
Hello ladies,

I'm new and I'm so glad to have found a group on here with people who know how i'm feeling.

I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 17 and have been dealing with weight fluctuation for years.

My husband and i decided to try for children about 2 years ago, i came off the pill and was put onto Metformin and so started the consultations with the doctor and the hospital. I was told to lose 3 stone before they would give me any treatment.

I did this and went back with my head held high, only to be told that they changed the posts and i had to lose another 2 stone!! I was heart broken and lost all motivation and most of the weight has crept back on again:sad:

Does anyone have any advice on getting my motivation back,, im struggling!


  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    I'm struggling with something similar. So know that you are not alone. I didn't know I had PCOS until conceiving & miscarrying (so devastating). I've been given the order to manage it through diet & exercise but I'm having such a hard time. Now we are TTC again & I'm stressed about my inability to drop more weight and eat right. And I'm totally freaked that I will just have another miscarriage. Sigh.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    So I am a big believer in "fake it til you make it". I understand that you don't feel motivated right now. I do. I get that. But if you wait until you feel motivated to do somethimng you might never do it. Just START. Just decide that TODAY, not tomorrow, is going to be the day you start. Eat within your calories and don't go over. It's not an option to go over. You don't have to like it. Just do it. Eventually the motivation will come.
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    I also have PCOS, I am not TTC yet, waiting a bit after we get married. I was also told that in order for me to have kids I need to take metformin, BC (currently not taking it because I don't have health insurance), and lose weight. I have lost the weight, and continuing but it is hard to stay motivated. The best advice I can give is remember why are you on this journey, I read previous posts from my blog. I looked at pictures when I was bigger and compared them to now. A lot of that has set a fire in me and I feel like my old motivated self is back. Take it one day at time and try not to stress. Stress is so bad on our bodies, stress releases chemcials in our body and our immune system is lowered therefore we are more acceptable to illness. Also as you all know it can cause spotting, /early/late cycle, and miscarriages. You are going to make mistakes, some days will be better than those but try not to be hard on yourself. Plus you have us! =)
  • QueenMalice
    Thank you ladies for your responses and support!

    It's nice to hear stories and thoughts from people that actually have an idea how i feel.

    It's often hard to be surrounded by family and friends that don't know, I swear if i hear 'i can imagine how you feel' or 'i understnad your upset' again i might burst.

    I've never posted on any kind of group before about how i feel about this stuff and i honestly think i should have,, i'm not alone and thats an amazing feeling!
  • katanderson
    I went through it as well... was told to lose 5-10% of my weight!... But after using clomid, and weekly blood tests to track ovulation.. NOTHING!... I eventually swept it under the rug and went on with my (then depressing) life!... A few months later i was able to get some weight off, and radomly ovulated! So there is hope, i would just not let it get you down, because it is very stressful! And good luck!
  • moiramoose
    I am currently going through fertility treatments after years of trying. What made me upset is that it took almost ten years of knowing something was wrong before I was diagnosed. It wasn't until seeing the fertility specialist that I was diagnosed. I am scared right now because I have put on so much weight as a result of the pcos but hoping things go a lot smoother this time now knowing than my first pregnancy.

  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    I'm also overweight, diagnosed with PCOS and TTC. I started on MFP in Feb this year and have lost some weight, but am not even half way to my goal weight yet. Whenever I feel like my motivation is lacking I try and think about the reasons that I'm doing this. I want to have my own family more than anything else. I've had lots of bad days, but i've had some good ones too. Just try not to lose sight of your end goal. If you believe it will happen, you're more likely to get there :)