Welcome Geocache Hunters!



  • Lisheeloo
    Lisheeloo Posts: 19
    Hi there :) I'm from the UK and mainly do caches in Wales
    My favourite one had to be part of a series with cleverly hidden micro caches with great names (some drilled holes in to bricks and put them inside - genius) and another where the co-ords got you to the cache - but that was the clue and 'tools' to find the next one. Brilliant. So glad there is a geocaching group on here!
  • justme0362
    justme0362 Posts: 38
    Hi there. Yes I'm a cacher. I love it!! I've mostly found them in Niagara, Ontario, Canada area but if I go anywhere I'll try to find them so I have a few finds in Quebec, Niagara Falls (Ontario and New York sides), Lillydale, and New York City. I haven't done much lately but now that I'm back on MFP and kickin it back into shape I plan on getting back at it. Hoping this thread will pick up some ... I love geocaching stories :)
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Wow! Love all of the geocaching stories! Unfortunately, my Mr.'s back still isn't up to par yet... getting there! We live in Arizona & don't go caching when it is really hot anyways. Maybe when cooler weather hits!

    Keep Caching!
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    i know some cachers who live in page, arizona. they don't cache much in the summer either.
  • Hi everyone!

    I'm located in Virginia, on the border of Chesapeake and Portsmouth (Deep Creek). I've been Geocaching and Letterboxing for a little over 2 years (1 year for Letterboxing), and love it. I've got a couple of nano and micro caches hidden in my area, but that's it.

    My GPS died a few months ago, so I really haven't been planting in my area. I've been Geocaching with my mobile phone the past few months.
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    Hello, I just started geocaching and I love it! I live in NYC so there are TONS of caches to be found. So far I have only found 8 or so, and have five caches that I haven't been able to locate. I don't have a GPS, just a smart phone, and it really isn't very accurate in the city! I have found it works pretty well in less urban areas, oddly. I am hoping to get a GPS at some point, but until the money fairy visits I will have to stick with my phone.

    My geocaching user name is TalaZWS (same as my name on here). Does anyone no of any NYC geocaching meetups? I haven't been able to find any active groups.
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I forgot to say my user name at geocaching is DeedeeVI (stand for Vancouver Island, not the roman numeral 6) I hope I have it set to accept friend requests! I've gone thru this list and sent a few friend requests but about a third of them aren't accepting at this time, so you can add me if/when you'd like. Not sure if that setting is premium only or what - a bit confusing and they do seem to change things up quite a bit so hard to keep track.

    Happy caching this Summer everybody! It's a great combination with MFP for sure!

  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    oooh! i know a cacher who lives on vancouver island. he is in the canadian navy and his caching name is tirediron.

    my caching name is uperdooper.
  • Sequoia_2
    Sequoia_2 Posts: 24 Member
    My family just started this new hobby on Wednesday! We have only found 9 caches, but are excited to find more!!! What a fun way to get off our butts and spend time together.
    You can log it as walking or hiking, depending on where you are searching. I even saw someone that had to canoe to one!!! FUN! I use geocaching.com to get my info. I am wondering if it is worth the money to get a Premier membership, or stay with the free membership for now. Maybe once the Spring comes we will upgrade.
    Thanks for starting this group!
    Geo Name: 3CheezHedz

    Our family has been caching for quite a while. All 3 of us have our our accounts and we are all paid premium members. You may not want to get one until you are SURE you are going to keep caching, but it is worth it. We can log a lot of caches that are "members only" and you can build pocket queries to download into your GPSr's. Our caching names are Sequoia_2 (me), Cajancacheman (my husband) and Lil' Tumbleweed (our daughter). You can look us up on Geocaching.com or send me a friend request on facebook. my user name is Brenda Wheeler Shirey.
  • Sequoia_2
    Sequoia_2 Posts: 24 Member
    How do you recommend getting started in geocaching. I was interested in it before every electronic device had a gps in it, but didn't have a gps until Feb. I still haven't started, but it seems like an interesting hobby.

    Go to www.geocaching.com and set yourself up an account. Pick a user name that you will like. Don't worry about getting a premium membership until you are SURE you will keep caching. Some of the droid phones are great for caching, and can get you really close to ground zero. A good handheld GPS is the best bet and you can get a nice one not too expensive and upgrade later. Enter you zipcode and check out all the caches that are near you! There will be a lot, trust me. We found our first without a gps, just using the clues and a picture someone posted. Pick the ones that have a 1 & 1 or 2 difficulty for your first ones. They are cleverly hidden and blend in with their surroundings. You can go to ebay and enter Geocache and will get a look at a lot of containers that people use that are sneaky. (HINT: lampskirts in parking lots lift up, such as at Walmart. Every walmart has a cache. Those little brown skirts lift up and caches are placed underneath. ) Be stealthy!! You don't want everyone seeing you finding the cache and logging it. Muggles do steal them. Make sure you replace them exactly as found. If you ever need some help, you can find local geocaching groups. Do a search on google for Geocaching in your state. You should find some message boards and local groups. My user name on geocaching.com is Sequoia_2 and I am in Louisiana. Been caching since 2005 and I am addicted.
  • _dadgad
    _dadgad Posts: 23 Member
    Been geocaching since April 2003. Only have just over 1900 finds, but I'm keeping it fun. Give me an excuse to get out in the woods.
  • Love caching!!! Have 1240 finds in 5 years (yea, that's low) and have hidden 53. Just love getting out. Caching motivates me to get out and get some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. I also have just started the Munzee thing too!! Have been enjoying that as well since it is a little more competitive than caching.
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    did you find one yesterday so you could get a 12/12/12 souvenir?
  • I got my 12/12/12 badge!! I saved a cache nearby so I could get it. Pathetic aren't I?
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    I got my 12/12/12 badge!! I saved a cache nearby so I could get it. Pathetic aren't I?

    saving a cache?

    "it's a good thing."
  • Yea, saved a cache. Defined as: not finding a cache even though I've walked by it several times. Let me tell you, that's no easy task for me!!!
  • locoducky
    locoducky Posts: 31 Member
    I was so excited to find a geocaching group on here! My family and I really enjoy spending time together geocaching, although I would love to do some of the ones mentioned that need a canoe! :)