Can't do this anymore

Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
I'm at the end of my rope and really unsure of where to go from here. I've posted my struggles in this forum before and I am not having any success to speak of. Either I'm having trouble getting my exercise under control or having trouble getting my eating under control; either way, I know I haven't eaten enough to gain as much weight as I have. I should have lost something ... a little bit of something ... somewhere. Inches are up all over. Weight is up. I've at more, ate less, worked out more, worked out less ... I'm at a loss of where to go next. I'm starting a new job on Monday and am unsure of how to fit in snacks, but I'm going to try.

Just venting. Trying to hang on. Been very depressed this weekend. Went to dinner Friday with my boyfriend, our mutual friend and a girl he's talking to. She was in such good shape ... but she talked about eating fried this, fried that, then she ordered potato skins for dinner.... while I ate a salad. I did enjoy my salad and I don't like potato skins, but knowing that I work my *kitten* off and she eats whatever and still has a great body ... that really, really, really pushed me further down than I've been in a while.

Sorry - I'm just not sure of where to go next and I know my boyfriend is tired of hearing me grumble. :frown: :sick:


  • tbellamy1
    Im sorry to hear you want to give up. But think about this....If you give up then what? You will still be unhappy with yourself and you will never figure out whats best for you. What are your numbers? BMR, TDEE. Are you cutting to much? are you getting enough protein, carbs, fats? Hows your water intake? Are you using the right amount of exercise with your diet? Are you sticking to the calories and exercise long enough to see a change?

    Dont give up PLEASE. :flowerforyou: There has to be a way to figure this out.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm not giving up, I just don't know where to go next. I'm driving myself NUTS ... along with the people around me, lol.

    Right now, my BMR is around 1850, TDEE around 2500, eating around 2050 (light activity level - I workout 3 days a week or so, heavy lifting, some cardio) and I'm going over carbs, under protein, ballparking fats either direction. I weigh 235 on a good day, as high as 243 on a bad day. I started EM2WL at 213... I just want to get back to that AT LEAST.

    I've hit my macros on the head for quite a while with no success, so I've been trying to focus just on calories for a bit. This past week I came in way under on calories a few days ... and my fat jeans are SUPER SUPER SUPER tight today!! I used to not even be able to wear them out in public because they were so big!! As far as water, I drink TONS and pee a LOT. I did a reset a while back, but only gained. Then I gained when I cut. I can't reset again; I can't take the gain any more. I need to lose or I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm uncomfortable in my own body and truly hate myself right now.

    I'm just not really sure what to do now. I've gotten SOOOOO much advice, I've taken it, I've tried it, I've only gained weight and inches. I'm so lost.
  • tbellamy1
    Your workout schedule is the same as mine and Im set to moderate. Try running your numbers with 3-5 moderate and try that for a few weeks. Focus on getting in your proteins and dont stress about the rest unless you are loading up on bread and fried foods.:bigsmile:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I know you are frustrated, and I know its not easy. We want the weight gone and we want it gone NOW!!! But think in the long term. What is the point of starving yourself for the next 6 months to drop everything, only to gain it all back the second you eat a bit more?..
    Your friend.. the one who looks skinny and eats potato skins... stop comparing yourself to her.. You have no idea what she does in her day to be able to do that. She might work out like a fiend (which still isnt good)..she might count her calories and is able to work things in like that to eat.. she might be a binge/purger.. she maybe eats nothing all day so she can eat those friend things at night. She may also have the worst heart, liver and stomach conditions because of her crappy eating. Believe me, you do not want that!. You are not her. Remember that!

    Second, I took a look through your diary. You seriously need to stop eating out so much, stop eating the processed foods. Almost every day over the past few weeks your sodium levels are 1000+mg OVER your daily target. That alone is a reaons nothing can show on the scale.. your hanging on to sooo much water because of the salt.. If you are serious about wanting to make the changes to get healthy and lose the weight, you HAVE to change your eating habits. 3500+ mg of salt or more in a day is not going to do anything for you. Stop with the eating out. Concentrate on learning how to cook properly for yourself and eating more in the house.. Itshard at first, but once you get into it, eating at home is not a lot of work and sooooo much better for you. Unless your diet doesnt clean up, there is going to be very little you will be able to do. Losing weight is 80% your diet. You need to commit to changing it and then sticking to that for at least a month or 6 weeks in order to see any kind of change. Concentrate on protein and keeping the "bad" carbs low. Drink your water. Stay away from salt.

