Did anyone else not have results right away?

Hey everyone!

I lowered my carbs to net under 50 last week, it has been about 8 days, and no loss. Just curious to see if anyone else had slow loss when lowering carbs? I see people week one dropping a bunch of weight and I can't get even get half a pound, and I only had a couple days where I netted in the 40's the other days I was 30 and under. I know I need to give my body time to adjust, so I am not crying poor me, but I am just wondering when most people started to see a loss on the scale. I lowered my carbs this low because the scale has not moved in 3 months, I have PCOS, and I thought maybe I am eating too high of carbs for my body and thought this might help, but wasn't sure how long I need to give it. I have lost inches and my bf% has gone down since I have upped my cals, which I am completely happy with and I know I am not in a complete stall, but I think it is odd that the scale will not budge at all. You can't be a thin fit person being over 200 lbs, so I just don't get how I am supposed to get the scale moving too. Most people at least see some scale loss, so not sure if I am doing something wrong or maybe it's just me lol

Also, I wanted to get others opinions, I eat a pretty "homemade" diet, as in I pretty much do all the cooking and no convenient type foods, I try to avoid as much as possible, my cal goal is 1839, I have been eating more meat, about 7 to 10 servings of veggies, some dairy, and this week I did make a low carb dessert that had splenda in it, do any of you find that some low carb foods hinder your weight loss? I mean ones that may be processed or made low carb and may have a bunch of stuff added to them. There are some days I consumed over 50, but when I took the fiber out it brought me well below. It is okay as long as I NET below correct? I get these Mission Carb Balance tortillas, they have 19 carbs, 13 FIBER so only net 6, but I wasn't sure if this product could be an issue or not.

Please let me know your thoughts :)


  • zynx1234
    zynx1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I did and I still do. I started in August with Primal and really didn't lose anything until mid Oct.... overall I lost a total of nine pounds since august. So slow and steady has been me. I personally think that I have a slow metabolism and that I am still eating excess calories for my activity level. I don't excersize as I work (10+) hrs and have three kids to care for and although it is an excuse. It is what it is. I ever saw the whoosh.. or any massive weight loss. I did when I was younger (20s). Hang in there. If you look at the diary of some of the other people who are whooshing you can definitely see a lack of food in their diets and their choices. Something I am not really willing to do. I do feel better and I think as I continue I will lose weight. but it will be hard fought weight. Part of me just thinks that NOT GAINING is just as good as not losing after so many years of watching the weight just spiral up.
    There are things I could do better
    1. Track on weekends. I work at a computer all week and on weekends the last thing I want to do is go near it. Even for something as simple and quick as tracking. Now I dont go buck wild on weekends. Or if I do its pretty rare. I have found that after I carb out. It takes me three days to feel better so I am not super keen on spending my life on a roller coaster.
    2. Calorie intake. Its important. Especially for someone like me who does nothing. I need to do something.
    3. Better meals ... my life is go go go so alot of time I dont exactly have enough veggies in my diet. I need more.

    Hang in there.
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    All I have to say is my results have been a roller coaster for over 2 1/2 years. I started out at 237 in June 2010...when I finally said enough is enough. It was the heaviest I've ever gotten and this was at the stage of having five pregnancies (only two live births)...so you could imagine what all I put my body through. My son was almost 2 at the time so I said...he's done nursing and I was done having kids...wanted to get healthy. As you also know, I have suffered from PCOS for about 15 years....which happened before I had kids or even a sexually active life. LOL!

    What am I getting at? I've been doing the low carb stuff on and off. When I started my journey I did it on sparkpeople.com (very similar to MFP...) I was logging stuff and drinking plenty of water...lots. I noticed my weight came off by monitoring my carbs, but doing lots of working out. At that time, it was only Zumba (the older version of the DVDs). My weight came off fast...50 lbs within first 6 months...I believe. It was yo-yoing after but, I never really gained until I got put on some anti-depressant meds and had issues with my thyroid...so more junk to deal with regarding weight loss. When I was up 10 lbs...I jumped on to get it off again. I didn't find MFP until this past summer (where I actually committed to it....) I came on here because I wanted to lose my last 25-30lbs. As you know...almost five months here and I've lost 23 lbs. Its tough....I don't have patience...but I see the results.

    With regards to carbs, I eat the ones that are good...veggies...not many fruits (but I eat them)....whole wheat breads, pastas, yams (not many white potatoes..but no depriving either..once in a while)....limited rice...oatmeal... You know the routine, I'm sure.

