Winter Fitness!

So whether it is Winter time for your part of the world or not, everybody has experienced Winter.
Its almost December now, so the air is getting chilly, the ground is getting icy, and my motivation is going way down hill...

Anybody got any motivation,suggestions or advice for keeping fit and healthy in the winter time?
If so, comment below!

It can be anything from how to stay healthy over the christmas period, to how to keep exercising outside during the cold...

Send me a message too and I will add you! :)


  • oakfruit
    oakfruit Posts: 20 Member
    I lucked out - my decision to take up winter running coincides with my birthday and Christmas, so I was able to finagle a whole (modest) winter running wardrobe out of my parents and boyfriend. I never used to run in the winter because my ears hurt like mad whenever I did for 30 minutes afterwards. Then I discovered this fall that if I wear THREE layers over my skull whenever it's <45 degrees F, no pain!

    (Here's a helpful link if you have this problem, by the way:

    I'm also discovering that even though I still hate the sensation of cold in general, if I think about how pleasurable it will be to get inside and take a hot shower, I'm a lot more motivated to push myself so I can "earn" the comfort of getting out of the cold. I also wear way more layers than most runners in my neighbourhood. If it's 40 degrees, for example, I wear:

    - sports bra, tank top
    - underarmour mock turtleneck
    - t-shirt
    - leggings
    - long socks
    - headband, hat, another headband
    - gloves

    They say it's better to have to few layers than too many - which will cause you to sweat more, which will make you colder - but for some reason this doesn't seem to apply to me (maybe because I only run 3 miles max).

    Anyway I'm looking forward to others' tips, because I'm pretty new at this!
  • I take advantage of the fact that in winter darkness falls earlier. I close my curtains, then work my way through fun fitness DVDs. I particularly enjoy Latin dance based workouts, like Zumba, and Brazilian butt lift. You don't even need the DVDs, use you tube to find dance fitness routines, put on your favourite music and dance like crazy. No need for special clothes or equipment, not cold, no slippy ice, and best of all- no worries about what I look like to others while I exercise!