    Once your diet is in control, then you can work on the exercise. Kep doing whatever you are doing though. It can help relieve your stress levels and give you an "out" to yourself. But right now, I think you need to worry about your eating and getting that under control.

    I know its hard, and we are all here to help you out, give suggestions and such. Its not easy, especially if you have never done it before. But it does get easier, I promise.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm transitioning to a new job and that has had me not cooking as much as usual. Eating out that much really isn't typical for me. I know the salt is killer; I can feel it in my fingers. Ew.

    I don't want to starve myself like I used to, either. I enjoy eating more ... I'm afraid to go up any more ... but obviously going down doesn't help, either. I want to be healthy, look healthy yet still be able to go have pizza with friends once and a while and not worry.

    I'm disgusted with myself right now. I don't know where to go. I've tried what feels like everything. I'm not new to this. I've been doing the EM2WL thing over six months. I've been working out and eating healthy since 2008. I even tried going to a personal trainer a few weeks ago and talking to him about nutrition was pointless ... he and I were basically on the same level knowledge-wise.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Have you considered getting your BMR tested professionally? Have you had your thyroid tested? Are you on any medications?

    Sometimes the hardest thing about this way of life, is figuring out where the starting point is. You know you dont want to give up and eat next to nothing again, so now is finding the right spot for you to eat right and lose the weight. And it is very possible you are still not eating enough.. I would also agree with jumping to moderate level and giving it another 4 weeks to see what happens. Get back to normal eating again and getting the salt out of you... then you will have a better idea of where your "real" number is right now. Have you taken a diet break recently and ate at TDEE? (I know, last thing you want to do..:)) But I would consider it as well..

    Work on your macros. lowering the carbs.. maybe try eliminating them for a week and see what happens there.. you might find you have an intolerance to gluten...

    I know how frustrating it is. I know if I were you, Id be in no better shape mentally over gaining as much as you did.. but know that we WILL help you find the answer..Start with your doctor and ask to have your thyroid and bloodwork done.. then have your BMR tested.. that will at least let you know if you are eating enough or too much..

  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I'm afraid that I have no answers for you but my heart went out to you when I read your post as I am in exactly the same place that you currently are. I have taken the pressure off myself for a few weeks and no longer log food, I eat what I fancy and just log on here to stay in touch with friends. I'm hoping that I will gradually get remotivated.

    Be kind to yourself.

    Thinking of you with love,

    Sally xxx
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    I just had a quick look at your diary too, and apart from the other poster's comment about a ridiculous amount of processed food, I am wondering where the veggies and fruits are?

    You are way under on fibre for the days I checked, the sodium = water retention and the lack of fibre = um, irregular bowel movements :) so there's a double whammy right there.

    And, I'm sorry, but I don't understand why transitioning to a new job means letting go of eating well. Moving house? I get that, after all you don't want the house full of fresh stuff when you are about to move. But changing jobs? Don't get that.
  • livelifebreath
    livelifebreath Posts: 14 Member
    After reading your post it really made me think. I do weight watchers because I love going to the meetings for support. That is something that I need, but my fitness pal is a great tool. However, I wasn't losing weight each week because they gave me too many calories. After reading the post on the BMR, I googled and found out that lowering my points would be a lot better. I know how you feel I have been a member for 8 weeks and only down 3.8 pounds as of today. My leader tells me never to give up. I am not simply giving up because then that would be giving up on myself. We can do this! If you want to be friends just add me, I will see it on my phone. Also message me we can stay in touch through email.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    I'm not giving up, I just don't know where to go next. I'm driving myself NUTS ... along with the people around me, lol.

    Right now, my BMR is around 1850, TDEE around 2500, eating around 2050 (light activity level - I workout 3 days a week or so, heavy lifting, some cardio) and I'm going over carbs, under protein, ballparking fats either direction. I weigh 235 on a good day, as high as 243 on a bad day. I started EM2WL at 213... I just want to get back to that AT LEAST.

    I've hit my macros on the head for quite a while with no success, so I've been trying to focus just on calories for a bit. This past week I came in way under on calories a few days ... and my fat jeans are SUPER SUPER SUPER tight today!! I used to not even be able to wear them out in public because they were so big!! As far as water, I drink TONS and pee a LOT. I did a reset a while back, but only gained. Then I gained when I cut. I can't reset again; I can't take the gain any more. I need to lose or I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm uncomfortable in my own body and truly hate myself right now.

