Just give the guy a chance already

JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
Excerpt from today's Evan Marc Kanz newsletter:
Because if there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s that you can’t always tell a person’s best qualities right away.

If what matters most in the long run are character, consistency, kindness, honesty, and loyalty – when exactly do you expect to SEE these qualities?

You don’t see them across a crowded room at a party.

You don’t see them in an online dating profile.

You don’t see them over drinks on a first date.

All you see at the beginning is the “show” – how tall, how cute, how smart, how funny, how accomplished. The guy who puts on a good show gets a second date.

But you must acknowledge that a man’s ability to wow you on a first date says very little about what kind of life partner he’s going to be.

That can only be revealed over the course of time.

As always, I’m not telling you to go out with a man to whom you’re not attracted.

I’m telling you that presuming a very basic level of attraction – he’s decent looking, somewhat intelligent, and eager to go out with you – it costs you NOTHING to reply to his email, talk on the phone or go on a first date.

Eliminating all men as “not your type” before you meet them only makes “there are no good men out there” into a self-fulfilling prophecy.


  • disneywm76
    disneywm76 Posts: 573 Member
    This is a very good point. I just had a meet and greet lunch today with a guy that I would normally not respond to because he isn't my "usual type". But as I pointed out to a friend after lunch, my "type" hasn't worked out so well. So why not give the guy a chance? He seems nice, is attractive, is an engineer so obviously intelligent, and wants to go out with me. What will it hurt to give it a shot?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    If you don't give a guy you are attracted to a chance then you're an idiot.

    Unless you're working through issues related to only being attracted to bad guys.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I absolutely agree. In the last year I've broadened my horizons, so to say, and dated men I typically wouldn't have for those same reasons. It's been an eye opening experience, but very good. :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I should write a newsletter and get rich as how many times have I said this? :laugh:

    Seriously,I know there has to be attraction,no one is keen to go out with a person they simply can`t picture kissing let alone beyond.
    That is a fact of life and whatever turn offs a guy or gal has it is up to them to either accept or deal with as possible.
    Sometimes that is difficult and can be discouraging.
    Again that is life.

    I think what the guy is saying is that one needs to be cautious about putting romantic value (or too much of it) on the fantasy script over the person mostly with a secondary part about letting the field broaden.
    I think the former applies to ladies more then guys but the latter is definitely imo more a male issue.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    Wow, did I need this today!!!

    Thank you. :blushing:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you arent dating someone or choosing to spend your life with someone because of their BEST qualities, it should be based on all their qualities.

    sorry but some people really do need to be kicked to the curb halfway through the first date or email exchange.

    i could care less if a guys rescues baby birds from burning buildings or helps little of ladies across the street if he's also a liar :laugh: i weed out many men from online dating sites if they list their height as being something like 6'0 and turns out there are barely taller than i am (i'm 5'5). height is in no way an issue, but i can't help but think if he's lying about something so silly and so easily verified as height, what else is he lying about?
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    I absolutely agree. In the last year I've broadened my horizons, so to say, and dated men I typically wouldn't have for those same reasons. It's been an eye opening experience, but very good. :)

    And then some of us are exactly as we appear in the resume. :tongue:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I have to admit, I am usually stuck in my "type" and I know I should step outside of the "box" on the type of guys I date, because obviously it is NOT working for me.

    I will just wait until, I am ready to date again, and see where things may go from there, or until I encounter a man who knows how to talk to me without asking for a happy ending right away :laugh:
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I absolutely agree. In the last year I've broadened my horizons, so to say, and dated men I typically wouldn't have for those same reasons. It's been an eye opening experience, but very good. :)

    If I had stuck to "the type I like," I would never have met my boyfriend. He was honestly just next in the queue of Match.com guys and until (if ever) I met one who I liked enough to keep seeing I was just gonna keep saying "yes" to whoever asked. On paper, he did nothing for me (but he didn't completely turn me off either).

