't indulge that little bit, this is the time that I become obsessive compulsive about my cravings and a little bit doesn't work any more.

    Try to get some extra sleep
    Hope this helps!
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone, well I've now started and I am soooo hungry!

    Does anyone know if we should be eating more calories that time of the month? I've had a packet of crisps yesterday and today but stuck to my usual breakfast and lunch and dinner ive had to chop down to accomadate the binge eating.

    I haven't weighted myself in weeks and just too scared now.

    I just feel so guilty but my body needs it !

    Laura xo
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    I'm adjusting to being on the pill with no breaks (hormone shift started causing severe migraines) still having the effects about every three months. But, having had cycles up til last year when dr put me on the no breaks, and having bouts about every three months here's my 2 cents:
    Drink lots of water

    Don't stress over any weight gain during this time, unless you have a food free-for-all and eat way over your cals every day. I would retain up to 5lbs of water for two weeks (the week before and the week of) then it would go away

    Try yoga or deep stretching, I find it helps better than regular exercise to ease some of the aching body parts (some days the girls hurt too much to be bouncing around with jogging or doing Combat, ect. anyway)

    Put a heating pad on low heat and sit with it on your abdomen or lower back (I know some of us ladies get aches in different places) when you're reading or watching tv

    If you have a craving, indulge in a small amount (try to work your calories around it) I found this helps me because if I don't indulge that little bit, this is the time that I become obsessive compulsive about my cravings and a little bit doesn't work any more.

    Try to get some extra sleep
    Hope this helps!

    Thank you for your advice. I put on 5lbs which is what i had on my me all the time and couldnt lose whilst using birth control so I had it taken out and lost it. I realise the way I feel whilst on my period now is how I use to feel all the time very hungry, bloated and weak!

    What do you snack on? I've just had 1 packed of crisps and a chocolate bar but feel so bad.

    Laura xo
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member

    Don't feel bad about food! Be grateful that you've got access to it, glad that you enjoyed it and move on. Keep the snacks as healthy as you can (if you're a crisp fiend maybe try popcorn, rice cakes or make your own veggie crisps!) but it's absolutely ok to have a bit of what you want. Just don't overdo it and make it a treat rather than the norm.

    I try to snack on healthy stuff whenever possible but I've learned not to beat myself up over the occasional twix. Don't know about you but if I cut sometihng out completely, I end up obsessing about it and getting really cross that I'm not "allowed" it!

    Give your hormones and body time to adjust to the changes you've made and don't be too hard on yourself :)
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member

    Don't feel bad about food! Be grateful that you've got access to it, glad that you enjoyed it and move on. Keep the snacks as healthy as you can (if you're a crisp fiend maybe try popcorn, rice cakes or make your own veggie crisps!) but it's absolutely ok to have a bit of what you want. Just don't overdo it and make it a treat rather than the norm.

    I try to snack on healthy stuff whenever possible but I've learned not to beat myself up over the occasional twix. Don't know about you but if I cut sometihng out completely, I end up obsessing about it and getting really cross that I'm not "allowed" it!

    Give your hormones and body time to adjust to the changes you've made and don't be too hard on yourself :)

    I don't feel bad about food that's not what I mean its just falling off the bandwagon is what I feel bad about. I will try some of your suggestions but it may be too low calorie whilst on a period we naturally burn more calories whilst on a period. I need to find something healthier with a good amount of calories maybe something like bomba mix or almonds?

    I had a good meal last night is salmon with soft boiled egg and dippy bread felt better after that.

    Laura xo
  • BrightonBelle
    BrightonBelle Posts: 57 Member
    That dinner sounds healthy and delicious. I might steal that one! xx
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    That dinner sounds healthy and delicious. I might steal that one! xx

    Hi Brighton,

    I think I didn't understand what you meant earlier when you said be grateful, I have just realised its Thanks giving in the USA! I'm such dummy sometimes :-P Yes I am grateful for the food I have.

    What dinner? Are you from the USA?