    I'm just not really sure what to do now. I've gotten SOOOOO much advice, I've taken it, I've tried it, I've only gained weight and inches. I'm so lost.

    ...i think you are taking in too many calories right now. not great advice, i know. and i know you've checked all the calculators, etc... but your body in individual and separate from those. i personally, would drop to 1500-1600 and see how it goes for a few weeks.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    For what it's worth, when I was eating the amount of carbs you are I couldn't lose. I cut the carbs ( and try to keep them below 100 a day) and upped the protein the weight started dropping. After I rocky slow start I am at 60 in 6 months. The protein also keeps you from being hungry. I try to eat clean but am not as successful as I would like to be with that yet.

    Also are you sure you are really burning the calories exercising as posted? Lots of the MFP numbers are out of wack and should be used as a guide many adjust those numbers down. You may want to try that also.

    I agree with the above post that you should try cutting to 1500. Also try and not eat back exercise calories.

    More clean eating and less processed will take care of the sodium but also if you eat 2000 sodium eat 3000 - 4000 potassium to counter that. It will help counter the sodium and bloating.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I agree with some of the previous posters...try to cut down on the carbs/starches/sugars. Recently, I have been trying a "wheat free" diet (more for digestive issues) and its *AMAZING* how many foods you "can't" have...but at the same time it forces you to eat more protein and veggies...

    Try it for a couple of weeks...tell yourself you're "allergic to wheat" and see how many other options are out there...that might get the scale moving in the right direction...

    Try to add more protein such as Greek yogurt, protein shakes, nuts, and lean meats...also more veggies, eggs and fruit...
  • 2abnorth
    2abnorth Posts: 59 Member
    I think you "can't do this anymore" , either. But lets define what "this" is! You're beating yourself up, and that's the worst thing you can do. The one thing I picked up on, that the other posters haven't yet touched on, is how your meals are structured. You have your diary set up for 6 meals a day, but rarely are you eating them. Take your caloric intake and divide it by six. Believe I came in the neighborhood of 387 calories per meal. I saw a huge calorie dump, at times over 1000 cals at 7 p.m. at night. That's huge. EM2WL is a great group, but really, it's not a ticket to go calorie crazy. I think at times, it should be named EAT MORE OFTEN to weigh less. Those cals need to be spread out in smaller meals throughout the day. You should be pairing carbs with protein at every meal. And carbs include veggies and fruit. Keep the starchy carbs to a couple servings a day. 4-6 cups of veggies and fruit. Milk, yogurt and other protein at every meal. I'm not sure how you are deriving your menu, but I think this is where you need the most help. I've been there, I know how hard it can be. If you wish, friend me and I'll try to guide you through it. You have to want this as a lifestyle change, no excuses. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
  • emsnyc
    emsnyc Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry that you are going through a hard time. I can relate to the "compare/despair" feeling you get in the presence of your junkfood eating thin friend... that is the sort of thing that has bugged me since childhood... I'm a little better now (easier because I actually hit my goal), but that thinking is there and I have to battle it sometimes. It's important not to give up, I'm not feeling well, was getting back into exercising after an injury and spent a week sick and I realized how fragile that my self esteem can be if I base it on my latest workout, weight or diet. It's hard... but those things are not who you are.. Who you are is the person who is in there no matter what your body is doing, and the one who can try, and who preservers... I don't know, I do the compare thing- but it's like anything in life, some things are just easier for some people... but it is also true that you don't know what is behind their circumstance. I have gotten to know some of the girls who I envied in High School (I'm 43), and I am finding out that a lot of them had issues I didn't now about, one for example, who always had a great figure struggles with an eating disorder to this day. My best friend has the same issues, and people that don't know that say all sorts of jealous things to her, but they have no idea how much she struggles with it. You wouldn't want that... it consumes people. Then there are just those with the gift of DNA, who are tiny body types and have fast metabolism...

    What is interesting to me, is when I follow fitness blogs, and I see all these people with amazing physiques... they are not the folks that this comes easily to, they are the people who had to make a turn around, made amazing transformations and want to share what they learned with others. Myfitnesspal is full of great people, and also there are some on Facebook public pages that you can follow. They will share their ups and downs with you and you can message them, they will tell you how they coped.

