Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • kkb0827
    kkb0827 Posts: 5 Member
    Great idea!

    Age: 25

    Height: 5'6-5'7

    HW: 140
    CW: 135
    GW: 125

    Add me if you have similar stats! The motivation will be appreciated :)
  • Hey, you're my twin...except that I'm 42 and still weigh 143. I really want to get down to 125. It's hard for me to stay at that weight. My body likes to be 130. I'd love some encouragement! As I get older, I don't care as much about carrying extra weight, but I feel myself on this slow trip towards obesity, and I do not want that!!!
  • I'm quite new to this site. I've had a look at the thread and people similar to me have already been snapped up, so thought I'd post my stats for someone to find me.

    Age: almost 32
    Height: 5ft 3
    Heaviest weight: 130 pounds
    Current weight: 126
    Lightest weight: 95
    Goal weight: 105' although 110 may be more realistic these days.

    The goal is primarily to tone up, fit easily back into UK size 6-8 clothes, and banish my cellulite and saggy bum! I can't blame getting fat on having kids as I have none, it has been a change to a sedentary job with lots of hotel stays, and a back injury stopping me exercising properly that has made me fatter.

    I hate exercising, and a back injury makes lots difficult, but I've started leandro carvalho's Brazilian butt lift, do a bit of Zumba at home and walk in the country whenever I can.

    It would be good to buddy up with someone similar to keep me on the right track, and I will return the favour!
  • kkb0827
    kkb0827 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, you're my twin...except that I'm 42 and still weigh 143. I really want to get down to 125. It's hard for me to stay at that weight. My body likes to be 130. I'd love some encouragement! As I get older, I don't care as much about carrying extra weight, but I feel myself on this slow trip towards obesity, and I do not want that!!!

    Awesome! Im glad to have a twin for this journey :) Im at the same place where my body likes to stay around 130-135. And my sweet tooth does not help either... Hopefully we can keep each other motivated to get to that 125!!
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    Age: 24
    Height: 5 feet
    Heaviest: 125 lbs
    Current: 118 lbs
    Goal weight: 105 lbs
    Lowest as an adult: 95 lbs
    Body Fat: 26.5%!!!!!
    Goal BF - 21%

    Im naturally small but after my teens developed a little Buddah belly and let myself get very squishy! looking to lose fat more than weight and get fit. Been doing the 30 DS and thinking about C25K soon!.
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member

    Hw : 127
    Lw : 103lbs
    Cw : 111lbs
    GW : 105 lbs


    I think you're my closest!
  • TKRV
    TKRV Posts: 165 Member
    22 years old

    HW 135
    LW 101 (Which was not a good idea, btw)
    CW 115
    Goal: 110

    Last I checked my BMI was in the low 20s. Somewhere in the high teens would be nice though.

    My goal is to tone up and get stronger. In particular, I want to tone my core.

    So that's me! If it's not too forward, I'd love to have friends with simular goals. Feel free to add me. My biggest obstical is motivation.
  • Curious, Im from OZ and only know KG's :-/ is it still possible for me to be apart of this??
  • 28 years old


    HW: 145 (right after having my son)
    LW: 107 (5 years ago. Although I was 100 when I was 18)
    CW: 135
    GW: 120 or so, not sure yet. I'll have to see what I look like at that point and decide if I want to go lower or stay there.
  • rexy3033
    rexy3033 Posts: 20 Member
    I am not seeing anyone with a goal weight as high as mine... however, I would be pretty solid at 140!!

    Mom of 3 including a 10 week old baby, Working full-time and breastfeeding. I run about 4 half marathons a year and started lifting about a month ago 3+ times a week.

    Highest weight: 192 (in 2004)
    Current weight: 152
    Goal weight: 140

    Pre-pregnancy weight was 154 so I have passed that, just want a bikini ready body by the end of January for vacation... and then keep it forever as I am done having babies.

    I have been actively using my app, but have not yet found "friends," so feel free to friend me!!
  • Hello

    25 yrs old
    HW: 148
    CW: 141
    GW: 125
    Current BMI: 23%
    Goal Body Fat 20%

    My goal is to eat about 1350 calories a day
    If your anywhere near the above feel free to add me. I am currently doing insanity workout program. My goal is to tone up and lose the pudge in my mid section lol :)
  • Hello

    25 yrs old
    HW: 148
    CW: 141
    GW: 125
    Current BMI: 23%
    Goal Body Fat 20%
  • jenafer22
    jenafer22 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm Jenafer"

    Age - 43
    CW - 144
    GW - 125

    Highest weight - 156 ( while preggers) 30 days later 125; stayed 125 for the next 2 years. Then I gradually started gaining the weight back. My son is now 8 and I am up to 144.

    I desperately want to get back to 125!!!!!
  • Hi, Im new to this!

    Im 5'9 and I currently weigh 150 lbs, getting married next december and i would like to weigh 135 lbs. The heaviest i have been is 154 lbs..... desperate to get back down to the 130's!!
  • spurc
    spurc Posts: 5
    Hello everyone! I'm Sarah and I'm new to this so feel free to friend me!

    Age: 23
    HW: 140
    CW: 130
    GW: 115
  • jenny32373
    jenny32373 Posts: 11 Member
    OK... I'm Jennifer! I've been here for a few weeks... Friend me :)

    Age: 39
    Height: 5"4'
    HW: 169 (Post Baby)
    CW: 139
    LW: 110 (High School... eons ago!! LOL)
    GW: 130-135
    G BMI: 20%

    I'm going to be 40 in March.. Need to keep this up! :tongue:
  • akd06004
    akd06004 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I am going to add you..height wise we are not the same (but close enough), but i think we have similar goals... I'm 5'7" 140, wanting to get down to 125..looking to tone up my midsection as well... body fat is currently around 21.5%, I would like to ideally get it under 20 :)
  • ddamore
    ddamore Posts: 36 Member
    Hey, you're my twin...except that I'm 42 and still weigh 143. I really want to get down to 125. It's hard for me to stay at that weight. My body likes to be 130. I'd love some encouragement! As I get older, I don't care as much about carrying extra weight, but I feel myself on this slow trip towards obesity, and I do not want that!!!

    Are you 5'7" if so you are my Twin. I'm trying to get down to 135 (baby steps). Add me if you'd like to motivate each other! Diana
  • Saw a few twins/triplets/quadruplets already so I'm just going to FR directly, but here are my stats if anyone else matches!

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 130ish in college
    LW: 110ish in high school
    CW: 122
    GW: 115 for five minutes just to prove I can do it, but 117-118 realistically

    I'm married and the hubbers and I will likely be talking babies in a year or so, so I want to see how good I can get myself to look before then! I'm a runner and a Jillian Michaels DVD addict; occasionally I flirt with lifting but haven't gone hardcore yet.

    (Edited to add height!)
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I'm 5 foot 3".

    CW: 100
    LW: 89 at 5 foot 1"
    GW: 95