Companion training plan



  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Donna also had to hang on to that thing outside the building in the Adipose episode! So it looks like upper arm strength it is!

    Jack had to hang on to the outside of the TARDIS and come back to life. Let's work on this one too :D
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    So we have:

    Endurance running
    Upper body - pull ups and push ups
    Upper body - rope climbing
    Crawls (I'd imagine for core strength and hanging off the side of the TARDIS although we have to limit ourselves as not being invincible)
    Hand-Eye coordination for the inevitable gadget throwing and possible problem solving tasks)
    Balance... because he always leaves the handbrake on.

    Gosh... looks like hard work! But so worth it. I wonder which regeneration we would get *ponders*

    Can someone tell me where I can get the theme/music to download? I need it on my playlist but I need it as a ringtone too :)

  • saw this on facebook n i do it every time i watch DW now least some of em sometimes im just so engrossed in the scene going on i forget lol.

    someone says Doctor = 10 jumping jacks
    Doctor says RUN = 15 Squats
    Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver = 10 crunches
    someone gets in or out of TARDIS = 10 bycycles
    You hear TARDIS sound = 20 crunches
    anyone says thier catchphrase (eg geronimo, hello sweetie) = 10 leg lifts
    someone ravels through time, space or both = 5 V ups
    Doctor talks to the TARDIS = 10 push ups
    you see a Dalek, = RUN

    I also added to this
    See a Weeping angel - Run on spot 60 seconds (dont wanna miss the show after all lol)
  • please tell me you're srsly building him a TARDIS dog house. i will probably have to propose marriage, but it's totally worth it.

    Yep. Already have the paint and prelim sketches. When we get him a collar that fits, I will post pics of his tag. It say "Allons-y" on the back. I live in NC, so the proposal wouldn't work out here. (You're a chick right? That looks like a girl fox :) )

    Please tell me you are gettin the doggie a DW style collar too then oooh u now gave me an idea for a new beaded dog collar design to go with my DW bracelets lol now would love to see the pics of the TARDIS dog house when done. What kind of Dog is the Doctor then ??
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    Please tell me you are gettin the doggie a DW style collar too then oooh u now gave me an idea for a new beaded dog collar design to go with my DW bracelets lol now would love to see the pics of the TARDIS dog house when done. What kind of Dog is the Doctor then ??

    The doggie house is about halfway done, in storage. We are in the middle of relocating to a new state. I haven't found any Who themed collars, but his is blue. He's a rescue lab mixed with some kind of shepherd. Does anyone know how to add pics to the forum? I can add one of him watching his fave show!
  • I upload them using You have to resize them. There will be a list of different link formats on the right side of your screen, and below them there is an option for different sizes. I use 'large thumbnail.' Once you click that, copy the direct link. In order to insert it into the post, you type [i m g] link [/i m g]. Make sure you omit the spaces in the img tags, though. There are several more detailed tutorials on the forums if it doesn't work for you.

    I also have a rescued lab/shepherd mix! She's super adorable and you couldn't ask for a better mix of breeds. I'm posting a picture of her all decked out in tinsel. I think if you quote my post, the tag format will show up so you can copy it, but I'm not positive. Either way, you get to see a cute puppy picture. :)

  • kniga025
    kniga025 Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly, the ONLY reason I started working out was because I knew I'd never be able to keep up with the Doctor... I've always been a firm believer in only running when something big and scary is chasing me.
  • knitwit704
    knitwit704 Posts: 66 Member
    Haha! One thing: Don't you think the TARDIS would seriously make River a gym if she wanted one? And she sure would want one... to stay the 'sexy' flirt she is...
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    thought you guys might like...
  • River__Song
    River__Song Posts: 126 Member
    saw this on facebook n i do it every time i watch DW now least some of em sometimes im just so engrossed in the scene going on i forget lol.

    someone says Doctor = 10 jumping jacks
    Doctor says RUN = 15 Squats
    Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver = 10 crunches
    someone gets in or out of TARDIS = 10 bycycles
    You hear TARDIS sound = 20 crunches
    anyone says thier catchphrase (eg geronimo, hello sweetie) = 10 leg lifts
    someone ravels through time, space or both = 5 V ups
    Doctor talks to the TARDIS = 10 push ups
    you see a Dalek, = RUN

    I also added to this
    See a Weeping angel - Run on spot 60 seconds (dont wanna miss the show after all lol)

    Great idea!
  • daniellebfit
    daniellebfit Posts: 91 Member
    What fun. Such a healthy twist on the old love boat drinking games

    I would add mental gymnastics goo to be quick on your feet in more ways than one
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    My ticker says it all really! :laugh:
  • daniellebfit
    daniellebfit Posts: 91 Member
    Swimming in that pool on the tardis
  • Ericsawicki
    Ericsawicki Posts: 75 Member
    So, I think in addition to running and climbing stairs, you should be able to vault over stuff like control panels, kitchen tables, desks, etc. (parkour style) and also be able to run around in tight circles and be able to change direction quickly as if trying to fly the TARDIS. being able to climb a rope wouldn't hurt either.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    So, I think in addition to running and climbing stairs, you should be able to vault over stuff like control panels, kitchen tables, desks, etc. (parkour style) and also be able to run around in tight circles and be able to change direction quickly as if trying to fly the TARDIS. being able to climb a rope wouldn't hurt either.

    This is a good one! Not much of the running and dodging is very consistent work. You have to adapt to your surroundings!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member