Carb/Protein/Fat/etc. settings in MFP

Hi - is there any way to adjust what MFP "calculates" your correct carb or other macronutrient levels should be? My personalized setting wants me to have about 250g. of carbs - !!!!!!! I prefer to stay under 35g. or so. Thanks for any help!



  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Hi - is there any way to adjust what MFP "calculates" your correct carb or other macronutrient levels should be? My personalized setting wants me to have about 250g. of carbs - !!!!!!! I prefer to stay under 35g. or so. Thanks for any help!


    Yes, I had to do the same thing too. Trying to stay under 30 g of carbs. Go to MY HOME, then click on GOALS, scroll down and select to change them, then click on CUSTOM to customize your own goals. You can change the percentages of carbs, fats, and proteins. :)
  • Awesome, that worked perfectly. Thanks so much! :happy:
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Awesome, that worked perfectly. Thanks so much! :happy:

    Any time :)
  • DBook1
    DBook1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a follow up question. When calculating the percentages, does 15% mean total carbs or net carbs?
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    On the site it's total carbs (if using US/Canadian values). Most people only count net towards their goal though so you'll have to deduct the fibre. No way to track just net carbs.