Paleo recipe frustration



  • ricestephanie11
    ricestephanie11 Posts: 25 Member
    Well Fed cookbook and I have almost never made a recipe that wasn't amazing from either of those two sources.
    I second this!!
    EVERY recipie I have made from Well Fed has been awesome!!! she also has a blog

    This. So excited she's working on Well Fed 2. :D

    Melicious groupies for the win! *highfive*
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I heard the Practical Paleo cookbook is supposed to be really good, I am on the hunt for it now :)
    I have also used nomnompaleo website, and threedietsonedinner website :)
  • ricestephanie11
    ricestephanie11 Posts: 25 Member
    I thought a little bit about this the other day. So many people I talk to talk about how they just put meat and veggies in a pan and cook them and that's what they eat every meal. I really couldn't do that. I LOVE making recipes, casseroles, basically INTERESTING food. I just love it. i don't think paleo would be sustainable for me without really interesting food.

  • girliegrrrl
    girliegrrrl Posts: 10 Member
    I have had some great successes and some spectacular failures in trying out new Paleo recipes. I've always had an adventurous side with cooking though and regularly have "Experimental Food Night" where I try out new recipes or completely new foods.
    That, and for me, a recipe is more like a guideline rather than a set of rules...I always change something up or add something in. I just try to make a note of it for next time.

    If anyone is interested, I have a PAF (Paleo as f*&$) tag on my Pinterest boards....I collect recipes and have tried almost all of them that are on there with that tag. I also have a board for cooking ahead Paleo style (I will cook big batches of things and freeze them.)

    I highly agree with the Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook recommendation. It's wonderful!!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I thought a little bit about this the other day. So many people I talk to talk about how they just put meat and veggies in a pan and cook them and that's what they eat every meal. I really couldn't do that. I LOVE making recipes, casseroles, basically INTERESTING food. I just love it. i don't think paleo would be sustainable for me without really interesting food.


    its good in a pinch ...but it does get boring for sure!!! My fav right now is cauliflower pizza crust with organic homemade sauce and whatever meat I have on hand, so yummy!!! I love trying new recipes , some are flops, but some are great!!
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    I'm pretty picky about what recipes I will try off of a blog as like someone mentioned, they are often recipes that have only been made once and perhaps fit that person's tastes, but not necessarily someone else. I do use Fed and nomnompaleo and have never had something bad from there.

    My general rule of thumb when it comes to blog recipes is....are there comments where someone else actually tried the recipe and reviewed it? Or are they just "this looks yummy!' comments. If there's no reviews of the recipe from someone, chances are I won't try it. That's why I like recipe sites like Lots of reviews and people comment about what tips they used to make it better!