    I lost about 43-46 lbs... I started losing weight, needed help with an arthritic condition so I had to get help from a trainer... this also helped a lot with the weight thing... but if someone from the outside just looked at me now, they would not know all the time, effort, MONEY (yeah it sucks but I am not a high income person, training is expensive... but there's a reason why getting fit is easier for wealthy celebrities... they get trainers to help them, and this helps a LOT...) What I'm saying is, do not compare your situation to people who might have other variables in their lives that make it an un-level playing field... It's not fair to you.

    Basically how I dropped my weight (aside from good training) was calories in vs. calories out. It can all be measured. Be honest when you do your calculations on Myfitnesspal to establish your daily caloric intake goal... and realize to lose, you have to burn a good amount more than you take in... on maintenance I learned this is very difficult... I am always going over and may have to try and lose again... But that's because I was more precise before: measure your food, weigh it... you'd be surprised... if you don't do this you might be taking in a lot more calories than you think.

    Someone said to get your eating right and then start exercising. I couldn't disagree more. You can start both at the same time, in fact exercise will make you want to eat correctly- you are making an investment. Also, you might want to start exercising before you make too drastic a calorie cut... get in a routine and keep reducing until you are at the right level for weight loss. What helps as far as exercise, is cardio. The dreaded cardio. If you cannot do intense cardio... can you walk? I discovered I like running outdoors... which makes cardio a lot easier for me. Running is about 100 calories a mile, and you do not have to go fast. But there is so much else you can do.... you will burn several hundred calories more a day, have more energy, and it will rev up your metabolism.

    I can't see your info, do not know what your situation is as far as being able to exercise or not, but it really helps. I was dreading the gym, procrastinated every time I had to go there and I HAD to do it for my PT for my back... it took a while to get into it. I HATED the treadmill... you find what you can deal with and you might even find something you enjoy that makes you feel good. Maybe something you can do with friends or in a class... Hope this is only temporary for you. If you wish to friend me you may. Be well.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm at the end of my rope and really unsure of where to go from here. I've posted my struggles in this forum before and I am not having any success to speak of. Either I'm having trouble getting my exercise under control or having trouble getting my eating under control; either way, I know I haven't eaten enough to gain as much weight as I have. I should have lost something ... a little bit of something ... somewhere. Inches are up all over. Weight is up. I've at more, ate less, worked out more, worked out less ... I'm at a loss of where to go next. I'm starting a new job on Monday and am unsure of how to fit in snacks, but I'm going to try.

    Other reason not to compare to friend's date - she might have planned for a bad meal, ate less yesterday, exercised more today, will skip some tomorrow too.

    Nothing wrong with that, and great plan actually. Just make the extra food AFTER the workout. Not before.

    Anyway, sounds like a lot of stress in life for just this one matter. You got other stress?
    Diet is a stress, exercise can be a stress, well, should be to a point, but spikes actually.
    Sleeping well to aid recovery?

    Perhaps your body doesn't like the stress of a 20% deficit - at least not right now.

    As others have said, probably using right activity level if only doing 2.5 hrs of lifting and 30 min of walking a week. But is rest of the day a desk job? Then that is right, otherwise might have to re-examine that level.

    Fluctuations as you speak of are possible not only with sodium, but that would indicate, normally, good lifting workouts too. Even if soreness isn't going along with it, if muscles are retaining water, it was good workout.

    Is BMR based on decent bodyfat % estimate, like using 2 or 3 calculators?

    Might be worth a better test, at least with Bodpod, to get that LBM known. That can then give very accurate view of BMR, or at least what it should be. Actually, underestimated, since Katch BMR doesn't account for fact that fat does require some metabolic energy, just not nearly as much as LBM.

    I'd recommend that over an RestingMR test - which will just confirm that either it's where it's expected, or it's low. But they have no idea without knowing LBM, is it low because you have less LBM than expected, or because you have suppressed metabolism still from eating too little?

    It's worth the $35-45 that might be charged to know LBM and expected metabolism.

    If really lifting heavy this well, may even be in line for some calorie cycling to really enhance ability to increase LBM, maybe even muscle. And in one study of older guys, about a 1.6 lb increase in LBM (they didn't even measure muscle) increased RestingMR 7%. In 6 wks. No change of weight, just lost fat and gained LBM.

    That's when you start to drop weight, as fat drops and LBM gains and metabolism goes up.
  • little_miss_panda
    I can relate to your struggles with "thin friend". But she may not always be gifted with such a high metabolism - she may start to pile the weight on as she gets older and not know or practice the healthy habits you do, so not know how to get rid of it if her metabolism does change one day.

