Progress Pics

aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
I think people should post progress pics to show how Insanity is helping them improve. You could post a "before" photo and an "after" photo when you finish the 1st and 2nd month.

I'll try and take a photo tomorrow before my fitness test. I don't take underwear or bikini pics but I can take a picture in my tank top and spandex pants. Lol!


  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    Great idea!
  • I agree that this will be a great idea! I think actually seeing others make progress will help motivate others to push themselves a little bit harder then they thought they could with their workouts.
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    And for those that don't like the idea of even taking pics or posting least take them for yourself!

    When I did P90X I took before pics and was so embarrassed by them. But at the end of 30 days, I took them again and you could really see the difference it had made. Talk about motivation!! When you see yourself in the mirror every day you don't always see those changes. But comparing pics is the best way to really see those results. Makes all the hard work worth it!

    Yes I am dreading taking pics and have put it off...but I need to do it so I can see for myself the difference I am making!
  • I took the dreaded Day 1 pics yesterday and made them the screensaver on my laptop. Wow that is embarrassing, but a great reminder of what I want to change about myself.

    You are definitely right, if you don't want to post them at least take them for yourself. I am terrified to post my Day 1 pic right now, but hopefully at Day 30 I will change my mind and just post it lol
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I took the Day 1 pics right after I did the fit test. It's horrible but you know what? It's motivating. I created an instagram to post my progress and meals along the way. Feel free to add! username:vannalosingfat
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I would have to agree with the others to take pictures for yourself if nothing else. Also take your measurements. That is really important to do. Sometimes with programs like these you don't notice weight loss right away but you should at least see improvements in your inches.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm also on Instagram under Jensen55434.
  • I took day 1 pics, groooossssss. I am in week 2 and as soon as I end month 1 I will post pics. I would like to see others, great idea for a topic!
  • LucyMurillo
    LucyMurillo Posts: 5 Member
    I think this is a great idea! seeing others progress helps me want to keep going. I just started a "work out" instagram. Feel free to add me insane_Lucy :)
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    I joined this group a little late and am sad I didn't find it earlier!!!

    OKay I tried to post my progress pics. but I can't...

    I just finished month one (on day 5 month 2).

    Month one-- lost 10 lbs and dropped a bra size, a pant size (and a half), and a shirt size :)

    my shoes still fit the same.
  • I joined this group a little late and am sad I didn't find it earlier!!!

    OKay I tried to post my progress pics. but I can't...

    I just finished month one (on day 5 month 2).

    Month one-- lost 10 lbs and dropped a bra size, a pant size (and a half), and a shirt size :)

    my shoes still fit the same.

    Fantastic ! WELL done! That's definitely motivation to continue.:drinker:

    LOL at the shoes :laugh:
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    okay. I have no idea how to post a picture. so sorry for the repeat but i don't know how to delete a post haha.

    Thanks for the support :) GOOD LUCK! If I can do it anyone can do it. I did my first squat EVER about a month before I started insanity.
  • okay. I have no idea how to post a picture. so sorry for the repeat but i don't know how to delete a post haha.

    Thanks for the support :) GOOD LUCK! If I can do it anyone can do it. I did my first squat EVER about a month before I started insanity.

    From a SQUAT to THAT?! Well done. You've definitely inspired me to do it even when it hurts.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    I took the Day 1 pics right after I did the fit test. It's horrible but you know what? It's motivating. I created an instagram to post my progress and meals along the way. Feel free to add! username:vannalosingfat

    I added you !! Mine is Vyshness8699
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    I think this is a great idea! seeing others progress helps me want to keep going. I just started a "work out" instagram. Feel free to add me insane_Lucy :)

    I just added u ! Mine is Vyshness8699

    That's NOT me , but another girl from the Success stories forum.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Week 1 of Insanity

    Week 5 of insanity

    Looking forward to posting my final pics on Jan 20th!!!!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Week 1 of Insanity

    Week 5 of insanity

    Looking forward to posting my final pics on Jan 20th!!!!

    Wow, great job!! How many pounds have you lost or have you just lost inches? I can see a big difference in your stomach area. That is my biggest problem area so I hope I get the same results.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    have not lost pounds, but inches. I do measurements on Friday so I will know then how much! Good luck!