    Outwardly, he doesn't carry "the look" I usually go for, but personality wise he's perfect for me. I know it's only been a couple months and I might feel differently about him next year, lol. He is a good looking man, tall and imposing at the right time and place yet still fun and goofy at the right time and place. And apparently, for those who didn't see my other two threads on it, finds my weak areas cute and adorable. My "usual type" of guy DEFINITELY didn't find those kinds of things adorable. :tongue:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?

    Even though the article in the op was directed at women I think it is 100% fair to say it also applies to men as well.

    As I also said it has been my impression from both real life as well as things posted here that ladies are a bit more prone to get caught up with romanticizing the process rather then the person although obviously nothing is completely universal.
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    That question assumes we think the same way when it comes to animalistic attraction. Science and society have proven we don't. :flowerforyou:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?

    These are good questions! I've often been told by guys that a woman does not "grow" in attraction to them over time the way that men grow on women. Is this true? I hope not... because a lot of guys will miss out on fabulous women!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?

    These are good questions! I've often been told by guys that a woman does not "grow" in attraction to them over time the way that men grow on women. Is this true? I hope not... because a lot of guys will miss out on fabulous women!!

    No it is not true but also don`t presume or expect that it will happen for the same reasons.
    Guys are guys and women are women.
    What I mean is what has been discussed often before and that is a lady generally is moved by an emotional desire and a guy a physical one.
    In short if for various reasons a lady that had not before sparked an attraction or sexual desire but that changes then yes he will grow more interested in finding out more about her as a person.
    No that does not mean that is the start and finish of his attraction anymore then a lady that is smitten by an act of kindness or empathy is the end of hers.

    I consider both equal and natural to each,as I have said before I don`t automatically cede that a guys more physical desires are inherently inferior to a ladies emotional ones and God knows by discussions here that guys are not emotionless predators and ladies are far from innocent waifs. :laugh:
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    ^^^ I'm totally an innocent waif!

    Except for the waif part.
    Oh..and the innocent part.
  • marvelprime
    marvelprime Posts: 91 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?

    I have to have a balance of attraction in all three ideals. If one thing is too far from what I'd like, then it usually kills the attraction for me. I honestly rather not waste a woman's time trying to "chance" a possible change. I've seen way too much issues that arise from settling on what's needed and convenient at the time rather than whats truly wanted, I would never once think to do the same to someone else.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm literally flipping through my matches on match tonight and i rule men out for the dumbest things.

    One guy was cute...and then there's a pic of him wearing a button down with the first button undone showing the top of his chest. Hate it. I clicked no. That was the one thing that ruined it for me.

    I am so darned picky sometimes. So maybe I need to listen to this advice.
    In short if for various reasons a lady that had not before sparked an attraction or sexual desire but that changes then yes he will grow more interested in finding out more about her as a person.

    Carl, you are so right! This one guy was friends with me for four years before he asked me out...pretty sure it was because I lost weight, and then once he saw me as possibly attractive he wanted to find out more about me?

    Incidentally, one reason I couldn't dig this guy was his wardrobe. Damn I'm picky.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    MEN! A couple questions for you.

    How likely are you to give a woman who isn't your physical, personality or sexual ideal a chance?

    Women are asked to do it quite often.. are men?

    What's the difference between a physical ideal and a sexual ideal?

    I'm not sure I have a physical ideal. Although there are general things I typically like. I can be quite flexible there.

    I will never again compromise on the personality ideal. That is a red line for me.

  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    ^^^ P...difference between physical and sexual ideal? Well...she could be physically perfect looking to you...but not remotely share or meet your sexual preferences.

    Interesting..I have not compromised on personality...but have in other areas. And in some ways....this article encourages women to do so.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    ^^^ P...difference between physical and sexual ideal? Well...she could be physically perfect looking to you...but not remotely share or meet your sexual preferences.

    Aha. Ok, good point. She might be a lesbian... ;-)
