Sugar relapse!! Noooooooo

I have been eating pretty well lately but man do I get an extreme craving for junk fest 2012. It usually happens toward the end of the month!! I hope I am not the only one out there that suffers from this and if there are other alternatives, I am open to all suggestions!!
Rock on!!


  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    I've been addicted to sugar for years. Didn't become a problem until I hit 46 and started gaining belly fat. Right now I eat great during the week and on the weekends I splurge. I'm really becoming aware about how much sugar I'm eating. During the week I eat as little sugar as possible. Around 30 grams a day. I have lots of veges but not too much fruit. Any kind of sugar triggers my cravings.
    As long as I don't eat it, I'm good and don't crave it. It's when I have that one coke, it messes me up for the rest of the day. So that's why I have Saturday/Sunday cheat days. In the past, I was bad 7 days a week, now it's only 2!
    Hoping to get down to one cheat day a week!
    Good luck!!
  • BrianW69
    There are some great low-sugar recipes you can make very easily that should satisfy your sweet tooth. Here's one to get you started...

    Protein Pudding
    1 box (39g) of Sugar Free Fat Free Instant Jell-O Pudding
    2 scoops protein powder
    2 Tbs Sugar-free Cool Whip
    1 Cup Ice Cold water (add more to desired consistency)

    Mix all ingredients with a whisk until pudding gets thick, creamy and starts to set. Don’t be lazy, make sure you whisk long enough to make it super smooth and creamy. Cover and put in fridge for 10-15 minutes then serve. For ultimate smooth texture and creaminess, let it sit covered overnight.

    I recommend Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP) for the powder, but any powder should work. Enjoy!
  • dandksmommy
    Thanks for the recipe. I am addicted to sugar. I quit processed sugars, breads, candy, and alcohol for a month. Had a relapse when my son was in the hospital. I felt like an addict. Once I had one sweet taste of dessert, it was over for about a week. Gained 5 pounds. I am back on the wagon.

    I use Isoflex protein powder because of the low carb count.
    One of my favorite sugar free snacks is freezing a cup of strawberries and adding Waldens Sugar Free Chocolate sauce - Yummy!

    Good luck to all.
  • mary659497
    mary659497 Posts: 483 Member
    I find Skinny Cow chocolate a low calorie sweet fix. Any 100 calorie snack packs. I can't go cold turkey so I include in my calorie counts. Hope your son is ok.
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    :sad: I have those days when I crave sugar too....I try to stick with fruits/protein powder and cottage cheese make sweet smoothies that are healthy.... and satisfy my cravings... :) I don't think sugar cravings ever...ever go not for me anyway....:drinker:
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    Protein Pudding
    1 box (39g) of Sugar Free Fat Free Instant Jell-O Pudding
    2 scoops protein powder
    2 Tbs Sugar-free Cool Whip
    1 Cup Ice Cold water (add more to desired consistency)

    this recipe sounds wonderful...thanks for sharing... :)
  • luvsunshine1
    luvsunshine1 Posts: 878 Member
    Oh my gosh, the last few days, I've been right there with you. I have that same problem of once I have that first cookie, coke, etc it's downhill from there with the sugar. I'm back on the wagon today so it's interesting that I read your post today, makes me feel like I'm not the only one. Good luck in getting through this episode. I'm sure there will be more but maybe not as frequently or last as long.