Thanksgiving discussion -- challenges and choices

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you face any challenges? Did you make good choices or poor choices -- What would you have done differently?? We can all learn through this dicussion, so we can all succeed in the upcoming holiday festivities!!


  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    I stuck with my plan of eating one plate of 1/2 cup (guessing) portions of almost everything including a piece of pie and also took my dog for a walk. At the end of the day I felt good.
  • lizapettit
    lizapettit Posts: 166 Member
    I had a great Thanksgiving! I had everything all planned out; however, when I got there, the food choices were completely different than what I expected! Also, I had done a pretty intense workout yesterday morning and was soooo hungry. So I had to wing it and ultimately decided to get spoonful servings of everything I wanted. I logged it all and way overestimated on the portions. I ended the day full (but not stuffed) and still had a big deficit. I think it was good that I had to change my game plan last minute because the ultimate challenge is going to be life after the weight is gone: keeping it off and making smart decisions on the fly ;)
  • misskristina54
    I ate all of the greens and veggies on the table first, then turkey and cauliflower mash (which was soooooo good), and then allowed myself to have a bite or two of stuffing, cranberry sauce, roll, pumpkin pie, etc. I felt really good about what I ate :)

    I monitor my blood sugar because I am prediabetic and my sugar barely even spiked so I am pretty proud of myself! It was the first Thanksgiving I can remember where I didn't stuff myself until I was uncomfortably full, I ate slowly until my body told me it wasn't hungry anymore :)

    Proud of my new healthy habits I've gained in the past few weeks!
  • superwoman143
    I started my day with an Hour work out which in itself cut off most of the guilt. I ate salad first, drank plenty of water, and had my one meal (no seconds), and had desert :). Not drinking my usual wine with cooking helped tons too. It was a great day with no guilt which makes it that much better
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    I wished I would have made better choices. The day started out so great - got a nice walk in before I had to get the turkey in the oven.

    It all started going downhill when family (just mom and brother) arrived. Nobody helped or even offered to help me finish getting the meal on the table (not that they really showed up much before I said I was serving lunch). After eating they both went into the living room to watch tv and I was left to put everything away and cleanup. When I got done with that, I went into the living room - they were both asleep. I thought of leaving and going for a walk which I should of done, but instead sat there irritated.

    When my brother finally woke from his nap he wanted snacks so again I put everything out with no help. They got one of my trigger foods for a snack (chips and dip) and I went over board with eating that.

    And then when it came time to warm up the leftovers for supper/set the table nobody again helped and after they were done eating they both left and I was left with another mess to clean up.

    I know I definitely could have done things differently. I should have asked for help instead of expecting that somebody would just help me. I definitely should have gone for that walk. And in the future I have to keep my stress/emotional eating more in check. And next year I'm going paper plates, plastic knives/forks for the meals since nobody wants to help with cleanup. Or my grandma's china isn't coming out for the event so everything can go in the dishwasher.

    So definitely disappointed in yesterday, but that was yesterday and today's today. I got in a good workout this am and am back to working hard on getting this weight off.
  • ameena76
    I ate lightly before the meal, didn't have any appetizers. Then ate only a serving of almost everything, minus the mashed potatoes and gravy. I did indulge in a piece of pie. I felt I made good choices while enjoying my holiday and not feeling deprived. The most important thing is that I am learning to think differently about food. I do not need to indulge in huge amounts of food to enjoy the holiday! Hope everyone had a great day. Together WE can do this!
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I feel like I did ok yesterday! I ate lightly before dinner... stuck to one plate. But... While I was cooking, I did sneak bits here and there to test it all. :P AND... I managed to workout for over an hour in between working 4 one hour spilt shifts, and cooking the entire dinner solo... lol. Needless to say, I slept like a baby lastnight.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I wished I would have made better choices. The day started out so great - got a nice walk in before I had to get the turkey in the oven.

    It all started going downhill when family (just mom and brother) arrived. Nobody helped or even offered to help me finish getting the meal on the table (not that they really showed up much before I said I was serving lunch). After eating they both went into the living room to watch tv and I was left to put everything away and cleanup. When I got done with that, I went into the living room - they were both asleep. I thought of leaving and going for a walk which I should of done, but instead sat there irritated.

    When my brother finally woke from his nap he wanted snacks so again I put everything out with no help. They got one of my trigger foods for a snack (chips and dip) and I went over board with eating that.

    And then when it came time to warm up the leftovers for supper/set the table nobody again helped and after they were done eating they both left and I was left with another mess to clean up.

    I know I definitely could have done things differently. I should have asked for help instead of expecting that somebody would just help me. I definitely should have gone for that walk. And in the future I have to keep my stress/emotional eating more in check. And next year I'm going paper plates, plastic knives/forks for the meals since nobody wants to help with cleanup. Or my grandma's china isn't coming out for the event so everything can go in the dishwasher.

    So definitely disappointed in yesterday, but that was yesterday and today's today. I got in a good workout this am and am back to working hard on getting this weight off.

    OH MAN. That would have irritated me to no end... :( I'm sorry! Good for you for starting today out right!
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Many, many yummy choices! I showed a little restraint.. stayed under my calories only because I went to the gym that morning and worked out really hard! I had a small piece of my sisters awesome homemade cheesecake! YUM!
  • MunchkinWizard
    MunchkinWizard Posts: 12 Member
    I did better than I thought I would. I had told myself if I ate too much to not be hard on myself. I did eat more than I should but not nearly as much as I have in years past. I think my appetite is shrinking.