Day 5 and STILL alive!!!!!

How are we doing??????!!!!!!


  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    actually I'm doing great. Since Monday my eating habits have change for the better. I still crave my favorites but i know eating it consistently doesn't benefit me. I've been a peanut butter romantic this week lol. The workouts need improvement cause i love just dance but i got to incorporated strength training too.
  • maryl02
    Doing GREAT!! lost 12 inches and a couple pounds since the beginning of last week!!
  • VirtuousVal
    VirtuousVal Posts: 138 Member
    My 1st week progress report!

    I am celebrating my 1st BIG Victory on my "Healthier Lifestyle" Journey! *Throws ConFetti everywhere*
    I overcame my 1st Plateau! Those last 2 lbs took forever to come off! Here I come ONEderland! My goal is to be under 200 lbs by 12/31!

    Thank you luv for your encouragement and weight loss suggestions from the Food Ideas. I enjoyed the scallops that you sugessted! I am gonna make the a more regular meal from now on, if the $ is in my Food Budget!

    The Workouts that you suggested has helped me lose my 1st 20#'s & 39" inches!

    I bought on amazon, a Exercise ball & another 8 lb weight, so I'd have 2 instead of only 1! ( I've been using to do my squats by putting the ball behind my back up against a wall and rolling it down my back to do my squats. It is so much more support & easier to do squats but still get the effectiveness). I've been kinda of doing a HIIT by starting out with stretching, the jump on my BowFlex Tread Climber for 5 min, then jump off to do squats, then back on my BowFlex, then jump off, then on the ball again for some arms like butterfly press, extensions, etc. Then kool down with a long stretch! I also bought me a Wii Fit Plus...I haven't tried it out yet though!
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Yes yes yes that what i love to hear victories.
  • MissKris2234
    Awesome, ladies!!!! :smile: