Rny questions

Dsagel - welcome. Well what would you like to know? I had my surgery on 6/7/12 and weighed 261.4 and currently I weigh 174. I have has no complications. The surgery was fine and I had minimal pain afterwards- mostly has pain which walking addresses no problem. I've dumped a few times mostly from eating too high fat or sugar and once from not chewing well enough. My biggest issue was I got an aversion to water for over a month and had to have water ice cold or in ice form. I currently have no issues with water. I eat about 700-800 calories a day and exercise 6 out of 7 days in general. I'm having an issue with hair loss in spite of eating enough protein and taking biotin and using nioxin. But I will survive this. Please ask specific questions so they can be addressed- it might help to get your concerns addressed easier that way!! Glad you joined the group!! Sorry this was not that helpful. :)


  • live2love2012
    Dsagel - welcome. Well what would you like to know? I had my surgery on 6/7/12 and weighed 261.4 and currently I weigh 174. I have has no complications. The surgery was fine and I had minimal pain afterwards- mostly has pain which walking addresses no problem. I've dumped a few times mostly from eating too high fat or sugar and once from not chewing well enough. My biggest issue was I got an aversion to water for over a month and had to have water ice cold or in ice form. I currently have no issues with water. I eat about 700-800 calories a day and exercise 6 out of 7 days in general. I'm having an issue with hair loss in spite of eating enough protein and taking biotin and using nioxin. But I will survive this. Please ask specific questions so they can be addressed- it might help to get your concerns addressed easier that way!! Glad you joined the group!! Sorry this was not that helpful. :)

    Good morning,

    I had my surgery August 13th,2012 and can honestly say that I get way more than 600-800 calories a day......how do you do that??? I have 2 protein shakes a day and that in themselves is 320 calories....... I have not had any dumping issues at all....and I have had sugar, mind you not in excess, but I have had it. I am a little concerned that I CAN have anywhere between 1,000-1,200 cals a day which includes over 100g of protein. I have also had hair loss issues, but think it will pass :) Am I seriously doing something wrong? I have lost a total of 74lbs.......and have another 58lbs to go to get to goal...........
  • odiemom101
    Dsagel - welcome. Well what would you like to know? I had my surgery on 6/7/12 and weighed 261.4 and currently I weigh 174. I have has no complications. The surgery was fine and I had minimal pain afterwards- mostly has pain which walking addresses no problem. I've dumped a few times mostly from eating too high fat or sugar and once from not chewing well enough. My biggest issue was I got an aversion to water for over a month and had to have water ice cold or in ice form. I currently have no issues with water. I eat about 700-800 calories a day and exercise 6 out of 7 days in general. I'm having an issue with hair loss in spite of eating enough protein and taking biotin and using nioxin. But I will survive this. Please ask specific questions so they can be addressed- it might help to get your concerns addressed easier that way!! Glad you joined the group!! Sorry this was not that helpful. :)

    Good morning,

    I had my surgery August 13th,2012 and can honestly say that I get way more than 600-800 calories a day......how do you do that??? I have 2 protein shakes a day and that in themselves is 320 calories....... I have not had any dumping issues at all....and I have had sugar, mind you not in excess, but I have had it. I am a little concerned that I CAN have anywhere between 1,000-1,200 cals a day which includes over 100g of protein. I have also had hair loss issues, but think it will pass :) Am I seriously doing something wrong? I have lost a total of 74lbs.......and have another 58lbs to go to get to goal...........

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong! I think it's me not you. My dr told me to up mine to over 800 to 1000. I have one shake a day. Rest of my protein us from real food. You can add my as a friend and see my food if you want. Basically I eat a shake for breakfast and for lunch and dinner I have 4 oz of meat and 1/4 c of veggies. A fruit for snack and a mini babybel light for my other snack. I need more variety but have yet to figure that out and still get in protein without another shake. (Ick).
  • live2love2012
    Dsagel - welcome. Well what would you like to know? I had my surgery on 6/7/12 and weighed 261.4 and currently I weigh 174. I have has no complications. The surgery was fine and I had minimal pain afterwards- mostly has pain which walking addresses no problem. I've dumped a few times mostly from eating too high fat or sugar and once from not chewing well enough. My biggest issue was I got an aversion to water for over a month and had to have water ice cold or in ice form. I currently have no issues with water. I eat about 700-800 calories a day and exercise 6 out of 7 days in general. I'm having an issue with hair loss in spite of eating enough protein and taking biotin and using nioxin. But I will survive this. Please ask specific questions so they can be addressed- it might help to get your concerns addressed easier that way!! Glad you joined the group!! Sorry this was not that helpful. :)

    Good morning,

    I had my surgery August 13th,2012 and can honestly say that I get way more than 600-800 calories a day......how do you do that??? I have 2 protein shakes a day and that in themselves is 320 calories....... I have not had any dumping issues at all....and I have had sugar, mind you not in excess, but I have had it. I am a little concerned that I CAN have anywhere between 1,000-1,200 cals a day which includes over 100g of protein. I have also had hair loss issues, but think it will pass :) Am I seriously doing something wrong? I have lost a total of 74lbs.......and have another 58lbs to go to get to goal...........

