Fit Test Stats
Everyone, lets all post our Fit Test Stats and motivate each other to be the best we can be. Adam
Since we are all going to be relying on each other for motivation and support through the next couple of months, how about we take the time to get to know each other a little. Just tell a little bit about yourself, what your goals are with Insanity, and how you plan to accomplish those goals. I'll start it off. I am Adam,…
What workout did you do today?
Just an idea, but maybe you could post what your Insanity workout you did daily/weekly in here to hold each of us responsible?
Insanity - The Asylum Vol 1
I started this today. Did the fit test which I did not find too bad, more awkward then anything. I am excited to be back at it and can't wait to finish on May 17th to see what results I get =) If you are doing this, feel free to post your fit test results! Fit Test 1 - April 8 2013 Agility Heisman - 7 In & Out ab…
Insanity - COMPLETED
Ok!! So there are a bunch of us graduating from Insanity the end of this week so I thought I would start a thread where we can all post our final achievements!!!
Going Insane Part 8 - All Over and I kicked Insanity's *kitten*
Insanity eh? The early morning ads, the relentless saturation of 6 packs and before and afters at 6am on seemingly every music channel on Cable TV. Shaun T and his cohorts telling me how this is the toughest work out around. So many testimonials where people who were already in better shape than me now have ridiculously…
Starting Wed and looking for friends
I'm starting insanity Wed and looking for friends for support and advice.
Going Insane Part 7 - ... a quote from Elton John
So, I'm coming to the end of month 2, week 2. It's been interesting. I half expected the workouts to be super-hero level training drills. During my first warm up, when I was doing hit the floor ( an exercise in Month 1 - part of month 2's warm up ) I was genuinely worried. As it turns out though, Month 1 has prepared me…
Going Insane Pt 6: Time to recover...
So, Insanity Month 1 is complete ( except it's not - I still have a recovery week ahead of me ) All things considered, I think it's gone very well. I started off optimistically enough, but somewhat nervously. It's a tough work out and I'm a big lad. Would I be able to cope with the intensity 6 days a week? Would injury…
What do you find challenging during this Insane journey?
For me the biggest challenge is not going over my calorie goal. The problem is not that my calorie goal is low. I eat 1450 average a day and I eat ALL my calories back that I burn from exercising. Until now I managed to keep up. I think I also need some time to adjust. Was doing Weight Watchers and just switched over to…
Body Measurements
So I noticed that there was not a conversation for this topic, Would be cool to see measurements as they are taken every 2 weeks: Nov 20 2012: Weight- 147.4 BMI- 25.3 Body Fat %- 24 Neck- 13 Chest- 34 Waist- 29 Hips- 36.5 Right Thigh- 21.5 Left Thigh- 21.5 Right Calf- 14.5 Left Calf- 14.5 Right Bicep- 11.5 Left Bicep- 11.5…
Insanity - how to track calories burnt
Hey, I was just wondering what people put in for their calories burned for insanity. Do most people have a heart rate monitor? I noticed with other weight loss programs there are calculators or other devices that will tell you approx. how many calories you should burn with entering your weight etc. If anyone could help me…