PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
I'm in ketosis, I'm not eating over on calories..... I haven't changed ANYTHING, and I'm stuck for 2 weeks now. It's getting really hard to stay motivated..l.



  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    Maybe open your diary so we can see what you are eating? Might be able to give some advice then.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Maybe open your diary so we can see what you are eating? Might be able to give some advice then.

    This, plus what exercise are you doing, and your stats (age, height/weight, etc)? If you're not eating over on calories, then it's possible you're not eating enough, but depends on the exercise, height/weight, etc. But we can't help you given no other information.
  • FullOfWinToo
    Keep in mind that even with a low carb or low glycemic diet that your metobolism will go down on a calorie deficit. when i hit my big plateau (and after i add cardio to my strength training) i may look into this more ...... calorie cycling, calorie staggering, calorie confusion... different words for all roughly the same idea... it's varying your calories from one day to the next to keep your body from adjusting to your calorie deficit. search this site or google it to see if there's a version of it that makes sense for you.
  • wildfirediva
    I was stuck too. Here are a few things I stopped to evaluate.

    -Candida Yeast- This can be a systemic issue delaying weight loss. Fortunately Keto is awesome for weakening Candida. You may have to stay at induction carb levels for a bit longer to really weaken Candida's hold.

    - Food Allergies/Sensitivities: Evaluate how you are feeling after consuming certain foods. I initially was having issues getting all my Protein in so started to supplement with Whey (low carb high quality protein source) and using heavy cream to help meet my fat macro goal. To be blunt I had severely soft/runny bowel movements consistently for 2 weeks. I felt this was affecting my body get the full effect of not only my macros but my micros, thus resulting in my body feeling like it was in starvation. I cut out dairy (with the exception of some good quality plain cultured dairy like yogurt or goat milk). For a protein supplement I use Egg white protein powder (high protein low carb) and occasionally do Hemp protein (higher carbs mostly fiber) . The weight is now flying off relatively speaking.

    Gluten, corn, soy and potato are big culprits even if you are not allergic you may be sensitive.

    Micro-nutirients: In low carb/keto regimes we tend to focus so much on the Macros and over look getting the micros. Make sure you have a good Multi-Vitamin supplement and you are eating good low carb high-fiber veggies. Don't be afraid to go over your carbs a bit if they are carbs from veggies.

    Water- Simply put getting water is soooooooo important.

    Sugar Substitutes & Artificial Sweeteners: Avoid the sweeteners and sugar subs with Sugar alcohols in them. Especially within the first 2-3 weeks (or longer if you are very sugar sensitive)
    Examples of sugar alcohol are:

    Glycerol (also known as glycerin or glycerine)
    hydrogenated starch hydrolysates

    These can often slow or stall weight loss. If you use Stevia try to stick to the liquid variety as the powdered often has a starch included to make it less concentrated so that a packet of Stevia is about equal to the sweetness to the other sweetener packet options.

    Try not to let your Caloric intake go below your basic metabolic rate. That can also keep your body in a starvation mode especially if you are increasing your activity and intensity of your workouts.
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    open your diary
  • adrie315
    adrie315 Posts: 12 Member
    i always slow down when I add a lot of artificial sweeteners like having to much sugar free stuff.. then when I get stop having too much I notice it coming off again