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong! I think it's me not you. My dr told me to up mine to over 800 to 1000. I have one shake a day. Rest of my protein us from real food. You can add my as a friend and see my food if you want. Basically I eat a shake for breakfast and for lunch and dinner I have 4 oz of meat and 1/4 c of veggies. A fruit for snack and a mini babybel light for my other snack. I need more variety but have yet to figure that out and still get in protein without another shake. (Ick).

    Oh thank goodness! I feel like I am overeating! This has been quite an adventure for me, but feeling so blessed to have had the surgery! Thanks so much for creating this group! Will be a great place to come and learn from eachother :smile:
  • dsagel
    dsagel Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. As I think of specific questions I will certainly ask them. At this point my biggest worry is the dumping and how that will affect my everyday life. I am in the middle of a workbook called "The Weight Loss Surgery Workbook" and I am hoping that it will provide some insight for me in this journey towards being at a healthy weight!

  • odiemom101
    Honestly I have has just a few issues of dumping. A couple times was due to eating too fast and that was throwing up kind. Was annoying but over in 30 min. The other were diarrhea due to too much sugar and once too much fat. Once I had a ripe peach, notmally my Peaches were not soooo ripe and I assume it bring riper made the sugar content rise. Oops Once was Greek yogurt which was over my 10g sugar limit a meal (which seems to be my magic number). So in 5 1/2 months it hasn't happened often and normally because I forgot or didn't follow the rules. Otherwise I have not had real issues. I know others are different so you just have to figure it out (like your magic sugar number) and keep it slow when eating. I know some what have never dumped at all though and some that get a stricture who throw up every meal until they get it fixed (it is a common complication but still small percentage). Just know the rules and follow them and you'll be fine.
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! I just had my RNY on 12/11/12. I feel like I'm not losing as much as I should. I've lost just 12 lbs since the 11th. I'm hoping my body is just adjusting to everything but I feel like I'm starting out already behind. Anyone else experience this? I'm averaging 500-600 cals a day...getting typically 65-70 gms of protein per day. Am I being obnoxious in my expectations? I haven't started exercising yet. I just returned to work this week. Thoughts?
  • AtypicalAutumn
    I just had RNY in September 2012, and I understand how you feel. I was in the hospital for 8 days post op and actually gained a couple pounds due to water weight. Plus I had complications during my surgery that set me back in my recovery and weight loss journey. It sounds like you are doing good for how soon you are out. If you have stopped losing weight, you may want to contact your surgeon, because of could be something you are eating and a simple diet adjustment can help. That happened to me. I was eating lots of dairy and cheese to help me get my protein in, but come to find out, the dairy products, caused me to stop losing weight and even caused me to gain 10lbs that I had just lost the weeks before. 48 hours after stopping all dairy products, I lost the 10 I had regained, and was back on track to losing weight.
    It's all a learning experience and things vary from person to person. You didn't gain the weight over night, so its not all going to go away over night either! :) Stay strong!
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    I just had RNY in September 2012, and I understand how you feel. I was in the hospital for 8 days post op and actually gained a couple pounds due to water weight. Plus I had complications during my surgery that set me back in my recovery and weight loss journey. It sounds like you are doing good for how soon you are out. If you have stopped losing weight, you may want to contact your surgeon, because of could be something you are eating and a simple diet adjustment can help. That happened to me. I was eating lots of dairy and cheese to help me get my protein in, but come to find out, the dairy products, caused me to stop losing weight and even caused me to gain 10lbs that I had just lost the weeks before. 48 hours after stopping all dairy products, I lost the 10 I had regained, and was back on track to losing weight.
    It's all a learning experience and things vary from person to person. You didn't gain the weight over night, so its not all going to go away over night either! :) Stay strong!

    Very true....I need to be more patient. Also...a lot of what I eat is dairy-related. I'm going to talk to my nutritionist tomorrow. I'm glad you are doing better!