    All I can say is consistency...one day, one moment or meal at a time. I think our journey is never complete. I have about 10-15 lbs I still want to get off. I'm not wanting my inches to be any less (never thought I'd say that....) I just want the middle of normal BMI. I'm actually OK...sort of with my current weight. I want to be healthy. My anger has pelt up with the recent loss of my mother. She was always obese in my life. She had an addiction to food. She lost about 40lbs a few years ago...put 20 back on a few months ago...then she found MFP and lost 15lbs...but of course it was too late for her. My point here...just keep trying your best to gain what is healthy for you. Your young and never give up! I'm almost 40 and its my goal to reach my healthier BMI by June 2013. I owe this to my kids as they are still pretty young. :)

    Sorry....I probably didn't answer much for you Bella. I just know you've been so committed I wish you had more of what you wanted right now. Its rough not seeing the scale budge! I know, I've been there a lot in the past 2 1/2 years. Good Luck my dear friend! I'm here for you!!! :)

  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    How long has it been since you increased calories? If that has only been a couple of weeks then give it another week. If you don't see movement then drop your calories by 100 and give it another week. Drop calories by 100 each week until you see movement on the scale. Also, with PCOS severely limit your dairy intake, avoid soy and try to buy hormone free meat.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    There are things I could do better
    1. Track on weekends. I work at a computer all week and on weekends the last thing I want to do is go near it. Even for something as simple and quick as tracking. Now I dont go buck wild on weekends. Or if I do its pretty rare. I have found that after I carb out. It takes me three days to feel better so I am not super keen on spending my life on a roller coaster.
    2. Calorie intake. Its important. Especially for someone like me who does nothing. I need to do something.
    3. Better meals ... my life is go go go so alot of time I dont exactly have enough veggies in my diet. I need more.

    I tried the net carb thing.. tried to subtract sugar alcohols and fiber. That didn't work for me at all. Try to just count all carbs for a week, then start adding net carbs to see if there is a difference.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    You may benefit from doing the Whole 30. When I had plateaued for a couple of months, I did it and it really kick started things for me again. It made me take a long, hard look at things such as artificial sweeteners, alcohol, processed food that was still creeping into my diet and no pressure from stepping on the scale.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    You've lost 42 pounds. Something is working!!
    To answer your question, sorry but the weight just fell off at first for me. I think it depends on how much overweight you are. Now that I am getting closer to my goal, it has slowed significantly! Almost stopped! I am exercising everyday now (as opposed to almost never in the beginning.) I'm hoping that will kick it back in! I'm only eating 25-30 carbs a day. Eating enough that I am never hungry but not eating so much that I am stuffed. I log everyday.
    Good luck to you
  • Brandi1525
    Brandi1525 Posts: 23 Member
    My numbers are moving slowly as well. I'm not sure why but i'm still plugging away at it. I'm only losing about 1.5 pounds a week. The first time I did the low carb thing I lost 19 lbs. in the first 2wks. I've been pretty disappointed but I won't let it stop me. I'm working towards cutting my carbs to under 20g. daily then maybe it'll pick up some.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • adrie315
    adrie315 Posts: 12 Member
    I think it really depends on the person.. Ive been on LC for about six months now and always staying at right about 20g a day. In the beginning where everyone else was loosing it quick I wasnt.. It took me a little while longer but now six mo later an im down 30 pounds... I notice with me its what I eat too.. I had to cut down a lot on things that had a lot of sodium and artificial sweeteners, I personally noticed they slowed me down a little bit ( not that I still dont have them just not as much).. also I notice weeks that I actually go to the gym and work out help with my loss too..

    good luck and stick with it!
  • khager32
    I have also recently started LC & haven't lost anything yet. I am exercising and really limiting my calories & still nothing. I did LC a few years ago and lost about 50 lbs over 6 months, now after having a baby I need to get healthy again. I figured LC worked before, should work now right? My husband is also doing LC & he has lost 11 lbs already! I'm gonna stick with it (so should you!) & see if i make progress in another 2 weeks.
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    What type of dairy are you doing? I can't do milk. Almond milk yes but not regular milk. It is instant stall. Cheese and butter don't seem to hinder me losing.
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    I went off LC (why do i do that to myself!?) and gained about 10 lbs. I went back on and scale kept going up the first 5 days. But then I read about how Jimmy Moore found out eating more fat and less PROTEIN helped. So I ate tons and tons of fat and cut back a little on protein. The scale started to drop. Some of us are just more sensitive to insulin than others. :(

    I've also read about fasting lately. You could always eat a nice low carb, high fat breakfast and lunch and then try to fast until dinner the next day and then load up again on another low carb, high fat dinner. it might spur your body a little.

    Bodies are so weird - they do such crazy things that just keep us guessing! Hang int here - hope something helps!