    I can only tell you what's worked for me really, which is basically following this 80-90% (which leaves the odd day where I can have a treat, eat out, whatever).

    Following the EM2WL numbers system - I used a site called Calorie Line though rather than Scooby; the numbers recommended on Calorie Line are slightly simpler I think, and marginally less than Scooby.
    No grains
    Limited sugar (including fruit; I do eat it but limited to one or two portions a day)
    Carbs: limited to 100-150g per day, most of my carbs come from sweet potatoes, veg, natural yoghurt, and the odd potato or banana.
    No alcohol
    Fats, particularly the unsaturated variety, at every meal. No low fat stuff - get full fat things. It's counter intuitive, yes, but you will be full longer.
    No processed food - cooking from scratch
    Ditch the vegetable oils - use coconut oil, butter, ghee to cook, salads use hemp, flax or olive oil

    It's pretty much the Primal Blueprint really, look up Mark's Daily Apple if you're interested. I don't particularly like to follow "systems" or be a devotee of any diet guru, but this works well for me, and I use the diet to control Crohns disease as well as keeping my weight stable - I lost initially, but am now at maintenance, but find it actually quite hard to eat up to calorie level if I follow the diet properly. If I go back on to standard diet food I tend to either overeat or have uncomfortable digestive symptoms. The high fat intake seems to reduce inflammation.

    I am a very stubborn "apple shape", all my weight goes on round the middle, and this is the only thing that shifted it and keeps it off.

    And you have the 80-90% adherence rule so you have got wiggle room to have a pizza with your mates as well once in a while.
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. You've lost a lot of weight already. I agree with the previous comments about eating out, processed foods, and sodium. It doesn't matter if you're at or under your calorie goal if you're 2000 over on sodium. You will bloat and retain water and your weight will be up! Don't underestimate how much that can affect you. Even if I stay under my calories, if I over do sodium I am ALWAYS up the next day. By as much as six pounds, over night.

    I think your calories are fine, just watch the sodium and eat less processed foods. Watch your macros, too! I've been frustrated as well, but I haven't been good about my macros or sodium. Just a few days of eating the same calories but paying attention to those and I feel better already. hang in there!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Leigh, I hate seeing another down post from you. You have been working hard for a long time. I agree with Raynn and others. It really isn't just how much you eat, but what. I didn't see any scale movement until I moved my protein up but also lowered my carbs. Sugar and carbs were all OVER my diet. To make my calorie goal I was shoveling greek yogurt in my head...quite a bit of sugar in dairy but I wasn't paying attention. Pita chips here...protein bars there....sugar...carbs....sugar....carbs.....and not GOOD carbs. Now, my calorie goal isn't typical for this group but take a check on my diet. I eat a lot of food and OFTEN...but my cals aren't high because they are whole foods for the most part. Lots of veggies, nuts, lean proteins. Now your friend who ate the skins...doesn't eat like that all the time I bet. I work out HARD. I pay attention to what I eat 95% of the time. But if we go to our favorite restaurant? I get biscuits, wings, chicken and waffles, and split red velvet cake with my kids. If you saw me you'd think....dang, that ***** can eat a lot. No....the rest of the week was really watched....but I enjoyed my meal with my family. :-) Up protein....carbs 100-150g and see if that makes a difference...and watch sugar too. This is what broke my 2 1/2 year plateau. Good luck!!!
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i also didn't lose anything with EM2WL until i changed up my diet. i ditched the grains- all of them, not just wheat. i stopped eating out more than once or twice a week, i cut alcohol, and started eating foods from the earth. technically they call it primal eating (like paleo (meat/veggies- high fat, moderate protein, lower carb) dairy is OK in limited amounts).

    it was hard at first... but now i can taste my food so much better. processed foods taste disgusting- i swear i can taste the chemicals. i feel full, i have energy, i don't experience cravings like i used to, my grocery bill has gotten a lot cheaper, i have learned to cook, and most importantly i am still eating my EM2WL calorie allotment, and dropping inches at a pretty great rate (though i have put on 6 lbs of muscle- which is ok cause it didn't equate to inches around my booty:))

    as everyone else has said i would try to drop the carbs a little and get rid of the processed foods. if your thyroid is in check have you also checked for food allergies? they could be causing a lot of inflammation or messing with your gut. best of luck finding something that works for you!