Question for you who have HRM.

My HRM broke down on me on day 3 of Insanity and I didnt get new one yet although Im on the week 7. ( ordered one but didnt get it yet)
Just wonderin how many calories you usually burn on averege with Insanity?

Lots of thanks.


  • alittlemopo
    alittlemopo Posts: 91 Member
    For me it really varies. Fit test around 200, Pure Cardio with Cardio Abs (400-450), the other month one workouts were usually around 300-350 and Cardio Recovery around 140. We start our recovery week tonight, so don't know yet about month two.
  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm only a couple days in, but so far:

    Fit test was about 350
    Plyometric cardio 690
    Cardio power and resistance 650
    Recovery 290
  • quaintm
    quaintm Posts: 13
    Thank you so much for the info.
  • hey
    just wanted to let you know that I finnely got my HRM ( on time for my second round of Insanity)
    And for the past two weeks my callorie burn was renging 550-650.